They voted for taco drumpf

they voted for taco drumpf

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1280x896, 60K)

feijão trump


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well what can you expect from this

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More like Farofa Trump, Feijoada Trump, Açaí Trump... tacos are not part of Brazil's culinary traditions.
(They are delicious though)

4 more years.

he's even worse than drumpf

chora negs

We always voted for populists like him.

>chora negs

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>macaco reading comprehension

Trump is too PC and smart to be compared to Bolsonaro
will vote for him again though, but if he doesn't run, it's going to be the Supreme Governor "end crime by ending criminals" Witzel

Sopa de Trump

>suicide meme comprehension



Free rent

People should vote for someone who has a "project of country" not some populist(wether he's right or left) who will just "build hospitals and kill niggers".

how can someone be so obsessed lol im laughing

Attached: bolsonaro Chequem.jpg (1440x960, 152K)

>just "build hospitals and kill niggers"
yeah, forget massively reducing the 65.000 crime problem and the shittiest public healthcare system in the world, he's not praising faggots, feminists and nigros for shitting the country and trying to bring it down to their shit level just so they can feel equal

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This thread is going to be flood with bolsoniggers and anti-bolsoniggers and they will keep fighting forever.
nice bait burger.

National-deverlopmentalist gang assembling out. fuck-bolsoniggers and fuck petistas

based. fuck liberals of every political wing.

It's actually more like spaghetti Drumpf, or Drumpeccio, based on his ancestry.