During Ross' briefing, the ministers discussed the growing rate of marriages between Jews and non-Jews in America.
Peretz said the assimilation of Jews around the world and mostly in the U.S. was "like a second Holocaust," and added that due to intermarriages in the last 70 years the Jewish people "lost 6 million people." Peretz's spokesman confirmed this account.
Minister of Energy Yuval Steinitz pushed back on Peretz's remarks and said assimilation wasn't a critical problem. Steinitz added: "First we need to stop disregarding and looking down on Jews in America that see themselves as Jews not only religiously but even more culturally and historically."
Netanyahu concluded the discussion by saying he is less concerned by political trends among U.S. Jews who are more liberal than by the demographic trends.
Netanyahu added that growing numbers of U.S. Jews are drifting away from Jewish traditions, a trend that is hard to reverse.
Israeli education minister calls intermarriage rate of U.S. Jews "second Holocaust"
I like Jews. I don't like zionists though, fascist bastards.
How mentally ill do you have to be to think of nothing but trying to stop race mixing
>inter marriage of Jews is second holocaust
>Greg Lansky
Made me think
Jow Forums is gonna have a field day with this
>tfw the son of a genocidaire
This. I will be so happy when israel isn't a thing anymore.
this gentleman approaches you and asks you to save his race from extinction through intermarriage
how do you respond?
Why is he making a funny face in every photo of him online?
There is literally not one flattering picture of him anywhere. The media must really hate him.
They must be doing it on purpose.
makes you think doesn't it
Not really.
why?it's old news
wow she's hot
well it is , it proves that non israeli 'jews' are just glorified goyim LARPers
media are leftist cucks of course they hate him
He is right but you are a white person so you probably want to be captured by ISIS and sold into slavery
So you only like Jew cucks?
Keep dreaming hahah
How do those people manage to grab a big piece of land and then keep half the world at bay. They always look so shitty and harmless. I will never understand this.
I wish I had a big-breasted Jewess locked up in my attic.
they tried to control the mutt, but instead the mutt just absorbed them into its endless mixed gene pool...
oy vey anudda 6 gorillion
>No, does not apply to you goyim
This is why no one likes jews
how do Jow Forumsacks deal with this while at the same time believing in some jewish overlord conspiracy even certain jewish academics believe that ashkenazi jews have no connection to ancient jews of israel
damn whoever made this image is dumb
17% of israels citizens are muslim
schlomo sand is not considered a serious scholar by actual historians, archaeologists, etc.
Shalom, my now father in law.
still it defeats the entire jewish conspiracy can you imagine the butthurt if he authored a book called the invention of the german people hed be put next to barbara spectre
As it says in your own pic that guy was a mischling so not an inbred jew but a jew gentile mutt
>He is right but you are a white person so you probably want to be captured by ISIS and sold into slavery
>So you only like Jew cucks?
>Keep dreaming hahah
>Shalom, my now father in law.
jews = zionists