Let's post about China and in Chinese
Let's post about China and in Chinese
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>why yes I support China over the imperialist US
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FPBP of course
every chink i try to practice my mandarin on turns out to be Cantonese
Chinese people can't say Rice bunny
FPBP of course
Yeh, it's a big problem here too
Based. Pretty sick and tired of the dictatorship that is America
I really want to learn Chinese but I have no drive. Every time I decide to make an effort I get discouraged by how "difficult" it's supposed to be.
I'm autistic when it comes to languages, their history, connections and ties between other languages and so on.
I've had this plan to learn Spanish, Indonesian, and either Chinese Korean or Japanese, but I don't want to be seen as a weeb. But I've postponed it for 2 years now.
I don't know how to start, either. There are no courses where I live, Duolingo is trash, and I don't know which books to order, or how to learn a language in general. Being Swedish learing English is basically as much of an accomplishment as an American understanding a Brit accent so idk
Duolingo doesn't make you a superstar, but it is a start.
Get a Chinese bf desu
I live in a town of a couple of thousands, the only minorities here are exyugoslavs
I'm using pic related and I can very much recommend it. No idea whether they publish it in Swedish but the original title is "new practical Chinese reader" so it shouldn't be hard to at least find it in English.
They should get rid of that picture of Mao
put a pic of Deng up there, he was the better leader anyways
turns out Mulan and Cao Cao are from the same city
that's quite amusing
Why don't they just drop the pretense of being communist? NK did it without any problems, by their standards.
Chingchonglingtong pigpong
They think they'll reach communism eventually. They weren't ready for it
hello OP,
Xi is based. The Tiananmen Square protestors deserved it. Fuck Tibetans. Fuck Uighur. Fuck America.
I've been chatting to a Uigher and he's pretty cool. Says it's nice and safe there with a cop only 3 minutes away (maximum)
Stop coming to my fav. games with your 300+ ping, nobody wants you here
When are you sending the tanks into HK?
Will you specially target and go after foreign journalists (agitators)?
try HelloChinese instead of duolingo
ching chong bing bong Tiananmen square massacre chop sticks eggroll