>A Yemeni descendant Saudi Arabian merchant
>lived in Afghanistan supported by Pakistan
>used Egyptians for terror attacks
>A Yemeni descendant Saudi Arabian merchant
>lived in Afghanistan supported by Pakistan
>used Egyptians for terror attacks
hussein financed al qaeda
next question
Thank you for your service, Osama. May you rest in peace. Mashallah.
Hussein invaded Kuwait US demanded Hussein evacuate Kuwait he did not
More like Dick Cheney.
felt like it
That's The Gulf War though... Are you kidding, right?
And Donald Rumsfeld. And David Petraeus.
No most Americans believed Iraq was to blame. Some still do.
Why not?
Nobody thought Iraq was to blame you fucking idiot.
Everybody (not just us and Israel) did think Iraq was becoming a big problem again that needed to be dealt after they stopped cooperating with the UN ... who was saying Iraq is becoming a big problem... even though now the popular narrative is that it was just Bush and pals for no reason.
Saddam had massive stockpiles of WMD's according to American intellectuals.
he did
he gasses kurds with sarin
>use Sarin in the 80's
okay George W.
It's so funny that Americans actually beleive that they ever had allies.
LOL how fucking stupid can a burger
You realize that Iraq could've easily gone the North Korea route and become a rogue state with WMDs within striking distance of Europe.... right?
It had to stop.
based and actually redpilled
>with WMDs within striking distance of Europe.... right?
Americans still believe this meme unironically, jesus christ.
>yooo watch me throw this sarin canister from iraq all the way into Europe
are people actually this retarded?
USA is a rogue state in the strikign distance of Europe.
>>yooo watch me throw this sarin canister from iraq all the way into Europe
if NK can (and has) develop rockets iraq could have too
ugh... what could've been
that's actually the most retarded statement I have ever read in a long time.
according to this logic every country can be invaded by the US and fuck international law.
also why does Israel get a pass for develpoping actual nukes when it clearly breaches the NPT?
please go home Cletus
What a dick!
murikans sold that gas. do you think they had enough know-how to produce wmds?
>given to him by the Americans
>mutts still believe this despite the wealth of evidence brought forward after the war was over that is was a sham.
Oh, say can you see,
By the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed,
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
Through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly streaming.
And the rocket's red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night,
That our flag was still there.
>yo saddam, The americans are sanctioning our asses, what should we do?
>Ayy let's nuke Europe!!
tony pls get off the computer
In the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, President George W Bush told Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East". "This confrontation", he urged the French leader, "is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins". Chirac consulted a professor at the Faculty of Theology of the of University of Lausanne to explain Bush's reference
George W was an absolute looney
and Americans still defend him.
Iraq did have stockpiles of WMDs.
>You realize that Iraq could've easily gone the North Korea route and become a rogue state with WMDs within striking distance of Europe
Like Israel?
You are 100% correct. Which is why we need to get Drumpf out of office so we can get Iran before they get us.
>All [munitions] had been manufactured before 1991, participants said. Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be readily identified as chemical weapons at all. Some were empty, though many of them still contained potent mustard agent or residual sarin. Most could not have been used as designed, and when they ruptured dispersed the chemical agents over a limited area
>According to the investigative report, "many chemical weapons incidents clustered around the ruins of the Muthanna State Establishment, the center of Iraqi chemical agent production in the 1980s." The facility had fallen under the supervision of United Nations weapons inspectors after the first Gulf War and was known to house approximately 2,500 corroded chemical munitions, but the vast building complex was left unmanned once hostilities commenced in 2003 and was subject to looting.[127] Participants in the discoveries postulated another reason to conceal their exposure, as some of the chemical shells "appeared to have been designed in the United States, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies."
>be Iraq
>acquire chemical weapons from the US and Europe
>can't even get access to them after 1991
>all of it it's unusable anyway due to decay
>USA still claims you have massive stockpiles of generically named "weapons of mass destruction" in 2003
>get freedom'd
You're backpedalling. Just admit you were wrong.
US was just using the increased tensions to start a war and serve israel without being questioned
they had:
1) no active stockpiles of their own
2) no access to those old decaying "stockpiles" that were present in Iraq
the whole WMD argument is a colossal lie used to justify an invasion that was quite clearly in contravention of international law.
Israel is basically a western country and a force for good. Iraqis and the rest of the middle east are brainwashed to hate white people and would without hesitation nuke us and Europe into oblivion if they could
excellent goy
t. Muhammad
>lmao i'll make an obvious false flag post XD
very epic man
You're using loose language and changing your original claim where it suits you. If you want to say that Iraq had no active WMD program that's a whole different matter. But to say they had no stockpiles of WMDs is a blatant falsehood.
What? His family owned a construction company and he was a mediocre civil engineering student.
The absolute state of mutts, these are the people who rule the world.
