Is Jow Forums the most reddit board?

Is Jow Forums the most reddit board?

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/a/, /v/ and Jow Forums is

That would be Jow Forums. Just go fucking read it lmao.

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/soc/ is

The most reddit board for me would be /mu/, because of how obvious it is that the people there are either preteen and/or have not been on Jow Forums for any longer than one month

Nah. Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /b/, /soc/, /lgbt/ and Jow Forums are all much more reddit tier than this board, among the non-otaku boards. What’s reddit tier about this board exactly?

I used to use /mu/ as a teenager in the 2000's. It was so much more active and the culture was so much different to how it is now. It's a shadow of its former self
I don't know, someone on another board called it the most reddit board

/mu/ and /reddit/ coincide in taste. notice how the only time they like rap is when its a white guy or a light skin dude. bonus if its soundcloud or underground, but god forbid it gets popular or then they'll consider it "mumble rap" like lil pump

nah most nsfw boards are way worse
also /co/ and /v/

/tv/ /v/ Jow Forums /sp/ a.k.a all the normiefag boards

any board with a v in the title is

/tv/ seems to me pretty much what /b/ used to be before it become just porn

I feckin wish. Reddit is full of both liberal and alt-right teenagers that are legit retarded but are full of themselves.
People are much chiller here on Jow Forums

Was going to say this
Jow Forums is literally a reddit colony on Jow Forums

Reddit is way better and now you can livestream there. I'm seriously thinking about going back

/a/ and /v/ as far as I see.

I've seen threads about "what subreddit do you use" or "what subreddit should I try?" and tons of people giving unironic answer and talking about their favorite subreddits etc. with no one complaining or telling them to go back, fuck this board, it's literally full of reddit

Jow Forums is pretty Reddit. Most of the America banter material like “do americans really” is ripped straight from Reddit.

But probably not the most Reddit board.

Trick question most people post on both sites.

There should be a porn-free random board

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

No, /po/ is

Explain what is a "reddit board".

>Jow Forums
How come they aren’t quarantined yet?

/qa/ doesn't let me post. Not sure why but every time I try to post I get connection error. Jow Forums is so shit and fully of sad sacks of shit that hate women because they can't get laid. Once they learn you've ever had sex they turn on you in an instant.


Don't post on /qa/, they will come after you, trust me.

Jow Forums(nel) = reddit at this point

>le secrect club
Reddit and Jow Forums have been long interconnected, its only seething newcunts trying to fit in that hate rddit

go back you are not welcome here faggot

Look at this example of what I'm talking about

It really doesn't matter now, does it?

You don't belong here. Australians are truly some of the worst posters on this website, aside from Canadians.


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See a further example of the seething newcunt trying to fit in. This poster has clearly discovered the "Australians are shitposters" meme in addition to the inane hatred against reddit. In a bid to fit in he'll try to spew hatred using other newly discovered memes, such as soyjack

Reddit tier post attempting to appeal to other redditors for upvotes, this is an example of why redditors need to fuck off and are massive faggots

>i browse plebbit so everyone browses plebbit
why do redditors always believe this?


So reddit means being helpful instead of edgy shitposting

Fascinating, now the newcunt spams "reddit" repeatedly with simplistic insults. The behaviour of the newcunt is truly astonishing as he's trying to enter the Jow Forums social community


>bunch of americans too scared to go to europe
they used to go to the shittiest places on earth just to say "see i told you africans aren't civilized"

dude stop its embarassing


All of 4channel is

Its up there

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Yeah. It's mostly frogposters and discord groups trying to fit in.

Jow Forums is the only reddit colony here.

no, that's Jow Forums

It's literally 90% trash.

/v/, /tv/, and Jow Forums are

No, but it's definitely the comfiest. Jow Forums is probably the most Reddit board

No, [Board I don't like] is Reddit.

Romania is rangebanned from motherfucking Jow Forums. So it’s a solid contender for plebbitors palace.

Imagine LARPing as a Christian on Jow Forums because you saw a cute Christian anime girl

Back you must go

fuck off then

What is the least Jow Forums board and why is it /news/?

/news/ is a bunch of namefags acting like they are posting in some early 2000's bulletin board. A lot serious discussion of american mainstream partizen politics by what I can only imagine a group of fat 40 year old men. The effect of removing images from imageboards is really astounding. It makes memetard shitposters seem like less of a problem.

