Jow Forums
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International #1111
/luso/, Brazil, Portugal, Luso-Africanos, Timor Leste, Macau e diáspora
/ita/ - il filo
Faces of Jow Forums
The Nigeria of Asia
Why do women post here? They clutter the site with posts not worth reading and retarded opinions
Sverigetråden - Claudiaupplagan
Tell me user, what is troubling you on this fine day?
Jow Forums is a steppe-appreciation board
Wtf i love czech people now
Is this the most normie country?
/ita/ - il filo solitario
Why are meds so pathetic and inferior to nords in every single way?
Which side are you on?
How easy is it to get laid in Africa?
/yorkshire/ - For the superior gentleman
If it wasn't for Islam, would we be the best friends with this 3 ?
Your cunt
Which Nordic cunt is your favorite?
Hong Kong Protest Cringe Compilation
Europe doesn't have a genuine culture anymore, as it's all copied from America. Change my view
Why are everyone on this board so obsessed with sex
Are eyes like these common in your cunt?
What the fuck do you call this in your country?
Your country
Why do Americans hate idea of driving manual car transmission?
Turks on Jow Forums be like:
Hey guys rate my tier list
Your age
User, would you hand me a towel? I am so sticky and sweaty
Do americans really do this?
This is the ZOG map of the world. How Zogged is your country ?
Why do pro-native american European nationalists make sharters so butt hurt?
This person is of mixed race ancestry
Would you ever date a single mom from France?
September 2019
Do this board unironicaly hate americans?
I cant take it anymore
Is the reason Poland A is radically different than Poland B because they have German genes?
You can only post ITT if your country is blue. Non democratic nations fuck off
Serious question, what race are mexicans?
Do A*nglos really?
Im a Rich gook (son of a South Korean business magnate) living in Canada. ask me anything
So i'm about to graduate from Masters in France
3 femanons in the same thread on Jow Forums, I-I think I’m gonna coom brahs...
Italian gf
I don't have any friends
I'm female, give me 300+ replies
The north sea empire comes back. would you approve?
Citizens of Jow Forums!
First year in college
Someone called me a russia rape baby in a thread today
What do Russian think of this guy?
Post your criminal records
Why most of americans have big house?
First word that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
What's wrong with this guy?
Does this happen often in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Jow Forums ruined all other boards since all thirdies can hide their shameful flags and make posts as if they were...
/ita/ - il filo
Does this happen in your country?
I'm thinking YIKES
I see so many white girls with their mixed race babies and black husband
Which Incident was the more tragic Incident?
Actual thread about international cultures and languages
Sverigetråden - Sötbrevsupplagan
Do Arab refugees really do this to European women on the the trains?
Tfw a victim of race mixing
Eyy int
What do Germans think about this anime ED?
Ranked popularity of "Made in Country" signs
Why does world hate us?
Post your phone
Is hiking popular in your country?
How would you describe the Russian mentality?
People that think north Italians are white only think that way because of how brown their south is. Your thought?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Does your language have a word for alien from space?
Sweden prepares to war with Russia
Ywn live this life because some whitey thought your ancestor would make a good slave
I believe Vietnamese posts to be of very high quality and cultural value unlike posts made by the cringe pinoy subhuman...
The EU commission seems like a very half-baked idea...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2251
Stop pooing
Italian women are the best. You agree?
Rate your regions
Yes, I killed 200 US veterans. How could you tell?
/ita/ - il filo
Honestly how do the French tell difference between them and Algerians other than the fact that they segregate...
Jow Forums meetup
Are Ukrainian women really as good looking as people say or are they overrated?
Chinese Police Bustle In to Protect the Streets of Rome
Good morning ,i'm italian man
Why do ppl call Poland a shithole if it looks indistinguishable from a Western country?
Why are Swedes like this?
Im gonna ask my cousin for a date tomorrow
Any of this true?
I bet you one bill that you can't prove your god is real
Is it true that Germans hate us out jealousy...
The nightmares of Jow Forums
You're country
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that that lands conquered by Islam are now all shitholes
Polish people be like: *speaks in tv static*
Sopa de kot
Death to capitalists
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Why do white women love Indian men?
