Your cunt

>your cunt
>how common are gummy smiles in your cunt?
>your opinion on gummy smiles

uncommon but not too rare, most people here have the "Semitic smile"
I think it's pretty disgusting tbqh

Attached: li-repostioing-300x300.jpg (300x300, 14K)

it's mostly overweight women in their 40s

I have a terribly gummy smile and I hate smiling because of it
am I doomed?

yeah it looks disgusting

i like girls with flaws, but they can't be faveladas or something like that

< here in minas we have a lot of girls like this one and they have the gummy smile sometimes

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you can barely see my teeth when smiling let alone gums. also gum smiles are gross.

I see one a week or so.
You should have happy enough that a girl is smiling anywhere near you.

It's actually pretty common between nigs

What's the Semitic smile


my mommy has a gummy smile
so does my gf
and you just made me realize that

You probably picked your gf based of what your mother looks like

I've read somewhere that men gravitate to women that look like their mothers.

You also want to kill your dad, by the way.

Not true. My mom’s Sephardic but I’m obsessed with Scandi girls

Attached: happy-muslim-girl-arab-is-smiling_8119-849.jpg (626x417, 51K)

well you inherit your fathers taste in women. also my father has objectivly good taste in women anyway.

Being obsessed doesnt mean you will end up with one, you might just finish up with a sephardic anyways.
Trust me im a random nigger on the internet

Well, I have a short (as tall as my mom) and slightly chubby gf. My mom is also slightly fat.

I just realized that my mom and gf look alike

no shit freud

I have one and I hate it. But people said they like my smile.

Smiles are important in a woman for me. I could never date a girl with a gummy smile. They look like donkeys

I can’t even do that. I can’t put my mouth that high that it shows my gums even if I wanted to.

I have only ever once seen a person like on top. Absolute subhuman trait

mfw it's actually fixable

I wish that was true. I don't know if he realizes it but every time he points out how attractive a woman is she's always fat. His new girlfriend is 250 pounds. It always makes me cringe on the inside.
My mother looks really good for her age and has the "early to mid thirties teacher who calls you sweetheart sometimes" thing going on. I think my dad got hit in the head or something.

objectively disgusting but the top smile is prettier than the bottom one
