>one chance at life
>born black
>gay (bottom)
>in Bible Belt of United States
Imagine being this much of a fucking joke. I want to get fucking killed.
One chance at life
Ye you should kill yourself, faggot
I thought blacks were BVLLs?
post ass
it'll make you feel better i promise
But there's lots of "dl" niggas
You were born in USA so better than >80% of the world's people
This isn't /soc/
Yeah, and they're crawling with STDs and not looking for a relationship.
Easier than thirdies but my life is still literally a joke. Remember Gayniggers from Outer Space? The Gay Nigger Association of America?
I’m in Philly and a black bottom. Problem is my entire family fucking hates me and has disowned me. You could have it much worse, since I thought my parents who vote Democrat would accept me
Your flag will be ours in 50 years. Islamic Republic of Ameristan
The only reason it hasn't happened to me yet is because I didn't come out and I'm a gincel, so they don't know yet.
Live in spite of everyone that might hate you for what you are, OP.
Be the faggiest, blackest fagot that ever blacked.
>gay incel
what the fuck
become a blacc trapboi and move to LA and work in a gay club or somethin
if you dont have the money, become a lot lizard until you can move
Well I also lost all my fucking friends who think I’m gonna hit on them. All saying “man up you fucking faggot” before ghosting me
>You could have it much worse, since I thought my parents who vote Democrat would accept me
Just how underage are you?
Why don't you become straight ?
I came out when I was 16, currently 19
What city?
If it's Atlanta you're volcel
how to find white american top bf
just stop being gay lol
you assumed niggers vote democrat because they are tolerant of fags. thats hilarious
Come home (North or Coasties) gay man. I have black bottoms literally asking to be my sex slaves in Chicago
Fuck off faget attention whore.
Good. We need more black men go gay.
Else they will breed the last white women away. Fuck.
>I want to get fucking killed.
your neighbors will probably kill you once you come out tyrone
that you juicy smoliere? just hire some nigerians