PSOE: Gibesmedat
PP: Gibesmedat
Unidas Podemos: Feminists demanding the importation of Muslim refugees to rape them
Vox: Franco dindonuffin
ERC: Catalan independence freaks, also huge commies
PACMA: Birds and snakes have more rights than people
Partido Pirata: Guys who want to stream music or something
Partido Cannabis: Dudeweed
CPS: Franco was bad and evil, smash capitalism naow
ITT: Your cunt's political parties
CDU/CSU: "Conservatives", least shit party
SPD: Social Democrats, used to be the second largest party, on their way to become irrelevant
Greens: as the name says. SJWs basically
AfD: Jow Forums
FDP: economic liberals
Die Linke: Commies
they are all cocksuckers
>Uh...we should all get along with that other party, besides Trump is not my president I wrote in Mitt Romney in '16 now that's a real Republican right there.
>CDU/CSU: "Conservatives", least shit party
lol °.°
they have become Greens 2.0 since Merkel, AfD is the least shit party followed by FDP
Who would honestly become a career politician anyway unless it was to rob as much money as they can?
Has this Democrat House proposed a _single_ piece of constructive legislation since taking office in January? I can't think of anything.
M5S: ??? They don't know themselves. More gibs for the South, less infrastructures
PD: your average center-left party. Pro European
Lega: your average anti-immigration party, once a regionalist party. Eurosceptic but much less so than a couple of years ago
Forza Italia: Berlusconi's party. Economically liberal but getting more irrelevant as he gets old. Slightly pro European
Fratelli d'Italia: more right wing than Lega. Eurosceptics, less than some years ago
Liberi e Uguali: SJWs
+Europa: economically liberal and socially liberal, strongly pro European
PRI: Gibs
PAN: spineless liberal crooks
PRD: spineless liberal crooks
Partido Verde: ultra spineless liberal crooks
Anything else: Pyramid schemed money laundering mobs
almost everyone except AfD: openly anti German and wanting to black this "country"
AfD: controlled opposition
rest: jokes
+third parties, all irrelevant memes
Your parties:
Everything else: Irrelevant
>political parties
Political parties are irrelevant here, it's coalitions that matter and coalitions are constantly shifting because the political parties that make them up are constantly changing their allegiances based on what the latest poll tells them. This means that political parties have no ideology, they are just groups of bootlickers doing what their leader tells them to do and believing what their leader tells them to believe.
Democratic: Fuck drumpf/blumpf, muh open borders, trannies, war, gibs, 1%
Republican: muh tax cuts, muh cops, war, 1%, religion, good for 2a
Libertarian: fuck government, DUDE WEED, freer market, more civil liberties, against war
Green Party: DUDE WEED, muh diversity, environmentalism, probably the leftest major minor party in the US, hippies
Constitution Party: Pretty much just wants the US to be more like how the constitution set it out to be, rather than the monstrosity it is now. More protectionist, anti abortion, pro 2nd amendment, focus on US instead of the world
DSA: literal trannies (watch their 2019 convention for a good laugh)
Communist party: probably run by fbi/cia, dumbass small party
Reform party: (((ross perot)))
Scotland has the SNP. who claim to try and make Scotland a better country but they are communists that actively attempt to harm scotlands culture, an example of this is how there are 0 official classes in scots language so you cannot study it in highschool or university.
>Communist party: probably run by fbi/cia, dumbass small party
All communist/Nazi/white supremacist outfits in the US are about 50% Federal agents.
>Reform party: (((ross perot)))
RIP Ross.
conservatives: fuck poor people lmao
labour: fuck the native poor people lmao we love nogs
lib dems: literally nothing
SNP/plaid cymru: muh left wing nationalism
DUP: fuck abortions, fuck republicans and fuck the pope
Sinn Fein: fuck parliament, fuck the queen and fuck prods
greens: dude weed lmao
UKIP: civic nationalism is based
For Britain: ethno-nationalism with anglo celtic characteristics
PT: main leftist party. Communistoid and extremely corrupt, launched the worst economic crisis in history and attempted a coup. Only stopped after the army leader told Rousseff to back off.
PSL: Former generic party and now Bolsonaro's party. They're like FN, AfD and PiS. Nearly all of them are newbies and often need DEM to save them from their gaffes.
PP: right-wing generic party. It's one of the main establishment parties but many of them are allied with Bolsonaro.
PL: one of the big generic parties. Until recently it was known as Republican Party.
PSD: another important generic party of the establishment. It's not right-wing, not left-wing, and not centrist according to its founder.
MDB: most important establishment party and one of the largest in the country. Has no fixed ideology and gathers people from the left to the right. Has even a few decent people inside, but most of the party is corrupt to the core. They're the perfect representation of the oligarchy in Brazil.
