Which Nordic cunt is your favorite?
Which Nordic cunt is your favorite?
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I like the ones with a nice minge
Finland ( Suomi )
Denmark is best but I like the others too
Politics aside I like Norwegians
Finland ( Suomi )
Finland ( Suomi )
Which Nordic girls have the best milkies?
Finland ( Suomi )
Is Iceland a real country, or is it a meme?
mutts will not divide us
I like the Norwegian countryside but the Swedish one is nice too.
All of them :3
Which one has the prettiest girls, Denmark?
all of them are cool with me desu
Danes seem the most levelheaded of the bunch, Norwegians and Swedes are too self righteous, Finns are based autists, Iceland is...Iceland
Swedes get bullied into that behavior but I haven't noticed the same from norwegians
Perhaps I am erroneously grouping Norwegians with Swedes, dunno honestly you don't hear that much about Norway on this board or anywhere for that matter. I just assume two countries that close with that much shared border would tend to be culturally similar.
Norway ofc
Our gay and tranny culture is superior to the others
They're similar in real life (more than danes) but I just meant here on Jow Forums. A norwegian flag gets you very different replies than a swedish one and all swedish posters get turned into this. obviously it's americans that attack swedes the most but a little bit from slavs too
I'm not gay but I really want to play with a shaved Scandi cock
Norway (suomi)
This is next to a school in Copenhagen. I visit both Norway and Sweden occasionally and you'll never see this there. There's also absolutely no fun allowed in marketing of alcohol over there.
Overall, Denmark is the fun country and the others are forests with a handful of autists hiding behind the trees
Isn't beer also much cheaper in Denmark compared to Norway and Sweden?
None, none are my ethnic group.
EU won't work out the people look different
Denmark is like Sweden, but for adults
Why go to little-Germany Denmark when you can go to real Germany?
sweden is too normie
and finland is too depressing
they're all the same innit
What do Scandi girls butts smell like?
I dont know if I have a favorite one at this point. I'm learning swedish but seeing how they all let their countries go to hell voluntarily, i'm not sure I have the same spark about them anymore.
So you don't like relatives in general?
Would I be correct in saying that Danish girls look like a prettier version of Dutch girls, while Swedish and Norwegian girls have the blatant Scandinavian look?
I want to sniff a Scandi girl's butt so badly
Hers too
Iceland seems nice
Icelander here, I'm not sure if I exist
Maybe I'm an elf
Does it feel like a full blown country with such a small population? Does everyone know each other?
I haven't really traveled much so I'm no authority on the matter but I'd say it meets most criteria, everyone wageslaves the same as everywhere else in the world, everyone waits in the same traffic, there's the same mad scramble for purpose in life, the same slight corruption and governmental ineptitude, etc
Only things that remind you that we're a tiny country is stuff like some commodities or some forms of education (like veterinary medicine) not being available here
>Does everyone know each other?
Pretty much
How hot are Icelandic girls on average? Does Iceland have a distinct cuture, or does it feel more like an offshoot of Norway?
the one thats achieved something in the last 1000 years
norway for landscapes
sweden for music. norway had some good shit too though
>How hot are Icelandic girls on average?
I'd say like 6-7/10, people either vastly overestimate how attractive the girls here are or I'm just a fag
>Does Iceland have a distinct cuture
Oh you bet, 1000 years of isolation weren't for nothing so we're vastly different from the rest of the nordic countries
The language differences alone speak volumes about that
I don't think anyone rates their own women higher than 7/10
How big is your dick? How are Icelandic girls at sex?
Sweden, it has the best music and nicest people
How do you feel about tourists? Also which places should I visit?
>How are Icelandic girls at sex?
Based texans
I dislike Denmark the least
Iceland > Finland > Denmark >> Sweden >>> Norway
ordered them by whom I perceive as least full of themselves
My last hookup she let me fuck her in both holes and cum on her face and choke her
>Icelandic anal
That is something most men will never get to experience
Do Iceland girls give good head?
Ehh 6/10
You've never nutted from a BJ alone?
Sunland ( Fiomi )
not that I recall but probably
Personally I don't really like tourists because they've changed Reykjavík a lot and have played a large role in facilitating the takeover of english in the service industry
You won't miss out on much if you use a "top 10 places to visit in Iceland" list either
>not just speaking icelandic until they understand or get somebody else
>reyndi að gera þetta á dominos um daginn eftir að gæji skildi ekki "eitt þriðjudagstilboð með svörtum pipar takk"
>hinir tveir gæjarnir sem voru að vinna voru líka útlendingar
Maður getur ekki unnið
That landscape looks fairly Swedish. This photo was taken close to Sweden.
Do Norwegian girls have good braps?
Í svona tilfellum haga ég mer bara eins og ég hafi aldrei heyrt ensku og stend á minum prinsip
Einhvers staðar þarf maður að draga línuna, ég var alveg glor og bráðvantaði petsu til að viðhalda my gains
Lenti líka í því bara fyrir nokkrum dögum síðan að strætobílstjóri sagði að ég væri seinn þrátt fyrir að ég kom í strætóinn á slaginu og seinna meir (þegar ég gleymdi óvart símanum mínum í strætisvagninum og bað hann um að stoppa) öskraði hann á mig á MJÖG afskræmdri íslensku "hvað er að þér maður"
Djöfullinn hata ég útlendinga
Sweden despite their shit modern politics. Most contributions to culture and science, only Nordic country that developed something resembling a fine cuisine, also grew up with Astrid Lindgren stories
They're all fine countries though
suomi they have cuties
Mistök númer 1
Does Stockholm have a good nightlife
Only a syndrome.
unironically kill yourself you obnoxious underage zoomer normie fuck
Incel alert
If you like homos grinding against your ass on the dance floor.
It's extremely expensive and if you drink anything before going out you won't get in.
There's a huge line to get in and the guards are looking at you while you try to stand perfectly straight for an hour and if you every stumble or even sway a little, you won't get in. You have to arrive with a gang of friends to get in too, if you're a lone guy they'll suspect you're an incel and you won't get in. You wouldn't have a fun time going there alone anyway since the others only want to talk to their friends or girls they're trying to pick up.
You'll have to pay 200 crowns to get in and 50 crowns in the mandatory closet. Then it's at least 100 crowns for the cheapest beer and 200 for a mixed drink.
Not one girl will lay eyes on you during the whole night.
What about regular bars?
You posted it, Sweden.
Imagine the same except everything I described is dialed down a little. The music is usually as loud as in night clubs.
I want to go back in time to 1976 and sniff Agnetha Faltskog's asshole, anyone else?
Yes but I'd do it now too
She's a bit too old now, but any year up to 1990 I would do it.
Do you think she's a good example of Swedish beauty?
Finland. Had a lot of good times up there!
They all suck, but in a different way.
>norway = no fun allowed
>sweden = no (((problems))) allowed
>finland = no friends allowed
denmark I've never been to
It's crazy to me how many Euros don't go to critically acclaimed countries that they're close to. I was talking to a Danish qt the other night, and she told me she hasn't been to Sweden since she was a kid. Yet she has been to the US and Spain a lot.