dutch girls are med men property
Dutch girls are med men property
I’m part Dutch.
Dutch are a mix of lower germans + danish genetically
dutch women are taller than the average med men
Sounds hot.
maybe than poortuguese
you forgot spanish, french and Anglo
They don't give a fuck about your height. This isn't Jewmerica.
t. alejandro de dominguez al petunias 162cm height brown eyes and hawk like beak
How are they Danish lol
They give a lot of fuck about your height (and you're probably a manlet).
Dutch girls are not only tall, they're generally buff and feel like they have more testosterone than half the Dutch guys. Especially the ones who smoke - they have very deep voices.
Gender stereotypes are partly flipped in this country.
The leftie doesn't have a Dutch face. She looks like a southron.
The right one has an inbred Amsterdam face. Which is not very surprising, considering it's Amsterdam.
Those are some ugly girls
If i was It*lian (thank god im not) i would not be very pleased
not this again...
what do you mean you don't date girls that are taller than you?
what are you? some kind of insecure faggot?
grass is greener and so on
The Spanish Netherlands is Belgium.
The Benelux = The Low Countries = The Netherlands
italian guys I think are the most pouplar men in the world to be honest
I'm a 178cm Med Bull and I'm taller than dutch women
I'll never fix my posture so that my 6 ft girlfriend always towers over me.
Wog subhuman
Back to Shitaly (or Grease)
based and hot
I'm 186, so I don't have this problem. If she's taller than that I'll probably not be interested desu.
It should be illegal for men to be below 175cm. And illegal for women to be above 175cm.
what are you gonna do about it lanklet homo
The guillotine.
I wish. I'm only 167 cm and wish everyday I was at least 175
I actually agree with this
> t.1.94 meter
LOL fucking manlets, will you ever learn?
men need to be shorter than their women for maximum hotness and perfect offspring and offpsring hotness
men need to be stocky and bulky, like a bulldog. the lanklet can only dream of the manlet's incredible gains and stamina. the lanklet is frail and weak and gets tired easily. the manlet is a true man and has a big dick. manlet erections are permanent like a sexual beast, a wild satyr. the lanklet can barely have enough blood pressure reaching his fingers.
the woman needs to be taller than the man to avoid obesity. taller women carry manlet babies and birthing manlet stocky sons. hot. the woman is taller and graceful in her movements. shorter women are disgusting and pathetic and weak and suffer back pain when they have big boobs while the tall gf is a goddess of femeninity, a true dryad, the bane of frail lanklet egos.
med girls are for leaf men
Pic related is the ideal look
5'7 - 5'9 tall, ultra Mediterranean appearance and classic dress code (suits and coats)
Looking like this in Northern Europe will make you slay 8+/10 Germanic pussy
Fucking lol
Coupe manlet, women don't want midgets
K, Alfonso. Still doesn't change the fact you're a manlet.
Knowledgeable posting.
The guy is fairly attractive. She's being such as ass.
I think the guy would make a cute trap.
im italian and have never had a girlfriend
>5'7 - 5'9 tall
not even sicilian are that short anymore
maybe sardinians
Angry lanklet screeching.
A portuguese directed the way for the rest of the Med
that's hot too
god that's hot
Ask me how I know your height.
she wasted her genes mixing with this moor
yea quit talking as if that were something special.
EVERY GIRL EVERY COUNTRY PREFER ITALIAN MAN. It doesnt matter if you go to Turkey, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, Namibia, Sudan, Morocco, France, Italy, UK, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Finland, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, China or any country in the world. Every girl in every country will say "Yes I want an Italian man".
Germanic giantesses belong to southern european manlets.
Why do Swedish girls like refugee cock so much?
>there is no place for a greek bvll in this world
Where is that from, my boy?
White women are the most beautiful thing on this planet. I'm thankful for modern technology because I can watch naked white women.
that's cringe.
Its, fine of course. Italian man are #1 no contest, everyone prefer Italian. After Italian is Spanish and French. But after that is Greek! There was a leaked video that spread on finnish ylilauta a few months ago of Finnish girls who travel to Greece and got fucked by Greek BVLLs.
the girl im going out with tomorrow said shes (part?) dutch and I am med
lamo go to ukraine
you can get women better than anything in west europe for 200
i get german girls to show me their feet online for being italian but cant have an irl gf
Slavs are generally uglier than west europeans. Not to mention almost all hookers here are slavs. And cost between 85 to 130 euro for an hour. Or 50 for a quickie.
Not news.
the med bvll is a meme of cherry picked models, most meds are ugly brown manlets
The state of this cope is ridiculous
I’ve literally never heard any woman say they prefer short men
The only way a man between 1.85meter to 1.95meter can be a virgin is if he is very autistic
Indian men are the most cringiest thing on this planet. I'm thankful for modern technology because I can watch and laugh at them
I honestly don't understand foot fetishes.
lewd posting!
>Slavs are generally uglier than west europeans
You would know if you ever traveled.
because you are a faggot
lanklet men get manlet women. that's all they get. sad.
t.romanov angry cause is left thirsty and alone
slavs look like north europeans, the ugly meme is because they don't take care of themselves
Who says anything about lanklets ?
I’m saying tall guys
And it’s how it is short girls are generally prefred to tall ones
i see that even the shittier ukrainian prostitute here is better than 90% of bongs and krauts tourist
locals too
Astoundingly based. You speak truths that the average man can’t bear to accept.
lanklet men get manlet women, you call it a preference I call it
Kys, you're not white you moortugese nigger.
We are not bongs or krauts.
Illuminated post.
>Finnish girls who travel to Greece and got fucked by Greek BVLLs
for real? like a lewd video?
Tell me your address.
Hahahahaha, I guess the guy hit the bull on the eye ahahah you're just proving him right by spouting random fake insults
Utrecht. Tonight. Behind central station. At 20.00. Be there.
Meds are the ugliest Evropeans
Keep saying lanklet boi
half right.
men need to be taller and stronger than women. and women need to be taller than men.
it depends on the point of view. you should always look for a mate that will give you good children. as a guy look for the women that will bear you strong sons even if she is taller. same applies ot women in reverse.
people who insist on tiny women are just cucking their decendants.
go home dimitri
Ok this has to be a proxy or immigrant
Says literally the brown Azorean immigrant.
Go back to your brown island, shitskin
yea a lewd video. I didn't watch it but it was memed about on ylilauta for a while so i know about it.
They were fucking on a car or something, one Finn girl says that the greek has a fucking great cock and ask him to cum inside, but the greek BVLL doesnt cum inside.
Your mom is my property when I come into her vagina and gift you with brothers if you catch my drift lol
Do you think every Indian is born out of rape?
sorry are those refugees or identitarians
no but every rape is born from an indian.
Only 50%
The other 50% are born thrown bow movements