I haven't made a single friend since I graduate high school 4 years ago

I haven't made a single friend since I graduate high school 4 years ago.

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i did but they were from high school i just wasn't friends with them
every single friend ive made is because of a single person i autistically followed around in grade 9
How do you even make friends cold?

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>How do you even make friends cold?
Shared experiences through work, travel or volunteering

>Shared experiences through work, travel or volunteering

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never got how you make friend travelling either i went to a lot of places and had a guy chat to me once and had drinks with another guy who got all my shit stolen

Unfortunately the world won’t come to you


You have to travel or stay with them desu. Both are infinitely easier and safer if you get to know them working together at a hostel or something first

Me 6 years ago. No, it doesn't get better.

I'll be your freind

I've made a few here and there, I dont really keep up with them though, its hard to find people on the same wavelength.

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There might be a chance that you're closing yourself off to other people. Be open when you're getting to know someone.

get a job then, you can't socialize sitting on your ass at home

Is it weird not to be friends with any coworkers?
I don't see anyone in who I'd like to hang out with while I code for 6 hours a day.

My only friend is my dealer and even he forgets my name sometimes but that's okay because I think he forgets his own name too

but that's haram

Welcome to adulthood
I am 47 and don't have a single friend in the world
Never made one after middle School 31 years ago

Pls don't tell allah


Find a discord where people have same interests as you

Sometimes but mainly coke and adderall

It's incredibly easy to make friends travelling. Where did you go and what'd you do?

prague with people, newcastleat a guys house
Rome, London, poznan alone at hostels.
hostels were never partiluarly social thoguh you just go in a bedroom and during the day you fuck off because its hellish and overcrowded with nowhere to sit or anything

It being hellish and overcrowded is what makes it so social. Most people are open to companions when they're travelling, no offense but how'd you rate your social skills.

they aren't good but i can have a conversation
it's not like i was bottling talking to people i went with the flow and the flow was everyone was there with a group already or didn't really talk to anybody

I get what you mean. I think you should have walked up to a group and introduced yourself. I know it sounds cringy but in reality most people dont give a second thought about other people.

Next time you should try couchsurfing. It's an application where a local of the place hosts you for free for a few days and usually takes you out. I met some really cool and super weird people there.

yeah i was only 18 when i did it so im thinking it'll go a lot better next time with a few years of getting plastered with people

How'd you go when you were 18? Loan?

uncle had a start up in germany so i did shit kicker work for below minimum wage and could stay with him rent free
then the other trips were easy because europe's so cheap its not even funny

Had a conversation with a stranger that was my age for the first time since highschool two days ago.

Do you all just not have jobs?

I have a job and I socialize with people everyday but I wouldn't call them "friends" just connections

Since I left hs I have made friends at work that I have stayed friends with even after getting a different job

Same except i graduated high school in 2010

You are friends with coworkers? Normie

"connections" sounds handrubberim as fuck
you should at least call them colleagues or acquaintances

>graduated high school
>graduated university
still no friends

I don't talk at work because I believe in being efficient and I cannot multitask. I've now been shunned by the work clique and must transfer.

I have a job, and I generally like my coworkers, but they aren't my friends

I've been completely friendless for half my life.

>senior year of college
>never made a single friend

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christ man

just end it

I saw a post on here about how it was impossible to create "true" friends after childhood/adolescence and I think it's actually true.
t. hangout with the same people from middle-school

>all of my friends are people I still know from highschool

I'm pretty sure I was op of the thread you're talking about. All my friends are also from middle school too. We live half the country away so we only see eachother a few times a year, and mostly just chat on discord.