Asian women are the best. You agree?

Asian women are the best. You agree?

Attached: IMG_1421.jpg (1478x1108, 141K)

Only from the pussy to the feet.

Attached: asian vietnamese feet.jpg (720x960, 111K)


Yeah why not


Attached: 51CB4EA9-98DC-4557-96E2-BEEC45CC1B6E.png (312x312, 122K)

Their wombs are manlet factories.


Attached: Selfie.png (450x570, 151K)

I agree here food and women are unironically the best


Attached: wakesu5ugvs01.jpg (1297x1718, 185K)

Attached: dressing room.jpg (1080x1920, 186K)

Attached: dressing room2.jpg (1080x1920, 155K)


White male > Asian male > White f*moid > Asian f*moid

Attached: dressing room3.jpg (1080x1920, 164K)

Attached: car.jpg (3648x5472, 726K)


Attached: 0345EF8FD6464A59986CB9CFBC33B8DF.jpg (675x637, 84K)

me on the left btw

Attached: 1568076061845s.jpg (125x86, 2K)


goddammit why did I save that so small
here's a replacement

Attached: 4151511115615811.jpg (1024x768, 126K)

Attached: car2.jpg (3648x5472, 731K)

yes absolutely.
I'd love to settle down with a Vietnamese gril


>user, something wonderful has happened

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Attached: car3.jpg (3648x5472, 735K)


Attached: Korean friend.webm (1100x618, 2.85M)

Yes, especially Japanese girls

Attached: bath.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

Holy chinlet on the 3 girl


Attached: sexpat.jpg (493x222, 114K)

This has literally never happened to him

Yes, especially Korean girls.

Attached: 4cd7c272e6094327d3b1c23544032564 korean girl.jpg (960x710, 58K)

His comic still pure meme no matter if anything is real honestly

Attached: 1558683869190.jpg (1280x896, 299K)

>Taking Your Bath
>makeup face


Attached: 1565709200156.jpg (850x850, 160K)

Take a pic of qt Korean in Hanbok

Attached: wx_love-20190910-0008.jpg (765x956, 80K)

Euros always posting East Asians.

But you guys settle down with SEAsians in real life.
Someone need posting sweden's international marriage stats.


Attached: F1D38AAB-2330-4E15-82C4-1759CD1BC7C0.jpg (1600x1200, 513K)

This English teacher again

White "women" are so ugly.

Very based

it's true though.

cringe incel

ok Roasty McToasty

Yikes white roasties are truly subhuman

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Attached: 1551164415549.jpg (500x500, 93K)

Harsh but true redpill for all the yellow fever fags itt

Attached: hapa.jpg (1200x750, 172K)


Attached: 1537905376931.jpg (640x938, 67K)

Its naturally to thirst for something you can't have

Guess which one is 28 and which one is 21

Attached: 1539318808225.png (886x1200, 1.64M)

she looks japanese

It's some Korean tvshow where they take foreigners and try to make them into kpop stars. Don't remember the show name but the Japanese girl is named Erii

Attached: asianqt_0.png (264x179, 50K)



what a fantasy tvshow

>Go to Kyoto
>all women in kimono are Chinese tourists
>Go to seoul
>all women in hanbuk are Japanese tourists

Attached: 1504831570864.jpg (500x375, 30K)

Why need an asian version of putin monkey.

Attached: 1568274577605.png (536x663, 851K)

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Μπράβο μαλάkα δεν την έχω ξαναδει αυτη την ειkόνα μου έkανες την μούρη kιμά.

Skase kitriniari

Attached: 646546.png (644x800, 174K)

Is she wearing a fucking towel?

Attached: 1521999275331.jpg (1023x1331, 314K)

Yes, anyone who disagrees is blind

I will marry a Japanese girl actually

Yes, tied with Turkic women for me

Ignore this Austrian troll.

Attached: 02thmbbd8gi31.jpg (1080x1045, 122K)

In your head?

also pls post austria's international marriage stats.

Attached: spo1610041203003-p3.jpg (337x450, 32K)

What percentage of jap girls look like this?

Attached: EA63nGVU8AIsodN.jpg (1365x2048, 342K)

100%, after they get surgery

Attached: cosplayer-768x406.png (768x406, 132K)


Attached: 1565750798795.jpg (850x637, 118K)

>austria's international marriage stats.
I bet all their women are marrying Slavs and Turks

That's hardly the case in reality user.

Dont be mad pls
Most of them
Whatever Incel


Why we dont see korean school photo with decent looking kids in it? guys im serious

these are always troll posts
but they are also a bit true, mostly cherrypicked for the exact purpose of btfo'ing nerdy incels


Attached: 1565570414321.jpg (3888x2592, 2.08M)

Yes, of course.

Attached: Edmonton2.jpg (1500x800, 476K)

>cherrypick asians
>they are still ugly

why does she have a towel on in the tub?

Second from left is still cute AF

No, its not.

kys mussolini

Attached: aryan_starterpack.png (1001x1480, 1.71M)

oh god no user. i really believe you can do better.

>Keanu reeves


No i dont instist any fucking thing. I just want one korean school foto with decent looking kids in it. im saying Korean not other chinkoid nations

I know they are koreans

Stop resisting yellow fever. Its natural for white men to seek exotic females to breed with.

Attached: 2 Asian girls smiling.jpg (1538x2048, 1.25M)


Attached: 1568258107375.gif (360x480, 3.1M)

Submit to it

Attached: Asian girl on the beach.png (1200x1200, 1.69M)

>fairly bled
>ate it too much, then you will end up full acne face

Jap men have shit genes, this is why your females prefer white bvlls

Attached: 1546952363267.jpg (1620x2160, 885K)

No difference.

this should be illegal


Attached: 1565755940272.jpg (471x651, 56K)

>I prefer white women

Attached: 1542638576743.jpg (1080x1349, 234K)

Seething roastie

Attached: Asian girls are master race.jpg (1811x3999, 1.51M)

post proof.

poland's international marriage stats pls.

Yes but only thick ones

Attached: 7CA06A7E-235C-44A6-8430-8F999F667821.jpg (750x818, 605K)

noo whiteroastiebros nooooooooooooooo

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