Why do white people make this face?
Why do white people make this face?
no one cares
because we have to deal with nigger nonsense all day
>Marry, fuck, kill
imagine having four daughters
the first one on the left is cute the other three are ugly
i want to smack these girls for making that face
first one is identical to the second one but further away and younger you dumb macaco
>i want to smack these girls for making that face
because they have no lips
they can’t help it
*hits pipe*
>having daughters
>all this cunny and I'm too old for fucking
i think the one on the left is his wife
How do i convince white peephole that I'm not a criminal?
By looking white/asian
By lowering their IQ so they won't notice patterns
To piss off swarthoids and it works.
>having daughters
We're working on it
>because we have to deal with nigger nonsense all day
it's the amerimutt cope: blame everything on other people
too old
Because they have no soul
They see that you are a foreign steppe turk, so their primal survival instict kicks in; they hide their teeth to not seem aggressive and to defuse the situation.
Black suffragettes hate this face
Watch how this simple face causes unimaginable asspain
pretty sure it's a meme made by pol
when you notice some creepoid taking pictures of your nice churchgoing family
they make this face out of passive aggressiveness attained by niggers
it's their best way to express contempt and disgust in public
Why is that subhuman shitskin taking a picture of a normal white family?
the idea of solely raising something to hand off to another man to only squirt inside, the real cuck fantasy. their children won't even have your name.
it's not cuck'd if you dick em first
the guy making the photo is not the guy in the reflection you retard.
the source is blueberriesinthemorning.com
haha idk excellent post tho.
Maybe pouting because /blasés/.
>mfw someone is denying the armenian genocide on the subway
not happy they need to be near you
the person making the photo is not the guy in the reflection you retard. the mom took the photo.
the source is:
imagine having 4 brazilian daughters
>brazilian daughters
you mean shemales?
At least we know they would be ours.
proof the photographer was the mom or son.
fucking lel
>they're mormons
this means the parents definitely sexually molest the kids
wow what a beautiful family
Her face is saying "don't take pictures, pedo!", just don't be that dense.
it was a nice way to grow up actually
wtf is that picture?? This is not what I posted.
yeah truly beautiful
if you like being in a cult and getting molested, yes.
Why would the father take a picture of his wife?
stop being cute france
because they run a literal family vacation blog and take photos of themselves during vacation. how autistic are you?
>wow what a beautiful family
literal snowmonkey
jesus the father must have some strong genes because they all have that hideous nose
I never got molested
exception proves the rule
Sounds autistic and retarded
it's the opposite, it's mega-normie (for americans)
>do study on DNA testing in a pool of men who specifically ask for them because they have suspicion that they may be cucks
>it's still only 10%
meanwhile in studies of the general population white cuckery is about 1%, and the rate explodes to over 10% in spic populations.
Genuine lol
marry the loli
fuck the brunette
kill the others
qt pêh
yikes, taking pictures of little girls
has to be albino
How normies defend it, i will never know desu
Dood look at his head
That man ain't no Jesus freak he's a proud pagan
Yup; I'm thinking he's based.
>when you realize you're going to have at least 4 (FOUR) black niece/nephew
My wife on the left.
they don't look like bestiality lovers brah
why are you mad? you arent even white.
>Why do white people make this face?
Because white people lost the war.
i'm not mad, i just speak the truth, muh brah
Brunette is a loli and hotter.
i want to marry younger, it is an investment. brunette will be shriveled old granny in a couple years
>tfw smoking is not allowed in the train
???? I’m not white and I make it sometimes
thats a chad if ive ever seen one
>Why do white people make this face?
Cuz there is a shitskin Turk photographing them
just wear semi formal clothing
polo shirt, khakis, etc
I have two and it's great
>thinking daughters is superior
I bet you didnt teach them to play video games, faggot.