Is there someone else here not proud of their country but rather be happy of the culture you were born...

Is there someone else here not proud of their country but rather be happy of the culture you were born? I can't really be proud of my country because there isn't anything worth to admire. Our history is shit, our politicien are corrupt inepts and overall our progress is shit. The only thing that may be worth from there is our first private university founded by Jesuits, who will later be killed by soldiers from our civil war. I love my culture, art, literature and I can't help but to feel happy that I could have a mayan ancestor.

Attached: El_Salvadorball.png (200x200, 3K)

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I am extremely proud to be Afghan.

go back

Shut the fuck up mexcrement

I am a descendant of Armenians. I love Uruguay, my country, but I also love Armenia.

t. coward

I am proud of our geography and based nayib killing maras.


>Shut the fuck up mexcrement

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>based nayib killing maras.
t. cocksucker

The guy doesn't even have one month on office and salvadorans like you are sucking his dick. Only time will tell if he's based or not. Stay safe.

El Salvador is nice. Volcanoes, forests, beaches, everything is close.

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It has been the most based month in our country's history. In this single month there has been done more than what was done in 30 fucking years.

why are you here?
Shouldn't you be dying in your civil war?

redpill me on nayib's policies

I agree, but it's too soon to categorize him as a good president user. Give him at least two years to see if he keeps up his progress.

Imagine having a literal war over a game of fuutbal

Who is Nayib?

Nayib Bukele

Imagine being so ignorant. It impresses me most that an immigrant knows more history and culture than the average canadian.

El Salvador's newly elected president. I think he's the younger president that the country has ever had.

what does the football war have to do with the citizenship test. I doubt I would fail it anyways

What kind of name is that? Sounds Middle Eastern or African.


He's Palestinian-Salvadorian. Palestinians and Lebanese are the jews of El Salvador and Honduras.

he is, like millions of others in latin america, descendant of immigrants from the levant

That you couldn't bothered to see the real reason why it's called the football war and why El Salvador invaded Honduras.

The first week in office he closed down money launder fronts in the government and afterwards he began purging everyone working there who belonged to the FMLN, the previous ruling party which fucked up the country DEEP, and he also fired every single one of their relatives, and there were a fuckton of those.

The second week he declared state of emergency at the major prisons so all the gangshits couldn't come out of their cages, they couldn't see their girlfriends who fucked them and brought them phones drug and money, and also forced the communications companies to cease all signals transmissions around the prisons and the neighborhoods that bordered them (in which prisoner relatives moved). Afterwards he made teams of 1 cop and 2 soldiers to patrol gang shitholes, slipping it at night, which pissed a couple of dumb mara who got killed.

I know why. el salvadorian farmers that moved to honduras were persecuted by the government and being attacked. the world cup qualifiers just broke the camels back. I know history.

sounds based, I hope el salvador will see peace and prosperity soon
I spent an hour or two at the airport in san salvador for my connecting flight and I hope one day I can properly visit it

The football match didn't trigger El Salvador to invade, because in the end El Salvador won against Honduras in Mexico 3 - 2. It was obviously the hostilty against Salvadorans were many of them were killed or deported back.

I know but that happened because honduras lost.

I'm proud of all the money we stole :)

It was the fact that both military governments had a lot of civil unrest, and to force a fake sense of nationalism they started the war on agreement. In the end, both governments benefited from the war.

Sounds based. Mara has arrived even to Milan hope you kill them all tb h

Really? Why did they migrate there?

Running from war. El Salvador was a nice country before the civil war.

Lebanese are everywhere, there are even Lebos in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

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Arabs blend in best with Latinos

Let's hope USA doesn't "interfere" again

So many volcanoes to an hero in

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Looking at how uninterested El Salvador seems to president Donald Trump, I doubt it.

No, that's retarded and shitskin behavior

El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala are very important for Trump because of illegal immigration issues. Although he probably thinks those countries are part of Mexico.

>1 cop and 2 soldiers to patrol gang shitholes
I saw 2 coppers with some soldiers today, but the soldiers on the streets thingy's been done b4

Nayibe here is a low class woman's name lol

t. Met a couple of nayibes before

I love ES and i hope you guys teach us a lesson so we can elect someone better next time

I lived one year in Guate, amazing place and cool people.

Trump doesn't give a shit about immigration, he just wants to build a wall because he's fucking retarded.

If he gave any shit in the first place, he wouldn't have cut foreign aid to these shitholes, He would have invested in concise projects with proven efficacy to deter people from keeping silent when they get kicked out of their homes or whatever.