>Aye Srs ID
This video explains it:
>"The average student graduates with $34k in debt"
tfw I'm about to graduate with exactly $34k in debt
Why did I fall for this dumb meme?
lol you are really not worthy of a real democracy..
Why can't you just make the university tests and get the degree/certification? Like study at home and then go to some place, pay like $500 and prove your knowledge/skills with tests.
it's destiny. Change the system, or watch your kids get rekt too. Simpleasthat
You can. 500 seems a bit expensive tho
flee the country my dude
Are those implants? Thought she gained weight. And looks like a real good pushup bra.
don't ameriburgs have apprentice schools?
Like for every other profession? Building houses, optics, metal work, carpenter, goldsmith and stuff?
I swear to god in my country people start to think about university after they have worked for a century...