>you are not welcome here

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/tv/ is an advertising board for disney and netflix

/jp/ is the least reddit board

uh cringe

i don't what reddit is like, but i'll assume that the shiter the board the more reddit it is, so i think the most reddit board is Jow Forums or Jow Forums

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Gay as fuck kys

Yes, only /co/, /mu/, and /lit/ come close
>full of socialists and communists
>faggot and tranny lovers
>blacktwitter lite humour
>full of cuck fetishists and black larpers
>99% left wing
>whines about casual racism here

not enough slacktivist on Jow Forums so no.

I just want the redditniggers of /asp/. It's reached the point where I can't fucking tell if a post is made by someone larping as a redditor or actually making unironic reddit jokes. Even worse when a reddit screencap shows them using /asp/ lingo

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Only the porn and niche boards like /po/ aren't reddit.
Jow Forums, /v/, /tv/ and /his/ are definitely some of the most reddit boards

/tv/ unironcally
I've seen them literally screencap reddit question threads and just say "same as pic related" and then discuss that
Like it was a screencap of a reddit post asking what tv show that was cancelled that they wish was still going, and literally nobody was commenting on the fact they were just doing a reddit thread

That would be /b/. More than half of the threads are Reddit-tier porn spamming.

I see no can refute this

Like, these are first few threads that pop up:

"We all have secrets.
Come user get it off your chest, no one will judge you"

"Dubs decides what I say next"

"Gurls you spilled lots of sperm to"

"today is caturday"

This literally a fucking Reddit feed.

As in Jow Forums is the most left wing? Yes

>Only the porn and niche boards like /po/ aren't reddit.
Jow Forums isn't niche at all.

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Oh god I fell for it. Fuck me.

What does milliondollarextreme do?

There is nothing wrong with Reddit.

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This is true. They appeal to the same demographics.

Mainly dick sucking, but as they're redditors, they also suck dicks.


/lit/ are not leftists. They are just pretentious assholes.

Both things going along usually.

Generals are quintessentially Reddit so yeah.

Doesn't really tell me anything. It's already assumed if they use Reddit.

/lit/ is full of diehard communists and socialists, they would even make antifa blush


A few months ago 90% of the board was constant soi wars, capetrash, and game of thrones. A good portion of the board still is. It doesn't get more reddit than that.

Not really, Reddit appeals to normies, Jow Forums appeals more to neets and weirdos.

Besides, if you spend some time on Reddit (which I have done) you'll realise that they are actually dumb as fuck, I don't know what the average IQ is on Reddit, but it's brainlet land.

For instance, they are completely brainwashed by the upvote system, one time I made a very popular comment to get some karma, you know the usual retarded antivaxx/flat-earther (Not that I defend flat earthers or anti vaxxers, they are even more retarded than redditors, but they seem to be the only demographic dumber than redditors, so that they can make fun of them for years without end)

As expected, my unoriginal and unfunny piece of shit of a comment got a shitton of upvotes, I then edited it to a way more controversial post, something that would usually get -500 downvotes.

Guess what, those retards kept upvoting me, because they saw that I had 500 upvotes, and they thought "wow, he must be right"

They are brainwashed retards.

Another example: Redditors are intellectually unable to understand sarcasm, if you try to do it, you'll get downvotes because they will think you are being serious.

What you need to do is put the " /s " tag at the end of your post, essentially saying "HEY GUYS THIS IS A JOKE OK ?"

Which completely ruin the point of sarcasm, but if you don't do that, those brainlets do not understand it.

The Jow Forums community is way funnier and wittier in its own way, although we do have our fair share of brainlets too, but it depends on the board

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No, they both appeal to loser white people who want to feel special.

That's why Jow ForumsThe_Donald and Jow Forums are basically one and the same board.

yes along with Jow Forums
although Jow Forums is one or two subreddits + Instagram screenshots

imagine being non white lmao.
You are literally a lesser creature to us humans.

odi citaj indeks sojko.

>Jow Forums appeals more to neets and weirdos.
This shit hasn't been true in years.

>Redditors are intellectually unable to understand sarcasm, if you try to do it, you'll get downvotes because they will think you are being serious.
It's funny because the same thing happens here, I wonder why?

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/a/, /mu/, /tv/, /sp/, /vg/, /v/, Jow Forums, /lit/, /his/ and most importantly Jow Forums

What happened?
I used to go there to troll them.

Because both reddit and Jow Forums are American sites

>You are literally a lesser creature to us humans.
Your women literally cucks you for dogs whiteboi