Dutch girls are med men property

go home dimitri

Ok this has to be a proxy or immigrant


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Says literally the brown Azorean immigrant.
Go back to your brown island, shitskin

yea a lewd video. I didn't watch it but it was memed about on ylilauta for a while so i know about it.
They were fucking on a car or something, one Finn girl says that the greek has a fucking great cock and ask him to cum inside, but the greek BVLL doesnt cum inside.

Your mom is my property when I come into her vagina and gift you with brothers if you catch my drift lol

Do you think every Indian is born out of rape?

sorry are those refugees or identitarians

no but every rape is born from an indian.

Only 50%
The other 50% are born thrown bow movements

Attached: Windows India.jpg (750x496, 11K)