Do A*nglos really?

>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.

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holy fucking based


Attached: The Eternal Anglo- Perfidious Albion.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

He said this because the fucking Amish kept invading Pennsylvania, which he was president of. He wanted to dehumanize the Germans because all the Amish were German immigrants
t. PA

Was it George Washington who said this? And can you elaborate more on what you wrote, it seemed very interesting.

Attached: My friend is a foreigner, united against hate and xenophobia.jpg (600x478, 48K)

But Amish are based, unlike the rest of Amerika. Why do you hate Germanics so much?

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and we saw what happened the Germans became degenerate retards and the Anglos were forced into smaller communities which are now saddled with Germans not pulling their weight.
Now we have Blacks, Hispanics, Italians, and other demi-niggers like Germans ruining the state.
We pay 60% of the fucking taxes and it all goes to these 80IQ non-Anglos.
go to hell blockhead

>Amish are based
no they clog the already shitty roads. They arent as bad as city Germans. The Amish are at least deeply religious which keeps them in line.
Feral Germans are lazy, cunning, and generally weasels.
These are people that should be sent back to germany or better yet to the grave

Germany still has most of its industry, while Brits sold all their shit to pajeets and chinks.

It’s weird to think that a large portion of white Americans are mainly of German ancestry and not English, Scottish, Welsh and Ulster Scots ancestry.

Nice legitimate quote there neutral fag


It's from the documentary: Europa - The Last Battle

Ireland is the largest group of “whites” in the US, with bavarians being the next largest, and Prussians and West Germans being the 3rd largest, followed by Anglos

Theres no source from google. Churchill wasnt even prime minister in 1936 theres your clue

>replying to swarthoids

Krauts are morally stunted and don't "get" democracy or free enterprise

I will further research it. Thank you.

Are we being touchy?
No need to get offended. Did not mean anything insulting towards you by it. Just thought that it would bring answers from people writing directly instead of google/duckduckgo searches.

my swarthy brother :)

>muh democracy
>muh free markets

Why are you guys being hateful towards Germans? Don't want to be rude but how are you not worse than them? Everything evil in this planet exists because you protected the people that created it and made it all possible. You are in no position to be saying who's the "subhuman" or whatnot.
Whatever happened Hitler would have made Eastern-Europe into a paradise as opposed to what happened to them after the war because you helped the communist. No need to bash the Germans, you have already destroyed them and their people and now you are riding high on the new world order you created

Don't hate Jerries lad just think every Jerry house taller than a shoebox needs saturated carpet bombing simple as

Hahaha ok
I've always wondered though, why is there Anglo's who hate Germans? I used to like History in school and never found anything related to it so i'm genuinely curious. What have i missed?

>Don't hate Jerries lad just think every Jerry house taller than a shoebox needs saturated carpet bombing simple as

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