PSB: left-wing establishment party. Powerful in the northeast. Is statist and populist, but not communistoid like the PT.
PRB: generic party under the sphere of influence of Edir Macedo, the most powerful Evangelical pastor.
PSDB: main left-wing establishment party. Represents liberal globalism in Brazil. Has shared power with PT since 1994 as the second strongest party (behind MDB), but now has declined and is becoming a centrist party.
DEM: powerful right-wing establishment party. Many of them are allied with Bolsonaro while many others are against him. Nearly collapsed in the past but now controls both houses of the federal legislative branch.
PDT: left-wing nationalist party. Often friends with PT. They represent the political tradition started by dictator Getúlio Vargas and his protegés Jango and Brizola. Heir to the old PTB, they were powerful in the past, but now are shadowed by the PT.
some defunct parties
>Federalist party
first political party of the US, against George Washington's wishes of no political party bullshit and basically they ruined the country for the rest of history
>Anti-Masonic Party
First party to hold a national party convention, party against the masons and their influence in politics which some say is sort of a conspiracy theory. Won vermont in the electoral college for one election then faded away
>Whig Party
Basically just made to oppose andrew jackson and likened him to a king trying to take power, split up over slavery issue, abe lincolns party before going to the republican party
>Bull Moose Party
Based teddy
United Russia
ANC: Corruption and gibs, literally scare rural blacks into voting for them by threatening them with curses
DA: White bread, their entire platform is that they aren’t the ANC
EFF: Black ethno-nationalist communists
IFP: Zulu version of the ANC
VF+: Afrikaans businessmen pretending to be ethno-nationalists
COPE: ANC exiles desperately hanging onto a political career
Al Jama-ah: Literal Islamists
+100 ANC clones
>not even mentioning your most based party
Federalists were richfags from New England who gargled British balls and wanted the country to be an oligarchy with an elected monarch and only richfags were allowed to vote or have political power. They became gradually irrelevant as the basis of political power in the US shifted away from New England and faded away.
>Why yes, I do vote for Ron Paul every four years because I believe he will make anime real, how could you tell?
NOVO: young liberal-libertarian party. Has many vocal supporters but couldn't reach the people.
PSOL: SJW cult and the perhaps the worst party in Brazil. Unlike PT one of their strongholds is the liberal elite in the media and bourgeoise. Represents postmodernism in Brazil and has no consistent political program.
PRTB: minor right-wing nationalist party led by the comic Levy Fidelix. The only party who supported Bolsonaro beyond his own. The VP, General Mourão, belongs to PRTB.
PCB: it's the old communist party from 1922. It was very powerful in the past but now remains a minor political force within the left.
PCdoB: it's the Stalinist section of the PCB that abandoned the party after Khrushchev's speech. Inexpressive.
Verde: generic party built under an green platform.
Rede: Marina Silva's failed party. Also built under a green platform after she left the Verde.
PCO: hardcore orthodox communist party. PCO is so old left that often supports conservative causes. It's politically irrelevant but widely made fun of.
jeque arabe o identitario
>For Britain: ethno-nationalism with anglo celtic characteristics
Kosher controlled opposition, we have no party to advocate for us.
PD: the one I vote.
The rest: fascists.
They don’t even have a seat in parliament
The rest of the country will never let the Cape leave, it would be like California seceding from the US
After the Federalists died out, there was no opposition candidate in the 1820 presidential election and James Monroe got a second term unopposed. In 1824 there were a bunch of regional candidates and in 28 a two party system was starting to return. So then the Whigs emerged as the anti-Jackson party, but they were opportunists with no actual ideology or platform and eventually fell on the sword of the Fugitive Slave Act and died.
The Republican Party was then started in 1854 to oppose the expansion of slavery.
peoples servants - kolomoysky servants, + political prostitutes from poroshenko bloc
european solidarity ,poroshenko servants
voice - poroshenko's failed attempt to copypaste kolomoysky's peoples servants
opposition bloc - putin fanservice
fatherland - irrelevant political prostitutes l
Should add. Jackson was the first president to call himself a Democrat as he coalesced around the supporters of Jefferson's old Democratic-Republican Party. He remained the ultimate source of authority in the party until his death and a year prior to that groomed James Polk for president.
Democrats: Neoliberal sellouts and Left-wing populists
Republicans: Trump cult
ND: conservacucks
SYRIZA: cucks
>K̶I̶N̶A̶L̶ PASOK: the saviours of this land, the greatest party in Greece (ΑΝΔΡΕΑ ΖΕΙΣ ΕΣΥ ΜΑΣ ΟΔΗΓΕΙΣ)
KKE: old school gomunism
Elliniki Lysi: right wing nutjobs
MeRA 25 (DiEM 25): basically syriza (but fuck syriza)
>Republicans: Trump cult
I wish. It's more like asshurt establishment golf course boys who can't get over how John McCain didn't get to be president.