Your country
I have never seen an eastern asian in real life
Is this legit?
Hello friends in Germany. I wanted to ask you for advice. Is there a discrimination against Poles in Germany...
What makes people like this?
Latin America
1. You are a cunt
ITT: Justified separatist movements
Why do non-whites want to be white so badly...
Tennoheika Banzai!
Weeb prince
Sverigetråden - Älgupplagan
US vs EU vs TPP
Lets put tree on our flag this would be cool
Evropean Empire
Post your country army gals
Do Americans really?
Does your cunt suffer from separatist movements?
Whad did they even achieve?
/lat/ - hilo especial de la chinita feliz montando un caballito
Entartete Ausgabe /deutsch/
Count to 10 in your native language
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Only european allies USA has are Poland, UK and Balts. Maybe Romania
Why can't they speak their own language correctly?
Born 1993
My sister was assaulted by a pack of gays
What are your stats, user?
Are they really Christians? Killng children in gas chambers, conducting medical experiments on humans...
Why Czechs are the most sucessfull slavs?
/ita/ - il filo
What is his ethnicity
Swedish girl does an exchange year in a US high school
1. Your cunt
What's the best Mediterranean country?
Everyone is talking about Germany aren't Russians the true autists of this world ?
I got no matches on tinder
Wife's sister who is white but is "black only" in terms of dating said to my wife "trust me you gotta be a certain type...
Post the representative brand of your count
I am a male but i think im a lesbian. What should i do?
Why Japanese do this?
What were they thinking?
Is there a more powerful company in the world?
How the fuck do you even live in China!?
/mena/ >Why yes i killed myself edition, how did you know?
I wish she'll be next princess of japan
You can keep your shitty manga. For me, it's Korean comic strips
What do you think of Korea?
Turkey breaks records
Please tell me!
How do I, as a Canadian, immigrate to Russia?
Welcome to America
Why does North Italy have such a bland history and culture compared to South Italy...
Are you depressed?
GoPo = Good Post
/ro/ - Firul nostru
/luso/ fio luso
Good morning Jow Forums!
Asian women are the best. You agree?
Meanwhile, in russia
What did you learn from browsing Jow Forums?
Why do Slavs hit the wall so hard?
Seen as subhumans by whypeepoo
Are east asian cities better than european cities?
Do ameriKKKans really?
Firstoid genocide fucking when?
What foreign women likes your nationality the most
How are you preparing for the Indian century?
Has your country ever fought on the wrong side of a war?
Will people buy the iPhone in your cunt?
Why do Korean make such a good trap?
Kurva anyátok
Is it true that Japanese people eat fish cum?
East Germany was fucking based
My friend from pol told me that this board is just a shit flinging board
Imagine unironically not being racist...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What is your favorite Nordic cunt?
Americans are fat and retarded
Do parents hit their children in your country?
Why Japanese women are so based?
What is a realistic solution to the growing incel problem?
Korean girls are so beautiful
Why do people balantly lie about greek phiolosphy being forgotten in the middle ages if it was widely studied by all...
None of you will ever understand what it's like to be the most hated country on Jow Forums and in the whole world
Is Jow Forums full of incels?
So... this is the power of american innovation
Defeated British Empire
Good morning Jow Forums
Ask an Argentinian BVLL living in Mexico anything
What was your cunt like in the 70s?
Did the soy meme start with this tweet, or does it go back before this?
Happy inside jobday
Could i pass as a local in your cunt
Lose weight
Why is new zeland so cringe?
Finland wtf?
Russian nigga be like
No matter what languages you learn you will never get friends
Are SEAsians really treated differently than East Asians in America?
ITT: Rooms of Jow Forums
White people appreciation thread
ITT we name all the things we like about the UK
Why do they like reggaeton so much?
No one:
This place is just Jow Forums-lite
Come home to Iran, white man
Is it normal to speak yourself?
Why do Americans accuse him of being a spy for China when his family is from Taiwan?
Do americans really?
