Finland wtf?
Finland wtf?
Their police aren't controlled by the mafia.
Everything is controlled by mafia but some mafia is called "state"
Why Finland police fuck Estonia??
I'd be more worried about russia.
iunno from what year is this map from but trust now is somewhere close to or even under 10%.
finland has conscription
everyone is used to having military and military trained people around everywhere
it also serves as perfect tool for harvesting potential policemen
they go into officer training then police school (3rd level like a trade college or something) so theyre very trained by the time they go on patrol
what corruption there is usually happens high up. you might get roughed up if you try to punch them but they wont kill you unless you pull a gun. they're very polite and helpful if you're not causing trouble and not paranoid like US cops.
I actually called the police today no joke. some idiot was riding an electric scooter with a small kid (2-4yr) between his legs. they actually got him too. I didnt interact with the police I just called 112 and 3 blocks later I see a cop car and the guy.
people here are npc sheeps despite the recent scandals with the police they refuse admit there's corruption and refuse to question any authority
protestant culture is cancer
corruption in finland is getting construction jobs for your friends and relatives or perhaps turning a blind eye to something. usually an extra building at a summer cabin in exchange for firewood or koskenkorva or innovative zoning laws.
corruption as in "give us money or we'll put you in jail and hold you for 24hrs" is absolutely non-existent
bribing is hopeless.
unless you have serious money (1.000€+) you won't be able to pay them off. even then police ALWAYS patrol in twos in Finland so there's a witness and the whole thing is more difficult.
Have you been living under a rock?
one guy imported cocaine while working in the vice unit. so what? how does that factor into trying to bribe your way out of a ticket or the cops coming up on the street harassing you?
>one guy imported cocaine while working in the vice unit
He was the chairman of Helsinki drug police, not some random cop. You act like this isn't a big lmao. Like I said npc sheep who refuse to believe even if the evidence is right in front of you.
I mean the Aarnio case was some The Wire shit you act like it's nothing. Who knows what else is going on there
are you retarded? it's one guy. everyone else is cleared of charges. how does one guy working a desk like you said importing cocaine and getting away with it for a while until GETTING CAUGHT saying anything bad about the cops that patrol on the street?
>that Ukraine
>literally a country where for a bad word about Putin you will be put on a bottle.
Yeah dude, one guy working alone could do all that shit and nobody else probabl knew about it lol!!
I gorrubt boliceman don't mean they all gorrubt :D
Police here can have a search warrant without any court order and they can much more with having a "suspicion". And many people here laugh at americans when the citizens there have more individual freedom when it comes to these things. I bet the other Finn ITT is just fine with it since he doesn't have anything to hide
ACAB idiot take a shower and go to bed. tomorrow go to work. that's all the advice you're getting.
>all that shit
he imported a few barrels of cocaine.
obviously he didn't carry them himself, he allowed his criminal buddies to do it. why would he use cops for this & EVERYONE IS CLEARED OF CHARGES so what the fuck are you crying about SYYTTÖMYYSOLETTAMA? retard summer's out go do your homework
Good projection. I guess it's easier to see anyone criticizing any kind of authority as ACAB antifas. How dare he??? Somehow police is above it while people like to shit on government or other agencies, but god no not the police
With the new hate speech police it amazes how come some people still are ok with having our freedoms taken away
I'm not and the European court of human rights has condemned Finland for it and the law should be changed. You're right, cops busting down weed grower's doors too easily and effectively is the #1 problem with the police in Finland right now. And that's not even joking, because sometimes they raid your house for no purpose.
To be fair though the finnish police doesn't trash your house. My buddy got busted for smoking weed while living at his parents house and the cops only checked his room while his parents were asleep upstairsand didnt wake them up :DD
Nyt täytyy kyllä myöntää etten jaksanut lukea ollenkaan ja veikkaan ongelmasi olevan jotain täyttä hevonvitunpaskaa.
Mene suihkuun ja nukkumaan. Huomenna töihin. Muuta neuvoa ei tule.
>everybone is gleared from garages :D
>that means automaticly everyone is innocent for sure dude trust me :D
who are you quoting?
innocent until proven guilty applies to everyone you fucking retard. is everyone one the street that's not a cop proven innocent for not being in jail?
