Stop pooing

Stop pooing.

Attached: 1568204993487.jpg (1436x1552, 740K)

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ill shart in any mart i want u fucking oppressive downie

her mouth will be my toilet


Stop pointing at me

Im taking a poo in the loo right now and theres nothing you can do to stop me

Thanks. I learned a new word

>drinking alcohol in pregnancy won't harm the fetu-

Stop being a corrupt mafia-state

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How dare you oppress my culture. Apologize!

There's something about her facial expression that make me really want to punch her face.

She’s a sperg, right? So that is the prototypical German face. :^)

She has aspergers and possibly FAS. Wanting to punch someone like this is a natural response.

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Too late, Greta. I've already ordered my nation to poop every other day to save the planet.

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>tfw you visit Brazil and its a poop day
imagine the smell....

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Ready to shart in mart?

>"Arbitrarily telling people to poop less frequently is not good health advice and could result in lots of accidents and soiled underwear."

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i will dump a truck load of feces all over your house greta

I present you 2019 men

doesn't rhyme well


>I present you 2019 men

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*does a big stinky poo*

Ok ojou-sama, please let me sniff your toes