Your cunt

>Your cunt
>Are you under foreign occupation?

Attached: US_military_bases_around_the_globe.jpg (750x500, 36K)

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yes but only niggers, not the americans

we should liberate it again

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Kek, I remember when we bombed these faggots and tolled them to get out , they got so buuthurt about it



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i talk about ww2 you turd

I talk about how you liberated us so much, we weren't even allowed to pass reforms to a collapsing system
No wonder Communism collapsed


Yes, Lebanon?

Yes, by (((them))), africans, arabs and the EU

yes you had a US airbase there

I'm sorry it was mistke

No worries :)

We are being cucked into becoming Chinese vassal/resource mine.

frenchies are the ones occupying nigger countries

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imagine being cucked by burgers, how embarrassing

No shut up

Wtf Egypt and Sudan are our colonies though

oh no did I do that

YES! Which makes me a victim of wh*Te imperialism. You burgers better pay up once we've got our sovereignty back.


You have your own Sudan Frenchie

Ther are WAY more nigger on french land than frenchmen on nigger land

The ones here behave well enough so I don't really care desu. From what I understand they act like niggers everywhere else though.

Kazakhstan? REALLY NIGGA?

Хyй бyдeшь?

I lived in Catania for two years at Sigonella. It was great, thank you Italy!

glad you liked it here :)


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