What are they feeding Cubans. Why are they so much more athletic than other Latinos?
Why doesn't your country use School Uniforms?
South Korea is a third word??
Be minding your own business
US will make Japan have army again and have nuclear bomb
Squared face british girls with big teeth
Will Bibi really annex the Jordan valley after the upconing election, as he promised recently?
Where are you, lebanoanon, i miss you acting all homophobic one minute...
Is Scandinavia a utopia?
1. Your country
/fr/ anciennement le francofil
Nooo i'm +20 years, too old for university my life is basically ruined
Why can´t americans act like people??
T-thanks New Zealand
What are soygirls like in your country?
Do mexicans like ham sandwiches?
So, user. When will you have sex and make baby?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
That one time 7 years ago when you hugged a girl and could feel her breasts pressing against you
I am ashamed to be Australian
I haven't made a single friend since I graduate high school 4 years ago
What are you growing now, Jow Forums?
Ameribros and friends what type of mutt are you?
I used to bully a white kid back in school, he was taller than me and never defended himself?
Pls stop bully Germany he's a good boy
Post decent musics from your country and we r8 each other's
How come American nerds are so violent compared to European and Asian nerds
I dont understand, every time I say I like aussies and americans they are rude with me
Culture Pals - /cp/
I've been playing cs:go lately...
This Japanese politician, Hatoyama Taro, is 1/4 White
He lives in low-trust society
1. Flag
Really says alot
Which European country do Americans fetishize most?
Take the MENApill
/zoomer/ general
Your cunt
You can post ITT only if your cunt ever committed ethnic cleansing/genocide
Why are Mexicans the only Latinos that eat spicy food?
ITT: Posters you recognize
/deutsch/e /Anime/ Ausgabe
I hate this country
Is it legal to kill yourself in your country?
How based is this?!?? why didn't i hear about it when it happened lmao
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hong Kong protests halted out of respect for 9/11 anniversary
/cum/brain general
Just moved here for university. Why is the milk here so awful? Tastes like plastic. I guess that's normal...
Would you ever marry an ex-porn-actress even if you loved her?
Would you like to have a Mexican gf?
/ita/ il filo esoterico
This is the 9/11 anti bullying safe zone thread for US anons who don't want to face banter from other countries today...
Why is cuckolding so popular in white countries? I'm legit curious
Don't know if they're western or arab
Your country is currently being invaded by the US
What's the preferred wiping method in your cunt?
When will we socialists rise again? We have been oppressed for far enough...
Do japanese guys go for black girls?
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2250
Banter an American
I want a boyfriend ;_;
Evropa would be a lot better off without arabs and africans
Is it true that Hungarians were pro Muslim until 2015?
Will literally birth you ubermensch children
How do you call these in your kkunt??
/deutsch/e nachtschicht
Is North Korea really that bad?
Gooks are unironically the ugliest race of women
How prominent is bullying in your country? Have you ever had any experiences related to it, either as a witness...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Which Spanish speaking country has the best accent?
Why is Jow Forums full of nigger loving cuckolds?
How far away do you live from the nearest slum?
How do i stop watch porn?
Sverigetråden - Bakverksupplagan
I suffer in Japan
Is it true that Italian women are more conservative and prude than other euro women?
This is a Turkish exchange student in Budapest. Should I just take the roachpill?
Japanese are obese, Vietnamese are slim
Do you like South Korea?
ITT: Your cunt's political parties
Imagine being forced by the girl to hold hands through a pen because she doesn't want to touch you
Why do Latin American national anthems sound like circus music?
How many capital cities can you name???
I would kill all of you if I saw you in real life
Why do European continent languages need SO MANY articles when English does same with "a, the, some"?
Are Friulians even truly Italian?
Ahem, fuck cucktholics
Does 9/11 mark the start of the American decline?
Your cunt
Why do moroccans kill Norwegian girls?
Please come to poland. we need black men over here
Why americans can't take a joke?
/ita/ il filo
/deutsch/ vong Abend her heh
From today's march on Málaga
Do all Protestant countries have "I killed those Jewish kids because I was ordered to do so" mentality?