>Bull Moose Party
>Based teddy
TR was gradually becoming more radical and left-wing during the 1912 election, he began supporting New Deal-style entitlement programs and aggressive government action to take control of unfettered big business. Wilson looked decidedly conservative by comparison.
Frente amplio: stereotypical social democrat party full of cucks
Partido national: cuckservatives and neoliberals
Partido colorado: literally same as above but even more neoliberal
Cabildo abierto: a newly formed party that is polling at 12% already, they are the only nationalist party left.
Partido independiente: literally who?
Union popular: commies
PL: Cosmopolitan progressive trash; bootlicking cunts.
PN: No ideology present. Party split into two.
IE: Nova Europa bullshit. As if I care about most of Europe, no offence.
AD: Green party which is pretty much dying out.
PD: PL, but perhaps slightly better.
MPM: A joke despite being right on a lot of things.
AB: Hail Jesus. An amalgamation of ex PN and PL conservatives.
so wtf happened to obama i actually disliked mccain and romney but obama clearly turned into some kind of race bating faggot what went wrong?
If you'd actually bothered looking into his background and upbringing...I mean, we tried to warn you in 08 what the guy stood for, but you didn't listen.
Where is ciudadanos?
Shit and bigger shit.
Not actually conservative - socially progressive, neoliberal economics. Young people hate them simply because other young people hate them, but this is the current party of choice for most middle-aged centrist people.
Traditionally socialist party, but were Conservatives 2.0 (i.e. socially progressive, economically neoliberal) since Tony Blair. Lurched back to the genuine left now that Comrade Corbyn has taken over, but actual working-class people mostly dislike them at the moment because they supported Leave in the EU referendum, and Labour are trying to overturn the result.
>Lib Dems
Wishy washy liberal party with a bunch of feel-good but stupid policies. Has a surge of popularity about a decade ago under Nick Clegg, but this fell sharply when they went into coalition with the Conservatives and supported them on pretty much everything. Recently surging in the polls again because they're pledging to reverse Brexit.
Even wishier-washier party with even more feel-good but even more stupid policies. Can be summed up as love immigrants, love Greta Thunberg, hate Conservatives, hate England. Despite how popular the climate change is at the moment, they still don't stand a chance of winning any more than a couple of seats because no one takes them seriously.
>Brexit Party
Farage's new party. A single-issue on party on making sure Brexit happens properly. They're keeping a close eye on the Conservatives, and in the event that they're not able to deliver Brexit properly, the Brexit Party will try to take as many votes as possible away from them. Get called far-right/racist by the sorts of cuckolds who voted Remain
Farage's former party. Used to be taken slightly seriously, but they're now completely irrelevant and have resorted to YouTube nobodies like Sargon and Nazi pug guy to try and get votes (it failed)
(Also SNP, Plaid Cymru, DUP, but I'm out of space)
euros do you have any political parties that are close to 1776 america vibes and are pro gun?
PLD: center left, before they were radical left but they were moderated to be taken seriously, corrupt as shit
PRM: center right, the only important opocision party, corrupt as shit
PRD: former main right-wing party, but they were sold to the left and now they are in decline, extremely corrupt
PRSC: right, the only one of ¨authentic right¨, corrupt shit shit
the other dozens of matches are left and center, insignificant
This guy know German politics better than some "Germans" ()
The list is SO FUCKING LONG i will do it later then i get on my computer.
United Russia: Patriots, nationalists, and churchfags for Putin
Communist Party: Bolsheviks, Stalinists, and atheists for Putin
Liberal Democrat Party: Liberals, Westcucks, and hipsters for Putin
Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice: Babushka gibesmedat
National Bolshevik Party: Nazis, banned
Liberals: Centre party. Socially progressive. Economically moderate. No real ideology
Conservatives: Moderately right of centre, fiscally more conservative, still relatively socially progressive
NDP: Used to be worker rights party, now completely weird virtue signaling party that wont let you run for seats unless you are a minority (doesnt include incumbents)
Bloc Quebecois: I think they are really left wing but their main goal has been to succeed from Canada
Green: Main pillar is about environment
Peoples Party: The newest party led by a former conservative cabinet minister, right wing party trying to ride the populist wave that western democracies are seeing.
