What's your plan for leaving peasantry and joining the 1%?

What's your plan for leaving peasantry and joining the 1%?

I am going to create a startup that digitally alters race in your favorite porn videos

Attached: should-i-become-an-entrepreneur.jpg (625x418, 30K)

I'm going to steal your idea and make more money off of it

Also: spray on toothpaste for mouthwashes, rinsing or just plain brushing

I am going to sue you and others and live as a patent troll

None, I want to live a normal middle class life, never wanted to be rich

I'm a lawyer and I will help you sue him and overcharge the fuck out of you

I'm going to steal your ideas and make more money off of it

I have jewish connections. Don't even try

Alright sudani, I see you're enjoying the good life in lsrael


You've been served. Cease or desist or I will pursue you in court

I am going to find a bigger Jewish connection and get him to report yours to his raabi

Okay let's sue the Russian instead

Don't worry this guy can help us get connections

My plan is to eradicate the 1%.

Working on a app that changes the beliefs of the religious nutcases and shows them the truth of life, the universe and everything.

I’d post what I’ve created but prefer to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

But then you'd have another set of 1%

I will fuck your daughter

please don't. she's just come out of a bad relationship and she needs to learn to trust again

>escaping the peasantry
I did so by leaving the womb and being born a nobleman

Attached: 1546268448072.jpg (935x1083, 42K)

>joining the 1%
No need, I was born into it pham.

Sorry but trips confirm

fucking hell. Goodbye Limia