Banter an American

>banter an American
>he responds by reminding you of the size of his country's defense budget

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>banter an American
>he responds with asking where my banter license is

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>banter a yuro
>he calls me a mutt
>tell him that i'm whiter than him (and his name is muhammed)
just another day on Jow Forums

>be German
>state boring facts
>"haha bantered him good"

You do know we spend

>banter an american
>he is now convinced that i am an arab

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>banter an american
>he screams "YEAH KILL EM" and bombs my town

Attached: 1526967822864.jpg (912x707, 78K)

>banter a yuro
>spams hdi statistics

>banter amerimutt
>he calls me Muhammad
>don't care because it is my name

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>banter a Finn
>he hides behind his """humor"""

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No no, you don't get the game
You're not supposed to be the dumb looking one at the end of your greentext

>banter a yuro
>the entire yuropeein continent comes to defend the bantered country
>btfo yuros with more banter
>"Americans can't banter."
Every time.
Every fucking time.

>banter whoever, he is seething at the superiority of the glorious french flag

whiter than you muhammed

>banter whoever, he is seething at the superiority of the glorious french fag

If only

whiter than you muhammad

>when someone banters Finns

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>banter literally anyone
>they reply with the argentina is white gif

Do americans really take their shoos of befor they banter

I stand by my FINNISH bröthers!

Ei saa peitää!

hello ahmed

No, the custom is to take the ketchup out of the refrigerator first. Studies have suggested that this practice influences the low quality of our banter.

based, love you

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Muhammader than you whiteys

nice one

Its not even banter, finns are just generaly poorly socialy adapted, rude, childish alchoholics.

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>other country thinks banter is supposed to be outright hateful insults instead of friendly teasing
>gets buttblasted when they have their shit thrown back at them
>”Americans can’t banter”
Jow Forums has gone downhill

Why wojak has US flag on his chest ? Third on the left top row

American "banter" is just getting upset and calling the other person an arab, then proceeding to talk about things he knows nothing about like Jow Forumsmemes as if they were full reality

$686,100,000,000 faggot

>Banter a Jordanian
>He responds by making 30 9/11 threads
>Tfw Chicano

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There are no more white Americans on this board, we are all Chicano's

Do you not see the absolute irony in your reply? Cmon man.

for the chicanos of course

t. Abdul


that's based


>banter an american
>your mom joke
>my mom is dead

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>thirdie banters the US
>actually just something that happened in c*liphateornia

>banter an American
>his blood pressure raises slightly
>mfw this will send him spiraling into bankruptcy due to hearth surgery in 20 years

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make me a pizza pls

whiter than you muhammad

>bant an american
>he starts describing the entire history of my country
>everything he says is fictional stuff from his own brain
>proves to him he's wrong
>"shut'up yah monky"


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How about some spaghet? :)

>banter a nip
>he spergs out about massacring chinks during WW2

thank you for your service

>go to banter someone
>have great banter joke in my head
>go to type it out
>halfway typing it I forget the joke
>look back at what I had typed and it makes no sense
>close the reply and feel defeated

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wat the fugg u say aboud my coundry?? >:-DDDDDDDDD

>banter Pole
>entire wall of butthurt text about WWII atrocities

whiter than you muhammad

Whitah den you, Mohammad

>German """""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""
why are Germans so bad at bants, bros?

but op is a spaniard? wtf?

whiter than you muhammad

>banter a jew
>he starts posting porn of women getting fucked by machines

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How do you know he is not posting from a hotel in Mallorca?

Holy shit, I've seen this guy. you?