What so Asians think about all the attention they have been getting in Western media is the past decade?

What so Asians think about all the attention they have been getting in Western media is the past decade?

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before they were there quite natural, like kim in voyager or that jackie chan cartoon

now they are squeezed in for that multiculti points, so we are reduced to nothing more than alt-right hate fuel

> we are reduced to nothing more than alt-right hate fuel
What universe are you from. Jow Forumstards love Asian and considered them to be "honorary Europeans". People only hate the recent Asian in movies because of China.

I think it's bad because it makes white men more attracted to asians

Kpop and Animu became massive cultural industries

None of the girls in this image look attractive.
That doesn't address the question.

Needs more Filipino.

It's funny really, the Philipines is the only colony that never became a state yet they are hardly remembered. Meanwhile, most Asian characters that appear in American media are Taiwanese, Japanese, or Korean.

That japanese girl from that robot movie is fine wtf you on?

i only know 3 of those

Never mind.
She looks like a standard Asian to me, bro.

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Idk man i see plenty of asian tourists here and none look like her

That's because they are exotic to Euros. They are standard in the US.

>Street Fighter
>Western Media

>They are standard in the US.


kikuchi look too pale for asian americans.
asian americans obsessed to tanning.

am i counted as asi*noids?

Yeah, I can't remember any Filipinos showing up in American media, though.
Isn't it made by Americans?
This is a lie. The only Asians that brown in the US are fresh of the boat from SEAsia.

only pancaked faced gooks think they get all the attention

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i think for the most part it's always good to get represented in the main media
but i hate lgbt sjw shit going on with kpop



no bully :(
we just want to be white and caucasian

>be white
too bad Japanese are already JOMON and hwaito

oh yeah i can see the superior jomon blood standing out here

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more JOMON than you, Jang KIM

what is plastic surgery and leg lengthening?

come on we do lots of plastic surgeries but ilizarov surgery is beyond all of those shit
at least they're legit in height

>None of the girls in this image look attractive
Faith is though?

maybe because we are a poor first world country who would rather get a financially stable job rather than an artist or invest in media?

This is our cartoons recently

feminists are mad because they are highly sexualized

Not really. She looks like generic Asian girl number fifteen.
Filipino sounds like Spanish desu.

Been in Asia a few times, not that generic to me. Better looking face and a much better body. But maybe in other places in east Asia they do more fitness than where I was, because Faith basically has the godly fitgirl body

your standards are literally above the cloud m8 i know dutch girls are goddesses but you can't demand everyone to be as attractive as they are

No, I'm saying that Faith is way better looking than the average east-Asian.
And I'm not saying east-Asian girls aren't pretty, matter of fact there are many I would call handsome even and I'm dating one, but they don't look like that because Faith is fictional.

>No Juri Han gf

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