I have no ethnic identity do you?
*points at you*
I'm 24 and never kissed never had sex never had a job don't have a driver's license and my dick is small
4th of october 2019...print this date into your mind, because it will be the day where everything will change
How do you make money in your country?
In algeria we have a swear word that says " Fuck you God" literally
Amerikeks be like:
Well, Jow Forums, WHO are you? and what do YOU want?
Romans used to be Nordic but they imported lots of slaves from Africa, Judea and Arabia...
Is Poland as religious as the internet memes it to be?
What do you think of Finnish sportsgirls?
Last Sunday I fucked an 18 year old horny German freshman girl at my university
What does your country excel at?
Why are kanji cooler than Chinese language?
I suffer in thailand
There won't be any metro running in paris this friday because of a global strike
Average Jow Forums poster
Doing shit in highschool
Is that true that greek women are scared of blonde girls because they are stealing their men?
/fr/ -
How do you make friends once you're past the age of 20 in your country?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
ITT: The worst thing Bongs have done to your cunt
Are you cunt
Are you northen emisphere fags ready for winter?
Tfw a victim of race mixing
One chance at life
Why did fags ruin anime posting? Why does everything fags touch turn to shit?
This is unironically the only genuinely beautiful British woman I've seen in me life
What does sex feel like in your cunt?
Faces of Jow Forums
So this is what Europe in the 90s was like
They will save the world
Why are Slavs so despised?
Did it really happen?
The only reason I exist is because of the country of France
Ywn have cute bf
Are there really more Poles than Turks in Germany?
Meu deus
Mental health
How much does it cost to be born in your cunt?
What the fuck is a kilogram
What's your experience with Italian girls?
I just want to remind everybody today that: Don't forget to screenshot the crying butthurt Amerimutts and post them
Oh no no no
Cut on carbs
How do you combat balding? Any tips?
The IRA was bad
/ita/ - il filo
Why do white people make this face?
Inevitably hamburgers will be banned. How will the Americans survive?
Why is there so much propaganda making this man out to be some sort of antichrist...
Why do they have such a huge superiority complex? There is probably no other race so xenophobic and full of themselves...
Press F to pay respect to the 96 real humans who died on 9/11
Is he the reincarnation of king David?
They voted for taco drumpf
Why are women so small?
What's your plan for leaving peasantry and joining the 1%?
Nationality quiz
Why don't we ever hear anything about Macau? What happens here...
Before 9/11 you didn't even need a passport if you were white
/lang/ - Language Learning General
What is your ancestry, user?
Celebrate good times, c'mon!
Dinner is served in exactly one hour and ten minutes from now
Is this true for your country?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Does becoming a developed country make the people in it more attractive?
A Yemeni descendant Saudi Arabian merchant
Science of attraction and porn
Deutschland appreciation thread
Who should Burgerstan invade next? I'm bored
Sverigetråden - >Falla av Upplagan
Would you rather learn Italian or Portuguese...
Happy International "Americans Getting BTFO" Day!
Are they white?
Do you clean your ear ?
Was anyone ever racist to you, Jow Forums?
Ever have vague memories of a movie or TV show or book or whatever from your childhood and you can't find it...
Why do people love Italy
Fuck up their economy with WW1 and WW2
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Holy mother of god
I really dislike these conceived idiots...
Janny's gonna freak
Why do older Czech "people" stand up when I enter a bus...
The sovereign nation of Ukraine
If we unite, Western is end
Do women in your cunt have big titties?
Your favorite European country?
The shittier a country is, the more nationalistic the population is
Just fixed Europe lmao
Confess thread
/ita/ - il filo
Americans will defend this
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ - /conosur/ - /esp/ = hilo latino
Tfw white supremacist incel
Mongol :)
/teutsch/ altdeutsche Ausgabe
You can't hate Turks but love kebab
Why are they stupid hairy manlets ?
Scenic /brit/
European work hours
/nederdraad/ /nedderdroad/
Whats the best country to live in the EU?
/ex-yu/ - blex yungels
Noooo you can't just replace Europe's male population with fertile black bvlls, that's white genocide!!
