Do you realize that Latin girls are the hottest in the world?
What are you waiting for white user?
Do you realize that Latin girls are the hottest in the world?
What are you waiting for white user?
Too bad most of them are really, really short. Like unattractively short. Best is to look at pictures of them and imagine they're normal height.
t. been to south america
Disgusting mongrel
Tfw no South American gf
Damn, who is that bitch?
I suffer in Latin America
well it turns out I'm unattractive
Have you ever been to South America?
Have sex
Tfw no Latin gf :(
If you could narrow it down which Latin American city has the hottest women ?
Medellín, Colombia
All white men belong to LATINAS
This is a proper way to say that sentence
Would give in 100 percent
Hmm don’t really like pick up artists
But I wish this were me
Latinas and asian women are the last hope of the white race. White women are a disaster.
Queen. I would pay her a lot of money to sit on my face.
You could be like him, just come and talk with them, i'm sure they'd love to talk to u user
Davalos twins are something else entirely.
hälo senjorita
No, I prefer pale French (med) girls.
Hi user!!!
Would you like to join us in this pic?
We'd love it
Between 1.6m -1.7m is the norm here specifically for women. which country(ies) did you go to?
Nah, you haven't been outside much from what I can tell
Barranquilla, Santo Domingo, Rio de Janeiro, Miami, Panamá City
The third one
>tfw not exotic enough for latinas
Why do you do this? Are you into cuckold shit?
how to get colombian gf? do they like brazilian guys?
The left one.
ASS, tall, boobs...face could be awesome if not dem glases
>straps not connected
why can't women do anything right?
Puerto La Cruz and Tenerife too
Be white, they want to have healthy white babies
Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Barranquilla, Sao Paulo, Santo Domingo, Montevideo, Havana, Florioanopolis, Medellin, San Juan.
Like her?
She is beautiful...just ,she is no longer desirable if you understand...
Yeah I forgot Palmas instead of Tenerife. Plenty of the hottest Latinas move there.
*spanish girls* are the hottest in the world. Take out the metzo shit DNA and you just have a typical Spanish / Italian / Southern European goddess.
Almost anything is more attractive an an average Ameri-Mutt anglo-polish-irish-scottish slag mix.
For all the white buddies itt, these women aren't really into whites other than with the objective of milking them out of their money or passports.
They in fact can't resist Mediterranean looking men like Italians, Menas and Spanish. Mulattos unironically have a high success rate with them too, think Cubans, dominicans, costeńo Colombians, Venezuelans.
Pasty whites are not high in their ranking. Just being real with you all
Not true, they want white guys, not guys with darker features who also speak the same language like us.
>Rio de Janeiro
Not in Colombia's case at least. I've talked this subject with hundreds of women coworkers in the span of 3 years and I've also witnessed first hand white folks trying to pick up girls in public or at bars when I go out and failing miserably.
An exception to this rule is when the white folks is fit, have a decent face and is not autistic, otherwise they'll just laugh about him behind his back with their female friends. I'm not bullshitting you, if you had a healthy social life you'd knew that this is how women behave
Don’t know man I have. Friend who is 1.94 meter blonde hair and blue eyes and got so much attention in brazil it was ridiculous his snap chat was insane
Major cope. They all love Nordic men
The only good thing about latinas is that they are hot and brown
Name one thing that latinas have that an Arab girl doesn't
He's a coping mestizo. You only have to look at the YouTube accounts of white expats in Latin America to see how much attention they get.
>An exception to this rule is when the white folks is fit, have a decent face and is not autistic,
Can you name a single country or scenario where this isn’t the case though ?
I don’t think anyone is trying to say you will be drowning in pussy of you get there or even an ugly white guy will do well rather they will be more desirable in these countries it’s the same thing vice versa as well
Especially if you are a patrician (literal) cuck. Wanting your brown girls to get fucked by bwc is really hot
Silly, I said if the white folks is good looking and not autistic he gets a free pass. But your average lardass is not gonna make it down here outside he golddigger bubble
>Name one thing that latinas have that an Arab girl doesn't
Freedom expression and rights lol
They can drive manual transmission cars
Rio for the bunda
That applies for men of every race in every country. Ugly goblin Spaniards don't get any pussy in Latin America. They only get with girls who want to live in the first world but ugly northern Europeans have an advantage over them.
