Is Jow Forums the most reddit board?

any board with a v in the title is

/tv/ seems to me pretty much what /b/ used to be before it become just porn

I feckin wish. Reddit is full of both liberal and alt-right teenagers that are legit retarded but are full of themselves.
People are much chiller here on Jow Forums

Was going to say this
Jow Forums is literally a reddit colony on Jow Forums

Reddit is way better and now you can livestream there. I'm seriously thinking about going back

/a/ and /v/ as far as I see.

I've seen threads about "what subreddit do you use" or "what subreddit should I try?" and tons of people giving unironic answer and talking about their favorite subreddits etc. with no one complaining or telling them to go back, fuck this board, it's literally full of reddit

Jow Forums is pretty Reddit. Most of the America banter material like “do americans really” is ripped straight from Reddit.

But probably not the most Reddit board.

Trick question most people post on both sites.

There should be a porn-free random board