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They are gaining the kindness of the burgers, smart move i would say

>Honk Kong

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I'm worried about them
I wish they stay safe
if you Hongkongers become dangerous by chinese government, please come to japan or taiwan
your fellows have been already here
getting away from dangerous places is not cowardly

When will this whole situation evolve into a real bloodsheel hungarian revolution style?
I'm tired to keep waiting

isnt the bill already withdrawn? what the fuck are these cantoniggers still doing out there?

never. everyone is too pansy soy nowadays

Why are they still protesting? Didn’t the government drop the bill that stirred them up entirely?

All China has to do is to cut soy supply for a week. Revolution will wither away

being le democracy warriors

Last I heard it was "gone", but that is political speak for putting it in a drawer and try and push it through a year from now when hopefully everyone has forgotten. It's a common tactic that slimy politicians use all around the world. There were no guarantees that the politicians won't try this filthy tactic so they are still protesting until they do promise not to reintroduce the bill.

They still protesting? And China still not roll over them with tanks, thats kinda cringe honestly

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that was a few weeks back wasnt it
they literally completely withdrew it a few days ago
fucking cantonese people being monkeys again

Cringy faggots
I hope China gasses them

>rioters momentarily cease destroying their own city to remember violent actions of fellow American funded global freedom activists

I support based Xi
Fuck Hong Kong

Then I don't know why they are protesting. Another loophole the politicians gave themselves to reintroduce it? Angry at how they are such willing pawns to Beijing? I don't know.

You guys are freaks. They are getting culled by the chinese, have some fucking pity.

>filthy tactic of establishing the legal framework for criminal extradition
US extradition treaties:
UK extradition treaties:
Australian extradition treaties:

They ARE Chinese. In the past, they were culled by the British, who provided them with no democratic framework.


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Cringe cia glowniggers

Culled by the british and then culled by the chinese, yes.

Britain would have fucked up Chyna even in 1997

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>Completely missing my point

Is english your second language? I'm talking about the process of trying again to force through something that the people are against as a filthy tactic.