Unohdin ihan että laudoilla nykyään on totalitääriset ideat valloillaan. Kauas ollaan tultu sensuurin vastustamisesta ja yksilönvapauksien puolustamisesta. Piraattipuoluekin joku vihervasemmiston nörttijaosto vihapuheineen
Suljetaan vain silmät
How is your language even real lol
Puhukaa suomea toisillenne saatanan mamut
Painu jonne helvettiin. Suomalainen poliisi on asiallinen ja ammattitaitoinen. Se, että ne pysäytti sut ajamassa viritetyllä mopoilla ei tee niistä mitään fasisteja eikä susta sorrettua uhria autoritaarisessa maassa. Miten helvetissä Suomen ongelmallinen sananvapauslainsäädäntö liittyy poliisiin? Ymmärrätkö jonne niin perustavan tason asiaa kuin vallan kolmijako? Mene nyt jo sinne suihkuun, ei tosta postailusta oikein näytä tulevan mitään.
Sinä tässä olet npc lammas joka ei nää koskaan mitään kritisoitavaa missään esivallassa. Lähtee aina defennsit tulille, vaikka ollut ihan asiallista kritiikkiä. Se ettei kenttäpoliisi sakota sua turhasta ei tarkoita etteikö poliisijohto olisi läpeensä mätä.
Ei, vaan sä olet amis tai vammanen joka ei ole suorittanut yläasteen YH:n opintoja. Poliisilla ei ole lainsäädäntövaltaa. Suomen poliisi toteuttaa eduskunnan säädöksiä, ja tekee sen maailman parhaimpien joukkoon kuuluvalla ammattitaidolla ja osaamisella.
but you see my point eh?
on ihan vitun paskavammasta ajatella, ettei tossa takana ole isompi verkosto kaikenlaista korruptiota minkä tuo yks vaan otti kaiken niskaansa
tiekkö nistitkin toimii ihan samalla tavalla, että sit kun joku jää kiinni niin se ottaa kaiken paskan niskaansa eikä ala välttämättä laulamaan muista
sä niinkun vähättelet korruption suuruutta vain sen takia kun sen todellista laajuutta ei ole saanut paperille merkattua
but clearly thinking about it like this is too much to ask of you I'm sure, because you are stuck in that stupid binary black and white kind of thinking
>ettei tossa takana ole isompi verkosto kaikenlaista korruptiota minkä tuo yks vaan otti kaiken niskaansa
sanoit iteki että se oli pomo ja kujeilija, eikä saa ketään vietyä mukanaan kun jää kiinni? totta kai siellä oli iso verkosto, mutta ei ne mitään kyttiä ollu. ne oli huumeiden salakuljettajia. jotka salakuljettaa huumeita elääkseen. ja salakuljetti huumeita rahaa vastaan aarniolle.
you are retarded on any language
miksi se yrittäis viedä ketään mukanaan kun sen koko vitun perhe varmaan teurastettais seurauksena niinku niissä meksikolaisissa videoissa :D
taidat olla ihan pikkasen naiivi
There's a saying that reflects this very well: "there's only two things that can separate two Finns, death and a police".
Sounds pretty soy.
Pigs lovers.
Finland should rule Russia.
(The white army should have won)
We are a country of bootlickers. The cops can literally force their way into your home, trash your place and take anything they want and most people would love them for it. It'd bizzarre.
Can =/= will
That simply does not happen without some reason.
Can and will. There's always a reason, and if not, they can just make one up.
fuk da popo
I think the police are required to take some psychological tests as a part of their validation here. I unironically think the police are bretty cool guys with a demanding and slightly shit job. So I guess this map makes sense in that regard.
i trust the police
I love the police. They are helpful and attractive as well :3
Whatever you say, ignoramus. Don't be surprised when they come to your home after you made inappropriate comments online though.
Yet another thread ruined by f*nnshits
Because we are a nation of bootlickers. See how this thread is full of finns defending police corruption.
Yeah a reason like growing some chili peppers and police will be invading your privacy in no time.
If they made this map today Romania would be the lowest of them all LMAO
We do have very little corruption compared to other countries but as ypu can see by looking at the posts in this thread, Finns are M A S S I V E bootlickers. The average finn would unironically suck an officer's cock if instructed to do so, I don't really know why.
Finns are too unsuspecting.
I'm sure the mean police was hard for you after you throw some rocks to their shieldwall, but that doesn't mean we all share the experience.
all me
Throwing rocks at shieldwall != growing some chili peppers. Stop being a bootlicker.
Haista vittua ja nussi sun isän persettä senkin hintti. Voi vittu tämmöiset älykääpiöt alkaa ärsyttää.
This. The police have repeatedly proven their incompetence and indifference toward citizens lately.
Why are you telling me to fuck ass when you are the one licking men's boots?
ITT you can see the boot-licking retards
these subhumans really have to go