Jow Forums meetup
Other urls found in this thread:
>the first pic of the row of pic...
What board is he posting on
Me on the right
the cumbrain meme is real
Laughed like a maniac looking at that article desu
>2 asians
See all this c*ck bait and race bait shit on 4channel comes from mad little yellow pepes and other shitskins
look at that coomer
based boomers
me on the right
holy fuck he looks pure evil, some Gollum looking shit
In regards to cuckposting on this board, Uk, Australia, and NZ should be replaced by Brazil, singapore and Indonesia
me on the left
I'm sure he's a great guy.
Taking these guys pictures and putting it on the net is still really rude desu.
degenerates deserve far worse
this everyone watches porn and these guys really like it. idk why they are shaming them
It's just that cuckolding is such a pathetic fetish that there is no need to reveal to the entire world that a certain person watches it.
t. bald coommaster
he's an Elder Vampire
maybe because they travel for miles to get photographs from prostitutes in a large, undoubtedly smelly, room filled with other cumbrains
[spoiler]2d porn superior[/spoiler]
that's exactly why there's a need
and theres a difference between watching it at home alone and attending conventions irl, the latter is indefensible
lower vampire*
t. knower (but not a vampire, exorcists pls keep away)
I know he is one of you.
He's just Polish, don't be so mean.
100% the Yellow Bastard from Sin City.
Is that Dobson?
>t. cuckold who adores cuck porn
bite me
int for sure
>t. r*Ssian
Yellow bastard...
Haven't you visited your local gay parade center yet?
>That bald guy
My sides
would rather have faggots and trannies than r*sskies
>like anyone except pufters would want to visit your frozen shithole
lel blyat
You can see the insanity in his eyes
You can almost hear the spittle flecking the face of his most beloved pornwhore as he rambles incoherently about her finest nog-rimming scenes, as she cowers behind a security guard in fear of her life
You can almost taste the foul-smelling body odour drifting around the room from his every pore
What a man
Is that beloved Spanish football pundit Guillem Balague on the left?
Photographer is his next cock-target
>That filename
>That text
This is the funniest post I've seen today