>chemical weapons given to the by the Yanks to fight the Iranians
>serve israel
That idea would work if it was Iran not Iraq. Iraq was neutral for them, they already destroyed Saddams nuke program and he didnt shout "Death to Israel"
The indocrination is strong with this one.
Iraq did not have stockpiles in the measure that they did not have access to those few remaining chemical bombs that were manufactured in the 80's and were still on Iraqi territory in 2003.
did you even read the article you posted?
there's a huge difference between saying "Iraq should destroy those munitions" and "we must invade Iraq because they are ready to bomb Europe with gas".
And besides all that, the NYT article you posted clearly says Americans expected to find explosives and not those old sarin canisters, all of this just goes to show they were talking out of their asses the whole time.
Fuck j*ws
Fuck ar*bs
Fuck nigg*rs
Fuck amer*mutts
They had chemical weapons and those were moved to Syria some others were found as well as some equipment for enrichment of uranium but nothing to justify the invasion. The CIA actually was against it while other agencies said they had WMD.
finally a honest yank
Oi faggot, the claim made by the Yanks and Tony Blair was Iraq was seconds away from nuking the West. Remember the 45 minutes away from doom Sun headline? If you're defending the invasion, you have to prove they had active stockpiles. Dilate, tranny
It's clearly an underage troll
>You realize that Iraq could've easily gone the North Korea route and become a rogue state with WMDs within striking distance of Europe.... right?
>It had to stop.
Dick Cheney is a god among Republicans. Right wingers in the US are extremely brain damaged
>chemical weapons given to the by the Yanks to fight the Iranians
>Iraq didnt have a chemical weapons proggram
You fucking idiot.
>Project 922 was the codename for Iraq's third and most successful attempt to produce chemical and biological weapons. Within three years (1978–1981), Project 922 had gone from concept to production for first generation Iraqi chemical weapons (mustard agent). By 1984, Iraq started producing its first nerve agents, Tabun and Sarin. In 1986, a five-year plan was drawn up that ultimately led to biological weapons production. By 1988, Iraq had produced VX. The program reached its zenith in the late 1980s during the Iran–Iraq War. From August 1983 to July 1988 Iran was subjected to extensive Iraqi chemical attacks.
They also had a nuclear weapons program.
Not sure who is more dangerous: militant Zionists, jihadis or loonatic Evangelicals.
Abrahamism was a mistake.
Nice fucking evidence for your retarded claim. If there was a real war to benefit israel it would be against Iran.
This webm is proof that the US must become a Catholic country and stop the pr*testants
>Netanyahu wrote about how Iraq needed to be toppled and declared it a rogue state since the 80s
>lobbied for both wars, directly in congress and through Aipac
>was directly connected to the Neocons who wanted and planned it
Weak, feeble.
I actually recommend reading this (rather long) article written by a former intelligence official
Pretty much a small clique of neocons played the whole country like a fiddle, because they'd been itching for a war like this for decades prior, that why it's so retarded, it wasn't even done to further American interests, unless you are on board with the neocon ideology and genuinely believe it
You're putting words in my mouth like the Italian. Yes, I remember the 45 minutes claim, yes I remember Powell showing slides of biological weapons labs loaded on lorries to the UN. None of this makes the original claim any less false. It's simply untrue that Iraq didn't have stockpiles of WMDs.
Look, Eternal Anglo, the original information of Iraq being a WMD threat came from an Iraqi defector to the BND - that's our CIA. And the BND was 100% clear about that guy: he *could* be telling the truth, but might aswell lie. And the Americans turned this possibility into hard fact. Because Netanyahu, the Neocons and Israeli military hardliners wanted that war. And while you and the ameribears went right along like goodest goyim, France and Germany knew the reality and said no, because they didn't believe it. And the turned out to be factually correct. This makes your damage control only look even more pathetic.
Just a friendly reminder that the CIA once accused Israel of stealing around 100 kilograms of weapons grade uranium from an American refining plant.
I don't recall any preemptive strikes against Israel being carried out by the U.S.
going to read it tonight thanks bby
nobody is pulling anything in your mouth, your claim is just fucking retarded as it is.
because america
Why are you still talking when you were proven demonstrably wrong? Go away.
Is that part such important? lel
literally everyone with an ounce of knowledge on the matter in this thread has blown you the fuck out, go fuck yourself.
this actually happened.
Chirac was shocked and didn't know what the fuck he was talking about
It's why France refused to join the coalition. In response, Americans temporarily renamed French Fries to "Freedome" Fries
It was the first time when you went full retard. Sure you were always (((lobbied))), but Dubya was peak clown world. youtube.com
Reminder that Nayirah saw personally how Saddam stockpiled WMDs in incubators sent by Al Qaeda. If you don't believe this, you hate freedom.
>implying OP is actually Korean
>implying Koreans write like that
>implying proxy
it’s Chirac using a proxy to defame Freedomnians