What are you country's thoughts on Saudi prince Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud's taste in video games and...
Pol takes over your country
Son, what is this folder full of naked black and white muscled men on your desktop?
Is this the body type women want in your country?
You're Country
0 - 4 -> go to a shrink
This Is What Happen
Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry...
/fr/ - le francofil
Imagine taking caring of your daughter for at least 18 years to let someone fuck the hell out of her one day...
Call enemies "mate"
/brit/ + /shit/
Why is anime like this now?
Sverigetråden - NMRupplagan
>one of the tallest countries >has trouble dealing with arab manlets
Should of immigrated to the UK before Brexit
This movie is fucking KINO
How do all Americans own their home? Is it insanely cheap and easy to buy a house over there...
What comes to mind when you hear someone speak Spanish?
Korean girls are so beautiful
When are Ukraines and Russians killing each other again? I love entertainment
White women worship thread
I just want a qt bf who can both love and fuck me. Why is this so freaking hard? Everybody around me is sperg...
The reason they hate the EU so much is that they're still salty that they couldn't hold together their own superstate
L'm 168cm and 54kg. you?
Why yes, I am an Italian woman, how could you tell?
Why is this board so disgustingly shilling Russia?
Poles are such bootlickers
It has been exactly eight years since those sadistic huskies brutally murdered Cock Bärs. 11/9 Never forget
What were you doing, when this happened?
Which country has the eager slags?
What the hell?
Australia is, to me, one of the strangest, most fascinating countries on Earth...
US Air Traffic on September 11th 2001
What the FUCK is going on in South Africa? It was supposed to be one of the great BRICS economies...
Why USA is police of the world
Imagine how much more healthy society would be if we banned alcohol, cigarettes, mind altering drugs, sugar, caffeine...
Korea or japan?
Do you love Japan?
Today, let's not forget the 6 Million Americans who died on 9/11
Post people from your country you would die to protect
Don’t you want peace on earth ?! stop cel*brating 9/11 ?! america has suffered enough !!!
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Jow Forums posters you recognize
Hey guys здapoвa, I am paranoid about the possibility of Jews controlling everything...
What is your opinion on Mexican-American women?
Why yes, I do stand up when i see a German enter a bus, how could you tell
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Kurva anyátok
What are Indiand good at?
Where were you when it happened?
Do you love USA
How do Germans stay thin eating stuff like this?
Do you have this in you cunt?
Best prankster in history
I'm browsing Jow Forums, and I gotta ask. Why is this filipino american man drawing comics a meme again? I don't get it
I'm korean. Do you have any question?
How are cops like in your country?
Whats your weight and age?
How often you see transsexuals in the street in South America?
Are mexcrements the worst latinos?
None of the green areas are actually Canada
Happy 9/11 amerimutts
I'm making so much progress with German Duolingo
What is it with brits not being able to fight?
Why do Spaniards look Middle Eastern?
Let's be real here. Everyone who wants America to go down is implicitly wanting China to take the lead...
Which country (other than your own) would you die for?
Should Amerigoblos be punished for their crimes against Mexico, South America, and the rest of the world?
How are you preparing for the Filipino take over of America?
Why're they such angry posters?
”So, user. Have you move out your parents’ house yet...
Your cunt
What so Asians think about all the attention they have been getting in Western media is the past decade?
We're back cunts
Is having a hot sister an incel trait?
My ears love the sound of Japanese language
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why do Native Americans look, act and feel more human than Asians?
This is just pathetic
What does Jow Forums think of California?
If you wake up tomorrow in 1819, (in the same city where you live right now)
Tfw have both American and Israeli citizenship
Why are Indians stereotyped as super beta nerds in America?
I just smelled a jews stinky feet AMA
This is what Mexicans used to look like in the 19th century
If you could move to any location in north america where would it be?
Those of you who have met Americans in real life...
Drops your towers
Is it common in your cunts for CS/engineering classes to be filled mostly by international chinese students...
Culture Pals - /cp/
Is Netanyahu a fascist?
