Why Japanese women are so based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

pornhub.com/video/search?search=korean scandal

Just like in my Japanese mangoes.

This is fake right?


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Because the shota is a zainichi

god I wish that were me

this, this boy was a Korean.


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This is real news

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I wish I’d been molested by a cute older girl when I was a child. Life would be a little more colorful.

This is hot but also fucking disgusting. I would probably skin her alive if she did this to my boy.

Absolutely delicious

What a shit thread. This was posted in early July already.

How did a 13 year old get into a love hotel?

>the woman has two childrens of her own
Okay it kinda ruined it.

You mean this? Yeah they are real.
There are a fuckton of videos that Korean models sucking Japanese cock, even including K-pop idol Yoon-ah.

Seach "Korean scandal" on Pornhub
pornhub.com/video/search?search=korean scandal

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Cringe normie. Hope your retarded son gets his anus ripped by a pack of ferals niggers so you know what real rape is.

>I would probably skin her alive if she did this to my boy.

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She's surely love this anime.

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Some 19 year-olds look 12 yo.

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Are Japanese women actually as sexually deviant as the ones in the doujins I read?
Fuck you cunt, I'd thank the gal for turning him into an alpha.

>Oda Non

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Japan needs more man that are willing to bitch slap their women into place

stfu jap women are angels. bitchslap your own women for being whores and sucking muzzie dick.

>kidnaps and rapes a kid
Kys Animu incel freak

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She's creating chads

What makes you think it was rape? I was getting boners at that age, I'd have been fine with an older woman having sex with me back then.

all the japanese ero-manga are based on real stories

Same goes for female lolis then?

You're a disgusting aberration.

Based. I mean, that's some pretty crazy pussy the kid got into but she he is older he is going to reminisce on the sex. Other than being cautious of being caught she didn't actually torture the kid so that means it was pretty much just statutory. Which is retarded.

'Grats kid

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yes, unironically

Woaw based.

Female can't rape.

To be fair, she was accused of kidnapping and rape just because if u go dating and having sex with a 12yr old it automatically becomes kidnapping and rape by law.
The kid was totally into it.
Not like he was forced.

Ofcourse that doesn't make it OK at all though.

Because of jealousness?

It's not like kid will get pregnant after that, right?

NO NO NO NO life is not fair fuuuuckk!! AHHH

ur gay
no females don't have the same sexuality as males. Their virginity needs to be protected for their own mental health. Males on the other hand blossom from into alphas from having sex with older women.


What mobile game should I play to get a chance of cute gf?

If he did, I would also be pregnant by this time.


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Well, it was 荒野行動(KNIVES OUT.) It's some Chinese version of Fortnite.


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>netease games
Yeah, gonna pass that.


He was black btw

What the fuck is her problem?

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>women don't care when men are victims
>cheering on a boy for getting creeped on and raped

incelites can suck their own ass and perish. men are such shit quality these days

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based but also cringe



The kid has a story to boast for the rest of his life.

this "double standard" exists because the problem is emotional and the two aren't actually equivalent. also no one defends white men raping kids.

I wish that was me

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God I wish that was me

Yeah, "rape".


Just because culture says boys should be into and will be fine doesn't mean they are ready for it or that the women are good intentions (in most cases they want someone to dominate and treat poorly). Even if a boy thinks he's into it, kids that age do not think, more likely to be traumatised than not.


lucky boy

Pure love

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Psychologically, boys get fucked up when they have sex so early like this.
Statutory rape is no joke, that boy will have very unsatisfactory sex for years.

>they aren't equivalent
>"i-it's different guys!!! not REAL rape!"
Pedophilia is pedophilia and you should be flayed.

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Liking older women is opposite of pedo

I would have given anything to be """""molested""""" by some milf teacher when I was 13.

not if you're under 18.

Some preteen girls would feel the same with some handsome 25 year old guy. But NOW that crosses the line? What even makes the act immoral if its gender dependent?

boys != girls

Well, not -just- like it. She's not 6'6" with Z cup breasts.

>could've waited one more year
>now on trial for raping a minor and could be jailed for many years
Sucks to be her.

>foreigner think 13 year meme is real
please come to japan and have sex with 13 year

Nic- No, wait, it's not nice, this w*man should be chemically castrated and sentenced to life, double standards is not nice.

I'd skin you alive for being so dumb


>so many retards in here being supportive of her
No wonder England has so many Pakistanis rape children considering this thread proves that anglos love having children raped by asians


>promissed to marry him
He is going to have trust issues.
>love hotel
How did the receptionist not stop her? Did she think he was a midget?

Rapists are ugly and forces themselves on young girls
Shota girls are hot, gentle and teach all the things you're curious with

This, but unironically. If you say otherwise you're delusional.


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Imagine having that onee-san suckling on your tiny shota penis. Life's not fair bros...

>tfw never molested a qt shota
Should I start?

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Dunno. Are you a cute girl?

>confused pedophilia
they're just autistic insects like their men, user. this has already been known

Not fake. Very real and lovely.

based Bakiposters


Its ok. Its love.

Why not go to a regular hotel?

Why everyone was molested by hot women except me? I wish I was sexually harassed when i was a kid

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