Why can't they speak their own language correctly?

why can't they speak their own language correctly?

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نحن نتكلم لغة الله

peninsular spanish does sound horrible desu


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I speak my own language (not Spanish) correctly, though.

>why can't they speak their own language correctly?
Euskaraz hitz egiten dut, atzeratuta


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Ya callate, siempre sales con tus mariconadas igual que los catalanes.


This. If spanish is your first language and you aren’t a castillian you are a massive cuck.

moro mierda

Basatu eta gorripilula

I'm learning Spanish right now, I like it a lot. Pic related.

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Why would a wealthy person learn a third world language?

Keep seeing different versions of that...which one is correct?

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Just like the sound of it, recently had a dream where I was fluent in it and thought it meant something and I should learn it

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What's the picture about?

>Italiano con los embajadores
Lmao fake.

Eu falo galego de puta nai, jalipollas. Non tes juevos a disirmo na calle.

No, Catalans and castillans are not white either

castilian isn’t a real ethnicity

Me merdas dis , setesaias do carallo? Faghoche sabere que funche son dos millores movemarcos do barbansa, teño tado en multitude de malleiras a ghitanos portugheses e posúo 300 baixas confirmadas na parcelaria.
Fun ensinado na capoeira do pais e son o millor sexador de galiñas de toda a costa da morte. Pra min ti non es nada mais ca outra fodida lesma das patacas. Vouche desgrasiar cua presision ca que lle paso a herba co fousiño, marca as miñas verbas.
Que carallo pensas, q´as disires merdas pulo internete así de balde? Pensa de volta paspán, mentres falamus tou a falar co meu primo e imos ir foderche o ghato, preparate pra verlle o cu aberto, miñoca dos collóns.
Tas morto neno

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>imos ir foderche o ghato, preparate pra verlle o cu aberto
Top kek

satan speak

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Galicia looks like an ideal place for a satanist. Lots of forests to do the rituals in peace.

Eucalyptus is the satanist's tree of choice too

down here we all know druids and witches hide in Galiza's forests

Galego é baseado meus cabrões. Fodam-se.

Aínda cho podía escribir pior eh

Based irmão

Baseado y andaluzeado


It burns easily

its spanish with god not latin

me guthan las therethas y la thervetha

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>why can't they speak their own language correctly?

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Tou chorando

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What is the difference between Spanish and castellano

Cada un fala como fala.

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que hise killo

mucho fuego compa grax x la recom salu2

The best of the Romance languages, but still inferior to English

>no genders
>no verb conjugations
>arbitrary pronunciation of words
>overly reliant of pronouns
>no formal/informal form
>you is the same for singular and plural

Nah your language is Grug tier.

>ser y estar


I thpeak Thpanish with an Andaluthian acthent after living in Thwedish Thpain for 5 years and I had a lot of trouble making mythelf underthtood when I was in Mexico. I do admit that Mexican Spanish sounds a lot more neutral.

Should've started learning Spanish when I still had a natural lisp from teeth gap lol

castillian is spanish, but so are the others

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Speak mandarin retards.

>no genders
Gender is retarded and serves virtually no purpose in almost all situations in which it was used, and its continued presence in Spanish only proves that so-called 'big brain languages' are for retards and so-called 'retarded languages' are for those with big brains
>no verb conjugations
It has enough :^)
>arbitrary pronunciation of words
Not really true though. Non-Anglophones just aren't big brained enough to remember that '-ough' is pronounced differently when preceded by 'r-' as opposed to 'thr-'
>overly reliant of pronouns
So you don't like one feature, even though the supposed problems of other haves/have-nots of English are negated by it? Weird
>no formal/informal form
One of the most retarded things about Spanish (and other such languages)
>you is the same for singular and plural
But we have those

"Iron" is a fantastic example of arbitrary pronunciation of words

which one of them? i can only speak two correctly D:


El asturiano no está recogido como idioma co-oficial, no estoy seguro sobre el Valenciano / El Catalán en Valencia.

Isto é galego ou castelhano? Não ouço isto como insulto desde que os meus avós eram vivos. Pensei que era uma coisa da aldeia deles.

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>>arbitrary pronunciation of words
>Not really true though.

