Why did fags ruin anime posting? Why does everything fags touch turn to shit?

Why did fags ruin anime posting? Why does everything fags touch turn to shit?

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Animeposting has always been shit, now it's shittier.

anime is God Yamato thing

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simple: wh*tes should be banned from Jow Forums
not counting: southern europeans, slavs and the irish


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what do you mean "not counting"?
none of those groups are white anyway

anime posters are fags in default you hopeless incel.

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Anime is gay af kys

one of the thing i dislike fags for is ruining the rainbow.

they are white compared to me, wh*te pig.
never reply to me again or i will murder you

because they are mentally ill subhumans

Weebs are more cringe than being scene or emo.

Imagine the smelly monkey looking shitskin that typed this.

i'm haitian you retarded muttoid chimp

The meaning remains the same.

are you white?

anime boys > anime girls
people who act gay while posting anime girla are trannies

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You're not cute

Pretty sure
>smelly monkey looking shitskin
is the literal definition of Haitan.

Anime was made by jjokbari devil to distract the world from their heinous war crimes. It seems to be working because now everyone blindly loves Japan without knowing what atrocities they committed in war


How did they 'ruin' it exactly

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Neither are Finns

Neither are Russians

This is the bullshit that your government feeds you? They don't teach you about comfort women and unit 731?
What a shameless nation.

Anime is a Japanese culture
Not fag culture
And I have the right to do anime posting

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>anime posting
What is this retarded term? You're on an anime imageboard. What exactly do you redditors expect?

meme answer: wh*tes
real answer: discord trannies who are crossboard from /soc/ and Jow Forums, who are also wh*te.
they make /b/ look like a good board in comparison

>real answer: discord trannies who are crossboard from /soc/ and Jow Forums

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>INB4 before being called a ESL retard