
Attached: m-t-624.jpg (937x1171, 172K)

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oh my fucking god that tim pic with the dribble on his knob
I thought it couldn't get any worse fucking hell

Get murdered

thankyou saffer for not posting that rank georgia slag


Bloody hell, it's 7 degrees

Not seen that in months

The north is something else. Different planet

Imagine licking it all up. Yum.

hate everyone that isn’t a slavic male

the north isnt even aplanet

hang the DJ hang the DJ hang the DJ

monster hunter world

sitting here with a hoodie and a bodywarmer on

Just want to be rich toooo be honest

1/4 slavic 100 % your slave

if she were my daughter I'd still be bathing her


Ah yes! Can't wait to go back to my northern uni.

*puts my thick £600 North Face jacket on, along with alpine thermal wear*

Still fucking cold and miserable!

If you won a billion pounds what would be the first thing you’d do with it?

i love the dough

how come theres even a discussion about the British PM breaking the law, what a travesty, it's funny that Brits consider their democracy an example for all

Good job you don't have any daughters you freak

holy fucking based

daddys little girl aint a girl no more

Schopenhauer told us clearly that we were here to suffer, because we create our own sufferings. You're hungry ? You eat. Then you're sleepy ? You sleep. You're awaken and don't know what to do ? You're bored and seek excuses to suffer downhere. I guarantee you that if you were rich, handsome, smart or dumb, you'd suffer anyway. Because that's our real condition, every moment of your life you're struggling against death, outside agressions and horrendous thoughts. Accept your condition, it's really the only way.

kinda miss playing football with the lads in PE

buy hulu premium

Retire definitely. Too broken to be around humans desu

miss british bulldog 2bh

we didn't have that much of a discussion when our PM broke the law twice to invade Iraq and Afghanistan we're not gonna have one when this one does it to fucking get on with brexit

well, the greatest country on earth, America, based their entire government on the British model of democracy, so they have that going for them

buy a hot dinner

(most) of the best current jungle producers are all white yeah. was started by black people in London though, and is still heavily attended by such

i thought PE was only an American thing lmao

Amazon has 650,000 employees

I have 1,000 Yorkshire Tea bags because I forgot about my recurring order on Amazon. Anyone want to fly to Boston for a tea party?

Fuck me nobody cares about your wh*teboi rave music slit your wrists

all me

do we? got any quotes to back up that statement or are you just spouting shite as usual?

Poland you've been a country for like 20 years just fuck off you're not getting gibs any more

im not suffering

> north face
> not arcteryx


Attached: RqB36aT.jpg (543x417, 53K)

there's a coffee shop chain the the southwest of England called Boston Tea Party


fuck off

oh my days so fucking peng

Is that a threat?

Its a promise

Someone post some Rosie pics. She is top tier 10/10

Post it



A low IQ philosopher if there ever was one. The guidelines for transcending suffering, finding meaning in it, and experiencing joy despite it, are clearly spelled out in the teachings of Christianity. Schopenhauer could have lived a happy life if he wanted to, but he decided to pursue the edgy atheist nihilist path instead. Sad!

Consider the following - cannabis is illegal and therefore immoral.

stll wrap my head around why he did that

vile slag
why is one side of her face silver and why is her nose shiny ?
someone needs to put this sack of shit on a crash diet her flabrolls are spilling out of this here garment it does
most undignified

Inherited 300k off me gran

just doxxed 190 lads:


why is tim naked

(4 marks)

Attached: _a_0381.jpg (330x319, 26K)

the fuck is alpine thermal wear? just get some merino wool layers you gimp

Would last about 2 weeks in my household

Bet he squirts that honey right up his arsehole

console or pc


*pretends not to notice the tim nude pics*

ah yes, rave and jungle music! they really get me going. fuck yeah! Aceeeeeeeed! wahey he's Ebeneezer Goode!

fuming right now

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this could be any of us someday
half the lads ITT are on very poor mental health trajectories

some good jungle take your mind off it

Suppose that's true

What are we listening to tonight gents?

Attached: Screenshot_20190908_232729_com.spotify.music.jpg (1080x2340, 777K)

dont think schizophrenia is that likely

>new lad at work is in his mid 20s
>he's welsh
>he's a bit skinny and lanky
might walk towards him tomorrow and talk to him about drugs




oh how very white yh


one of the worst feelings is kissing some slut all night but not actually shagging her

Lmao he is using GHB to get bummed

Marx would be considered a Rorke by Leftypol these days.

Feeling a bit sad and powerless about my sister's suicidal behaviour lads. Think I'll try to get her on the experimental magic mushroom trial, and hope the drugs knock a bit of sense into her. If that doesn't work then I really am all out of ideas

playing france in eu4 again lads

Attached: wojak coffee.jpg (800x900, 47K)

only ever had sex with teens
im 32
cant imagine dating a girl my age, baggy fanny, saggy tits and at least 20 suitcases of emotional baggage
fuck that noise
get out of my fucking sight you disgusting mess

bohemian rhapsode -

Play Bretagne you fucker

Attached: 31hwoXg8aIL.jpg (414x414, 14K)

Rosie time lads

Attached: Rosie.jpg (600x661, 77K)

Was worse when I was told that my dad had killed himself, but yeah guess that's one of the worst feelings too

rape her

wow Scotland is so progressive!



call him a momo

calm down

>sister's just had her 5th miscarriage
>female cousin is infertile
>male cousin is a permavirgin IT technician type
>other male cousin is living in northern queensland and runs a boat hire service or something
guess it's my job to carry on the lineage

Just fucking COOOOOMED all over my stomach felt good tbhonest

friendly reminder that british slags love brown cock


might as well fuck a dog desu


she looks fertile