Put yourself in the average Colombian girl's shoes.
Breed with an ugly Spaniard who will give you just another brown hispanic goblin or breed with an ugly nordic who will give you a bleached goblin? The choice is easy.
They make better better sammiches
There are Girls in Rio who are super hot what are you talking about lol
>also a cucked male feminist faggot
Women shouldn't have rights
Plus, that just makes Arab female sexuality all the more precious. Fucking a spic girl does not have the same gravity as fucking an arab girl. Spic girls are a waste of cute brown girl flesh
Whats up with non-Americans and not using modern transmission technology?
Shawarma is better than spic tacos
>Ugly goblin Spaniards don't get any pussy in Latin America
Look at this dude hah
Why are you seething over nothing
t. Goblintino diaspora
t. chicano or ugly white who thinks he would be hot shit in south america
I can't deny that. We have some shawarma/leb restaurants in large cities, while virtually no one has ever tried a taco. I Think your comeback only applies to Mexico and Guatemala, where tacos are a thing
I need a hot brown Arab Muslim wife, but the only hot brown girls where I live are a bunch of spics. Like I can't even check out girls without knowing that they are just spics and not superior Arab girls
most spics in America are Mexicans.
The only food I know sudaca spics eat is those blood and onion burgers.
Nope, I just know things :)
Idk why you deny it. Even Spanish women go crazy for blonde hair and blue eyes.
Hate to break to you but you aren’t getting an Arab one unless your Muslim. Arab girls are not allowed to date non Muslim men if they do their family disowns them I’ve seen it happen with a girl at my high school
Cope all what you want dude
How about this one?
>Latin girls are the hottest in the world
No, Asian girls are
No you fucking weeb
>Blood and onion burgers
Dunno what you are talking about but now I want to slice a morcilla, put it between two buns and see how it goes
Lol I have freinds who went to Spain. They got plenty of attention but unironcially it was from more of the Latin American disproia then actual Spaniards. It was mainly from Colombian and argie girls living there. They also met a lot of French tourist girls too apparently
Latina girls are part asian so it's even
I am a Muslim tho
I see tons of hotter spics every day where I live.
I hate spic girls because I find them hot, but for all the wrong reasons. Like what is the point of being hot and brown if you are not even Arab?
You need to be rangebanned.
You are worse than that Pajeet Canadian asking for WW nudes.
KYS, or get raped and your throat slashed
Asking for white women nudes ?
Kek I’ve seen him post talking about snow bunnies but never that
No you Incel freak
Eh, I cant see it desu
oh no no no
I trigger you Incel freaks so hard....
Its hilarious
But why are you so mad?
>asiancuck weeb
>not an incel
>asiancuck weeb
What does that even mean?
>pigskins be like "I only need my blonde hair and blue eyes"
Spanish women and other mediterranean women love invading the personal space of nordic people especially nordic children. They behave like gypsies and want to kidnap them. They always cast the lightest people of their ethnic group to represent them.
>"hurr asian women are goddesses"
>"this is an original and totally not cliche sexual preference for autistic white men"
Women here just shag whoevers' hot and suave enough. Being exotic counts up from pretty much every country except peru and bolivia.
It also applies for men, latam sex economy is highly competitive. even 5/10 incels and femcels have their social retard / weeb communities and have sex
Nordic Chads are desired the most by brown women. But yes, white betas are SOL, but only because they are mogged by white Chads
No, this is a preference for high-test Alphas
But you little bitch boi would know nothing about that
It’s generally true but you still have to be decently attractive
n*Rdics are delusional
So ''wanting white men is bad''
Now who is going to tell me I am a horrible person
high test alphas fuck niggers (not even kidding). It is autistic weebs who worship muh asians
Brown girls love white Chads. White betas are SoL tho
Women having preferences is bad, yes
>high test alphas fuck niggers
Ok, the low IQ one maybe do
but high IQ Alphas prefer Asian woman
That is a fact
>Zuckerkike is an Alpha
bad example
>but high IQ Alphas prefer Asian woman
what makes you think that? because that’s how you see yourself?
I don't see the racial problem. I fuck any woman who's simply hot.
post more schokoelfen
100 percent I would never say no to an attractive women. I have just seen more attractive latinas than any other women and Brazil, Venezula and Colombia are almost always regarded as having the hottest women in the world