This confuses and enrages the guiri

ese detalle no me importa
más tarde encontré un mapa mejor con más lenguajes pero no me pareció importante corregir lo que ya había posteado

Ostia chaval, no lo se tio.

No me insultes perroflauta o te atravesaré con mi onda vital.

Para vosotros, sudacas.

I knew this one: spanish with god, german with soldiers, english with friends and french with girls

Pa ti sudaca

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>>no genders
Better than calling random objects male or female. Spanish also doesnt have neuter.
>>no verb conjugations
False, you don't need a million conjunctions to convey an idea
>>arbitrary pronunciation of words
They arent you babies just want to be spoonfed
>>overly reliant of pronouns
Yeah sure using more pronouns is the grug tier choice.
>>no formal/informal form
The noun changes to indicate formal or informal. We don't call our friends and male family member sir.
>>you is the same for singular and plural
That's not 100% accurate. Southerners say y'all and the rest of us can say, "all of you" or you .


don't you have stabbings to do, John?

I've never stabbed anything actually, though I have shot a few pheasants and partridges. I prefer partridge for its milder and more moist meat but pheasant makes for a more flavoursome gravy. Where do you stand on the matter?

Mexico talking, que pasa huey? que tal huey? Fuck off shitskin taco rapist

Cringe. I don't even think Moors say takallam.


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Spanish is a language family, Castilian is part of it and Americans refer to it as Spanish because neighboring Castilian-speaking countries do the same.

Attached: castilian vs spanish.png (694x922, 35K)

Guys what Spanish are they speaking on dw documental?

T. Learning Spanish


i suppose spaniard accent?
i don't watch mennonite channel often

It's some sudaca accent

aaah that
it's "discovery channel" accent
believe it or not it's argentinian dubbing

Pero es que eso no son lenguas, son dialectos. Oficialmente se reconoce al Gallego, Catalán y Vaso como lenguas co-oficiales en sus respectivas comunidades autónomas y esto es lo que les da el respaldo y autoridad para que yo pueda declarar que son lenguas, mucha gente se divierte diciendo que son dialectos. El Asturiano es un dialecto, y el Valenciano un dialecto del Catalán. Ahora, a parte de estos dos dialectos, y en cierta medida el Leonés, aunque este si que esté en completo desuso no se que lenguas mas implicas que encontraste en un mapa, lo puedes subir igualmente? Si incluye cosas como navarro o andaluz como dialecto es meme mapa.


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>lo puedes subir igualmente?
bueno esperá
>Si incluye cosas como navarro o andaluz como dialecto es meme mapa.
extremeño también

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OK good to know. I find it it quite understandable. Watched 4 seasons in Havana on Netflix and didn't understand shit.

The gay lisp.

El aragonés es una lengua sí o sí, aunque si me dices que no está reconocida oficialmente me lo creo. El astur-leonés es considerado dialecto porque a los asturianos se la suda todo y a los leoneses aún más, pero es absurdo y debería de ser lengua. Lo oficial es irrelevante, oficialmente el chino es un sólo idioma lo cual linguisticamente es absurdo.

catalans are white

Pero acaso está en uso?
Y el Extremeño?
Pregunto por saber.

Yo cuando estuve por león vi pintadas de "leon solu" y alguna mierda más en leonés, todas iban de la lengua y de separarse de burgos. Así que como mínimo hay un solo autista que se sabe cuatro frases y un segundo que las sabe leer lo suficiente para explicármelas. Conozco personalmente un aragonés que habla aragonés perectamente y dice que muy al norte se usa, aunque por la idea que me dió el mapa del paraguayo es demasiado generoso hasta con las rayitas rojas. Del extremeño ni puta idea de si se usa o no porque no he estado. Supongo que será como en León.

No jodas pavo por lo mínimo deberían de ser una comunidad autónoma diferente.

Galego, é un insulto típico de toda Galiza mais empregase moito por Ourense e arredores
t. O da pasta

Meu, posteaches crinxe, has de perder suscritores.


the lisp is so annoying
but vosotros is so much better

Faz sentido.

Já ouviste "três tetas"?

>Já ouviste "três tetas"?
Pois aparte do significado literal non.
Que quer dicir?