What is this called in your wet smelly pussy?

>An outstanding citizen

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an incel

A cringy "todas-mías"

Look at how short he is, how cute!

Horry shit!

Chang Chong Ping Pong Xing Ling

Heightism must disappear.

a chink

What does it mean

In my country we call an asian man “master” because he gets all the white women and listen to his k-pop. I wish I was an asian men. They are so badass

Why do new worlders do that? Aren't actual asian very proud of their culture and hertiage and hate other asians? You can't just lump them into "azns"

Nothing more badass than announcing you're badass

take off proxy kim

Americans need to put identity politics into everything is dehumanizing and must be stopped.

I dislike it when they lump an entire continent of people into one. What do mongolians and indonesian have in common? Next to nothing. Africa is another thing probably the most ethnically diverse continent


What do you mean? Make a mistake calling a chinese person japanese he would sperg out and they have much more in common together than mongolians and indonesians
I know these things might be hard for an american to understand since you don't have these concept

for the same reason they use the term white

you're autistic.

>blacks go apeshit
>looting everything
>destroying property
>whites cucks hide
>koreans defend their stores
Whities really are the inferior race

Attached: based.jpg (600x400, 40K)

And you're ignorant

not really. when you live in a super multi cultural country you'll understand whitey

What's he celebrating? Anyone can launch a "podcast". It's literally just recording yourself or streaming your voice.

I wish my flat looked that nice bros

Honestly whites only have themselves to blame. They treated asians like dog shit and condescended to them for years and they finally snapped and told them to fuck off like hispanics did.

He’s childless, wage slaving for a cuck shed.

>>whites cucks hide
>>koreans defend their stores
>Whities really are the inferior race

A wast majority of Korean owned businesses were looted and burned. Whites avoided most of the riot as it was directed towards Koreans.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Let's just hope that'll never happen. It didn't work out very well for you.

Sjw gooks whining online about white people.

Attached: 170420-koreatown-los-angeles-1992-riots-rally-all-get-along-se-942p_9191f57922ae92ca7f372bef6d796466 (760x488, 88K)

Yeah Hispanics are 65% European admixture though.
It will happen to Asians too.
Do you even know how many korean and Chinese women have fouled their bloodline with apes?

is that suppose to be a jab? because i agree

At least he has a cool apartment.

Never use anti white epithets ever again, cuckold

Furthermore whites dropped the facade of civility when asians finally started asserting themselves and still maintained a good quality of life. Pretty much proving that playing the "model minority" game was all about being a spineless jellyfish.

what was this shit even about? mini race war in LA but never heard of it when going through school

I don't know why you are trying to get gooks on your side. They were never your allies. All they did was play nice so they could have a piece of your land.

When will you cucks learn?

kys wh*Toid

I don’t commit suicide, unlike asians

>following laws and being hard working = spineless jellyfish

>asians finally started asserting themselves

Europeans don't owe gooks a better life. Create your own 1st world civilization instead of looting others.

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The facade of civility? There are only a few asian countries which even have clean running water
Have sex

>mini race war in LA but never heard of it when going through school

5 gooks mostly firing in the air to disperse the crowd does not equal a race war. It's honestly romanticized and exaggerated.

Attached: burn-motherfucker-burn-showtime.jpg (1000x562, 585K)

>The facade of civility? There are only a few asian countries which even have clean running water

Chinks boil dogs alive and don't find anything wrong with that. They are savages

Probably a good business idea, all the insecure ricecels will tune in

In China toddlers are ran over by trucks and no one stops to help them because bugmen lives don't matter.

Yet these savages want to talk about civility.

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Oh look another child run over by a van without being helped!

Chinese people sure are civilized and full of empathy for other races

Attached: 111017033708-china-runover-girl-2-story-top.jpg (640x360, 26K)

asian incel

kys chang

Attached: 1559296163079.jpg (323x524, 31K)

China numba waaan country in the world

Western pigdog savages don't even boil dog alive. What gives?

Attached: yulin-festival-dog-meat.jpg (900x477, 118K)

Why does night time Jow Forums hate insectoids? I thought we were all frens.
I don't get it.

Japanese are ok. Everything else is trash.

I don't hate chinks. I hate hypocrites. Don't be a racist, savage animal abuser and then whine about how bad the Chinks are treated overseas.

Attached: 1000-yulin-dogs-in-cages.jpg (1200x600, 343K)

the ironing


Lol, why is the room ceiling so low?


Ironically White Americans have treated chinks better than any other country they've been a significant minority. You're seriously going to compare the fact most white women aren't attracted to Asian men to things like Malaysia's bumiputera laws or the 97 rapes/killings in Indonesia?

If anything whites have been too good to Chinese. That's why they think they can spy with impunity.

why does the phone look like an ipad when next to him lol

You know why. He's 4' 10"

Why did you even bother to reply to that chink?

Very cool name! Keep it real!

I don't know myself. Just tired of chinks in the Anglosphere whining and whining and whining, making out like they're some oppressed minority because women don't want to fuck them.

I'm a non Anglo minority here but I've never given a flying fuck about people not being able to pronounce my name or asking me where I'm really from because I'm not a bitch.


>flying fuck about people not being able to pronounce my name
Why are they like this? Foreigners butcher my name all the time what's the big deal?

>White Cucks
But they specifically targeted Korean stores LMAO
Black girl got shot in the head dead by a Korean store owner.


Attached: Yellow5.jpg (1080x1350, 165K)

Smelly Indian

>data from more than 12 years ago
>some from 20 years ago
Finland has much, much lower rates today. We are at EU average and countries with higher suicide rates include Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Austria, Czechia and Croatia.

When they butcher my name, I usually just laugh lightly and say: ’Yeah, not even close – but it’s okay. Just call me by my [much more Jow Forumsernational] first name.’

Whitoid cunts are only good to be exploited.

I enjoy the welfare here and watching all the cucks wageslaving.


Badass Asian dud3s
>genghis Khan
>Jackie chan

I mean you say that now, but wait till you have a kid and he turns out to be a some brown homosexual with a German boyfriend lol.
Out of all the European places why Germany.


Based, paying taxes is literally cuck behaviour

t. Turk who sisters are getting BARBAROSSA’d

East Asians in general are sensitive and self pitying people. The self pity in particular is a trait they're notorious for among any foreigner who has spent extensive time there.

Just fucked an Asian chick.
Yes I'm white



I don't like the government and the way of thinking here, so leeching them and not supporting it by being a sheeple is my solution.

Comfy life