Latin America

Who would have done a better job if they had colonized it?

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Lebanon , not even joking

What was Sweden doing?

Nazis. Latin america's problem is natives and their descendants.

England. We would get parliamentary systems and a tradition of decentralized govt.

Taking over northern Europe

>better job
at what at pillaging or what? Does it matter what brand cumskin would have done it?
>nazi Italian

Better at making the countries more prosperous and liveable

You ahmed larson



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Stay in your shithole

It would have needed a people strong and evil enough for wiped all the natives out.

Nazis work well, maybe Chink could have done it too.


Can't wipe all of them out. You'd still need cheap labor

Poland obviously

Imagine if the british made it into a penal colony like in Australia, nightmare fuel.


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You need to be hanged finnigger

England made great colonies for themselves not the natives.

England didnt genocide the natives

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kill yourself chicano

Reminder that some people actually believe this.

Im not a chi

who was then

They believe the truth

they didn't but spanish did

Those countries were among the most prosperous and liveable in the planet when we left them tho.

Not the Netherlands, Britain, France, Spain or Portugal.

They all held their hands in there and the results was what we have now (and for those who think the UK would make Brazil or Mexico a new version of Australia, they would most likely be even worse in that scenario than they are now, Brazil would at best, be a giant version of Mississippi).

So, I don't know, if Austria-Hungary tried to build a world colonial empire they might have done a good job in here.

Now we talk.



Nazis wouldn't have wiped them, you guys are retards

True lol

Hitler loved injuns

When we left, Two Sicilies was the richest country in southern Europe, Argentina grew to become the richest country in the world (look it up), Lima and Mexico City were among the world's paramount cities, hundreds of thousands of Euronordic subhumans boarded ships to establish themselves in Venezuela, Uruguay or Peru. If our ex-colonies are in the shitter now it's their and only their fault.

>Brazil would at best, be a giant version of Mississippi
No, at best it would be a giant version of Guyana. Mississippi was colonised by Spaniards and Frenchmen, Britain only controlled it for like 15 years.

>Another "Latin America should be cumskin xdxd" thread

Cumskins and their race obsession mijo. Thank gOD they're going extinct


no one
FUCK colonialists

reminder that many spanish conquistsdors were sephardic jews

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No one. Actually, maybe Portugal.

colonization ≠ loot

They tried to colonize Delaware.

"iberians" are too semetic to produce anything of quality

The Austrian Empire.
We would have so many German, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene mutts there


I think some people on this thread maybe jealous of the Iberian Master Race

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natsocs wouldnt genocide natives

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Indeed. Spain has been the scapegoat of every crooked Latin American politician to scape blame for fucking up what they had. Link related.

>Travellers and writers from the 16th and 17th centuries, describe Mexico as home to some of the most luxurious cities in the world. Tales abound of wealthy men ostentatiously decorating the bands of their hats with pearls and gems, and for ladies to be splendidly decked out in rich silks and fine jewellery. Even among the disadvantaged population it was common for people to wear silk clothes

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you're joking right?
the incas and the aztec were both extremely wealthy empires, are you implying that 16th century Mexico being prosperous was because of your own great philanthropist doing?

*rub hand*
*bomb palestine*

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Only insecure part Jews or part blacks think of the Jews they way you do faggot

Angry G*rmoids

Honestly, no one. The problem with the colonisation of Latin America resides in the fact there were far too many natives, which translated into low cost labour force (pseudo slaves). Brits probably would have done a similar job in North America having acces to cheap labour force. It's all about incentives, how do you make attractive colonisation in a place where you'll have to work a lot to eat?, by promoting and defending property rights, rule of law and all that stuff common in prosperous countries, do you need any of that if the land is filled with gold and slaves?, no, people will come without needing any of those incentives.

Now don't get me wrong, probably others would have done it better, but blaming the spaniards simply because they (and our countries) are trash makes no sense.

I think we probably had it best, though it could have been better if not for the bloody independence war. That screwed over everyone.

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ok kike

The British, the indios should have been completely exterminated.

the brits did not exterminate natives

One killed the natives unknowingly and just attributed it to "God's will", the other killed them with napkins intentionally.

There were not enough Swedes to even try. You want the job of 8 million Spanish to be replaced by 500,000 Swedes? Stupid. Better to let French or Italians colonize it, they at least had the numbers.

brits put them in reservations and spaniards bred them out

>brits put them in reservations
hooray for having one of the most depressed and addicted group in the continent

>spaniards bred them out
oh noo... they put a little Iberian DNA in them and most of them still ended up staying overwhelmingly native in most of the continent, how terrible

>most of them still ended up staying overwhelmingly native
false, only peru, guatemala and bolivia are overwhelmingly native

oops looks like sjw janny got offended

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A significant part of Mexico and most of central america is indo-mestizo (as in, being mestizo, but mostly having amerindian DNA over European), there's a costarican guy who have also pointed out that a lot of "mestizo" looking people can actually be 100% amerindian as he has shown with a few latinos test results already in 23andme, and since these DNA tests aren't taken to literally every segment of the population, who knows how much more "mestizo" looking amerindians there are in Latin America.

Some part of my country initially was colonized by germans but they couldn't support the weather and left the colony too soon.

Only the iberichads could.

The Ottoman Empire. Don't @ me.

Also, this scene enrages the asspanish.

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i just got banmed for this
central america americans are triracial, they obviously have negro dna

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French didn't want to leave France, that's why New France was weak as fuck. Italians would probably have flooded a colony though.

Spaniards were probably the best suited for the job, Brits would have been massacred considering the first colonizers were just settlers who just wanted to practice their religion and didn't have any means to fight, the French had basically no settlers and they were peaceful to the Natives so they wouldn't have took any territory at all, and the Dutch would have just made a Dutch West India Company which it wouldn't have been bad but no actual control over the territory.