I did copy and paste a list from desu another brazilian user made some time ago. Heh
"Labor democratic party"
Varguist party, Advocate for Vargas 50's era, nationalist center-left wing, revisionist in vargas ideas
"Brazilian labor party"
Original Varguist party, Advocate for vargas 30's ideals, edgy nationalist traditional varguist party
"worker's party"
>Mainstream left-wing party, extremely influential but corrupt and hypocritical as fuck
"Communist party of Brazil"
Stalinist Communist party (boomers communist party)
"Brazilian communist party"
international-communist communist party
"Worker's cause party"
edgy communist party for edgy communist zoomers
"christian workers party"
left-wing evangelical party, God , labor and weed
"Social christian party"
centrist evangelical party, God and... yeah
"new" yeah, just "new"
Ancap party, no one even know that they are up to, being honest
"Progressist party"
Formely know as the Arena (military regime ruling party) edgy right-wing boomer party
"Brazilian social democratic party"
Mainstream center-right party (formely center-left), corrupt as fuck, has problems with drug trafficking
"democratic party"
Center-right party, conservative in society and economic liberal
"Brazilian democratic movement"
Military regime oposition party, centrist
Moderate boomer party, mostly cooperates with PSDB
"green party"
Nature party made-out by northerners, hate large farming corporations, Indio and hippies party
"Brazilian republican party"
They just try to copy the american republican party, right-wing american boot-lickers
"national ecologic party"
They are national, and ecologic... and NATIONAL!!
"brazilian women's party"
moderate feminist party, i have personally never seen them anywhere
"Sustentability Party"
same with the national ecologic party, but less nationalistic
they think we are in poland, that "eternal oposition party"
-FN : (far right) marxist and not racist, just less immigration and more fags
-LR : (bourgeois right) i don't want to pay taxes but i agree on everything else with communists, also muh pension
- LREM : (center left) : jewish bankers and freemasons, turbo jewing economically, turbo communism socially, currently with complete power
- PS : ( bourgeois left) : Only jews, appears like "the good guys" and "moderate" all the time on tv, actually ultra commies who almost single handely ruined the country.
- Greens : various communists with muh global warming
- various actual old school communists
Not even meming, all of them are trostkysts.
"Brazilian Renovation Labor party"
PTB but less traditional
"freedom and socialism party"
Liberal zoomer party, as a small party they advocated for reforms to end the governament elite priviledges but today they advocate for more priviledges, the only reason people support them is because of weed
"Worker's unified socialist party"
The worker's socialist party, but U-N-I-F-I-E-D
"National Labor party"
Another wacky varguist party, i dont even know why they keep comming with those
"people's socialist party"
They basically want brazil to do the same that china is doing now
"brazilian socialist party"
non-hysterical PSOL
"Free Fatherland party"
Even more nationalistic Varguist party
"Social-democratic party"
Centrist party, sometimes act as center-left, sometimes as center-right, no one actually knows
"Republican Party for social order"
Same as PSD
"social liberal party"
Pocketman's party, made out of former military boomers, evangelicals and right-wing neocons and libertarians
pro-governament boomer party
Those are just the ones with actuall seats in the parliament today.
There are many, many, many more.
Now i can chill reading your guys ones.
George washington supported basically all the federalist party's reforms dummy
Labour: centre-left. Well-meaning but generally incompetent. Currently leading coalition government.
National: centre-right. More competent but don't mean well for most people. Basically trying to sell the whole country to China. Currently in opposition, and should all be lined up and shot for treason.
Greens: pretty typical green party, maybe more focused on social progress than most though. Part of governing coalition, scored us a cannabis legalisation referendum as part of the deal.
NZ First: hard to pin down due to policy being a mess. Led by the very charismatic based Winnie. Loves old people, not fond of China. Kingmaker in the current coalition. Will most likely disappear into total irrelevancy once Winnie retires.
ACT: right. One man band that only wins a regular seat because National tells its voters to let them have Epsom (wealthy Auckland electorate) so they can effectively score an extra seat. Also likely to disappear into irrelevancy.
Honourable mentions:
United Future: another one man band, now defunct.
Maori Party: exactly what the name implies. Now defunct but may return.
TOP: radical centrist, evidence-based policy. Keen on massive reforms that could do a lot of good but struggling to win any seats because most voters can't/don't read policy and treat elections as a popularity contest. I'm a member.
Ban 1080: single issue party that doesn't understand that single issue. Never won a seat and unlikely to do so.
ALCP: single issue party (cannabis law reform) that achieves nothing but costing the greens a few votes each election, slightly reducing the odds of the law reform they want actually happening.
There's a bunch of other small parties most people haven't heard of too.
>any Green Party in any country
You know what that means.
As a fellow argie stated up here, politics are a meme here but still.
Todos: Gibesmedat 2 back with a vengance
FI: Gibesmedat with a Anti IMF spin
MAS: femenine Gibesmedat that didn't want to bow down to FI
Radicucks: Gibesmedat classic
Bandera vecinal: Jow Forums on steroids
Espert: genuinely believe the invisible hand exists
>PACMA: Birds and snakes have more rights than people
Germans don't vote you nigger
People who want a big overbearing nanny state and eternal wars for Israel
People who want a big overbearing nanny and eternal wars for Israel state but slightly lower taxes