My ancestors :)

my ancestors :)

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my ancestors :)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_India.svg.png (1200x800, 32K)

my condolences


fuck off yank

your ancestors :(

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Same here, brother

Attached: S90606-17010560.jpg (1080x1244, 102K)

Disgusting jew

My ancestors:)

Attached: turska.png (552x365, 8K)

holy based

>albanian judging anyone.
At least i dont have a single drop of slav, unlike you

My ancestors :)

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My ancestors :)

Attached: 5656564.jpg (736x736, 143K)





Attached: Schermata 2019-07-11 alle 14.37.12.png (2200x430, 73K)

I'm ligurian and just 8% greek, feels bad

>I'm ligurian
I'd worry about the other 92%

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My ancestors :)

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My ancestors :)

Attached: file.png (1200x710, 2.15M)

the rocks or the bushes?

The temple(rocks).

Are you from MAGNA GRAECIA?

My ancestors :)

Attached: ne.png (580x497, 2K)

how did you end up in that shithole?