This video explains it:

this video explains it:

The Biggest Scam in America is



Attached: 5k.jpg (700x695, 69K)

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Great, another video where someone knowledgeable refuses to mention that it's the Jews.

Didn't watch, getting implants instead.

I'm so happy burgers are getting rekt.
If your college is not free for everybody, you are doing something wrong, boy.

Their system is fucked fundamentally, but really it wasn't a thing until late 90s
Feelsgood being in country where admissions are based just on the test score assigned to a generated number/
No race checkboxes
No gender checkboxes
No name
Just test score
Women have no problem getting into stem because they are not spoiled snowflakes like Western roasties

not everybody needs to go to college, not everybody deserves to go to college, only a select few deserve to go for free, the people getting rekt deserve it, the smart ones arent

We just have a lot of options.
A LOT of apprentice schools, where you'll get paid from day one.
DUUH not everybody wants to graduate, you dummy.
The point is, it's free for everybody. What don't you get about that? Are you scared that every fucking ass wants to be a professor or what??

god damn that pic got my meat swole highkey

The biggest assholes in America are Democrats. They want to drive the country to the ground. Boycott Democrats biz.

I heard the chief diversity officers that colleges hired in the last couple of years are earning very well.

Attached: rubbingintensifies.jpg (306x516, 27K)

>Aye Srs ID

>"The average student graduates with $34k in debt"

tfw I'm about to graduate with exactly $34k in debt

Why did I fall for this dumb meme?

Attached: cry.jpg (800x522, 47K)

lol you are really not worthy of a real democracy..

Why can't you just make the university tests and get the degree/certification? Like study at home and then go to some place, pay like $500 and prove your knowledge/skills with tests.

it's destiny. Change the system, or watch your kids get rekt too. Simpleasthat

You can. 500 seems a bit expensive tho

flee the country my dude

Are those implants? Thought she gained weight. And looks like a real good pushup bra.

don't ameriburgs have apprentice schools?
Like for every other profession? Building houses, optics, metal work, carpenter, goldsmith and stuff?
I swear to god in my country people start to think about university after they have worked for a century...

Yea but outside of the UK europe has no noteworthy universities.

one in france
one in switzerland that's about it

I thought the university you went to doesn't matter? I finished a top 100 university, yet barely remember anything

is that sabrina the teenage witch?


Attached: fNyFo.gif (500x375, 498K)

you wouldn't lie to me, would you user?

aren't many jobs where you can make 60k+ a year that won't destroy your body without a college degree

of course not, I'm as honest as salem

Attached: salem-attention.jpg (500x666, 55K)

The bubble will burst long before then

My parents have offered to pay it for me but I can't take their money. I can pay it off in 2 years or less with a decent job

This. Its all so tiresome.

holy fuck I'm so glad I'm not american when I watch shit like this

Canadian here, we have schools for virtually every imaginable subject. They vary in costs from apprenticeships that are 4 weeks a year for 4 years and cost ~$500 per year to medical and law schools that require a full university bachelor's degree just to be qualified to apply.

Post-secondary education isn't a meme, but expecting a university degree to be the same as vocational training is.

same here. that way i can always play with big tits, MY NEW SILYCONE TITTERS

I'm so happy I got my degree professor shekelsteiner... Now I just gotta live like a squatter for the next ten years to pay it off!

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I'm getting ball implants