In algeria we have a swear word that says " Fuck you God" literally

In algeria we have a swear word that says " Fuck you God" literally

We also have another one that is " Cursed be the religion of your father/mother"

Does your country do the same ?

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Flag checks out

In Quebec, all curse words are religion/church related.

Sounds based, care to share a few with us ?

no literally all slang in latin cunts is related to genitalia, positive or negative.


Its "fuck youR god" you dummy
Meaning you accuse your target of being a kafir

My dad used to yell "The Virgin Mary was a whore."

we have "Jebao te Bog" meaning "God fucked you"

We say things like "Futu-ți Dumnezeii mă-tii", which is actually a pretty complex phrase. On the one hand, it means something like "Fuck your mother's gods". On the other hand, "Dumnezeu" refers strictly to the Christian God, however it is always plural in such phrases, so it doesn't allude to mere pagan gods, but rather, when a Romanian swears, he fucks the entirety of godhood itself, so much so that God the Father is rendered as multiple people.

They cant keep getting away with it

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OMG I fucking LOVE swear words! They’re sentence enhancers

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Hard to believe

nik rabbek

يلعن دين امك

wtf? How can you say that about God ?

For us religious curse words are:
>"Saatana (Satan)"
>"Perkele (another name for Satan or a demon)"
and then there is
This one means "God help me" Jumala = God and auta = help me.

Off course it's a french flag, what else is new.

Algeria confirmed non arab

Of course not, they are pure Frenchmen.

The 'fuck your/my Christ" and "fuck your/my VirginMary" are the two swears you say when you are really angry

Why do you say shit like that ?

Total cuck swears

BASED and high test pilled

because you are angry ?

Yeah we have quite a few

our swears are based, at least we do not insult God

that doesn't justify it.
Our cursewords are dirty words like Vittu (Pussy) perse (ass) paska (shit) and demon/satan names .
When we are really angry we say Jumalauta (God help me) so that we dont do anything bad.

>french flag
>"In algeria..."

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The word for God and (man/mortal) master/Lord is the same in Classical Arabic.

absolutely shirky wouldn't you say

We sometimes say "I take a shit on God" or "I shit on God".

hebrew has a loan curse from arabic "your mother's cunt"
others - "may god take you", "hereric" used unironically by religious cucks

We just just use deadly diseases as adjectives or verbs when cursing.