How popular is gaming in your country? What is the most popular platform after mobile?
Has anyone here showed up home with an ugly girl to your parents?
Japanese people, what do you think of kpop? koreans?
Is this the hottest women on earth?
Russia love thread
How does one toilet train an Indian GF?
When will Chinese go back to wearing Hanfu?
I share the same room with my parents and just had to get out because they have started to make sex
There's an american on Jow Forums right now eating a burger
Be american ship
Do 80% of americans really have a mutilated penis?
Your parents rn
Your cunt
ITT we make mean names for other cunts
I give up, you win
This is a 10/10 in shitaly
Why American girls don't look like this anymore? It was my dream to met a beautiful blond girl...
Yo! Are ya gonna tak me for mah servahce aon
Can you drink your city's water without filtering it?
How do we fix America?
This triggers the Yuropoor
What do Chinese Singaporeans think of other Chinese, specially Mainland Chinese and China itself?
How is public transportation in your country?
Churka Union
Why is incest porn so popular?
Do you like Denmark?
Remember when you were a boy and could coom without actual coom shooting out?
What do Italians think of The Sopranos?
Wait so Turkish women look like THIS???
Anyone else wear Japanese sandals?
A blo blo blo dead americans is such a tragedy
Help! stop Flight 175 from crashing into the World Trade Center!
How tragic was 9/11 in your country?
Let's stop the banter and be serious for a moment
Happy 9/11 bros
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Wine, beer or spirits, Jow Forums?
Stop being so autistic
No dahnald no, think of EYE-RAN
Do Slavs have pink nipples?
Another day eating from McDonalds
Have never had a girlfriend or sex
How hard did your cunt get fucked?
Why are women this happy to be able to kill their unwanted children?
/deutsch/ auch /nachtschicht/
I don't think they are bullied enough of Jow Forums...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2249
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
/dixie/ -Southern US & Friends
/luso/ fio lusófono
Why of course I'm going to kill myself, what gave it away?
What's your catchphrase,Jow Forums?
Im wearing a towell on my face, am i a cute muslim yet?
Can I get an American man as a friend by making him a delicious burger?
Are Japanese a proto-Native American/Paleo-Siberian people?
International /qt boys/ general
Hehe amerimutts, amirite?
Tfw no friends
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
LITERAL Germany's garbage dump lmao
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil
/v4/ + friends
Anons, we are getting close to >111111111
Warsaw main building light up in rainbow color to support LGBT community
Are you involved in you country's politics? Which party are you a member of?
Acid attacks
Be minding your own business
Tell me about Pikeys, why are they so hated?
Hey buddy, you better give up your seat on the bus to that old lady
Post the funniest thing you can
That feel when people are racist towards you, because you're a Pole
Why is American pizza so much better then Italian pizza?
Sverigetråden - MartinaUpplagan
Is a growing protestant population a sign that your country is third world?
Which country is the easiest to trigger on this board?
Who wins in a fight?
Brown girl
Why do Chinese and Koreans hate Japanese so much for WW2, but Russians don't hate Germans for WW2?
Be Anglo soyman
From todays march on Madrid
When a brown eyed girl smiles at you
Do you love Japan?
Imagine being a kidnapped white qt taken to serve as a concubine for arab BBC
Why is this whole board so normie?
/ex-yu/ /yugo/
Is this what a typical Slovene looks like
Duterte wants trannies, LGBTQ happy, wants LGBTQ Equality Bill passed
Top 10 most hated and bullied countries on Jow Forums:
Why are some latinos and indians here so vehemently Jow Forums even against themselves?
Opinions on London?
This is a reminder that if you are white, and worship non-white cultures, particularly chinky ones...
/deutsch/ die Struwwelpeter-Ausgabe
Burger's life costs 7809$
Thank me for my service
We are now friends, and if the burgers don't like it, they can frig off!
The great phenotype debate
Are they russian?
Can you name any Jewish holidays without a Google search?
Why hasn't your country legalized marijuana?
/ital/ il filo
The British Experience
Culture Pals /cp/
How did such a young country become so evil in a short amount of time?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship