
Nasi kerabu edisi

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god i used to be so high test

halo indon
mau nanya nih
1a mbps, 2a mbps itu artinya apa ya?

tfw even my teddy bear smell like smoke

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My dad who is pro-PH and voted for PH in the last election already started talking about " cina dah melampau" and openly talking about boycotting chink businesses. He's still pro-PH though. Some ex-PAS (like my dad) are just too UMNO hating and oblivious to the fact that Mahathir was the head of UMNO for 22 years and the culprit for many of grievances experienced by PAS supporters, but apparently as long as you're no longer UMNO all of your past sins are forgiven.

>and openly talking about boycotting chink businesses
your dad sounds based to me

Kita hidup dalam kemasyarakatan

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Guess what happened next!

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why do chinks turn red when they drink alcohol


Because of the BBC

lmao chinks are literally insectoid mutants

Among the unplanned consequences of this is the price of chink goods has actually gone down considerably (which is a good thing for everyone) because malays keep buying only malay/muslim goods even though the price is higher, and yet their stocks are all almost sold out while chink goods still full on the shelf.


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they don't process a byproduct of alcohol nce it metabolises steadily and get buzzed far too quickly as a result. sort of an allergic reaction but not. it happens with a large percentage of them but it's not overwhelming numbers

Absolutely based


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Spotify web udah buka lagi ya?

The first boycott actually was done by chinks in 2011. In 2011, Gardenia which is bread company owned by Syed Mokhtar dropped Federal Flour Mills (owned by Robert Kuok - richest guy in Malaysia) as their supplier and select two Malay-run flour mills instead as their suppliers. "Boycott Gardenia" campaign was first launched by certain Chinese quarters and these groups called on the Chinese to boycott Gardenia and support the FFM-linked Massimo brand of bread instead.

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She's already in Canada, right?
She must be happy having dicked by black bulls so much.

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>Malaysians are already so prosper that they can actually pull these boycott things

Did chinks actually boycott Malay products?

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The boycott this time around actually is a reaction to the anti jawi rally by chinks in Jerantut, Pahang.


Malays across political spectrum feels frustrated with how things are going right now so this is the only response that they can give as ordinary citizens. You can actually see people openly looking at their phones while shopping to refer to the malay/muslim products list.


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>anti jawi rally

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Antara yang paling jelas nampak sekarang ialah harga minyak masak turun mendadak

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Context: Seri Murni and Buruh are chink owned

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It helps that the thing isn't technically a boycott but just the preference of a sub-set of a products on the market. Stuff in the supermarket are cheaper than any campaign/stimulus government can ever do.

They ain't seen me cause I pulled up in my other benz
Last week I was in my other other benz

3 days ago, UMNO (biggest Malay party - nationalist) and PAS (second biggest Malay party - islamist) formally announcing their alliance. Both were rivals since merdeka (except few years when Najib's dad was PM. PAS was expelled from the coalition a year after Najib's dad passed away). Together they have 75% of total Malay votes. Both are in opposition side now.


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You guys only have three parties?


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Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku, lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku kau begitu...

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Technically there's only two sides, the gov and the opposition, Most parties falls within these two categories. We don't have the naruto parties like you guys

Kurasa ku tlah jatuh cinta
Pada pandangan yang pertama
Sulit bagiku untuk bisa
Berhenti mengagumi dirinya

Oh Tuhan tolonglah diriku
Tuk membuat dia menjadi milikku
Oh cintaku
She's all that I need

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Reminder that PAS is technically the biggest political party in Malaysia since UMNO and PH are coalitions of political parties.

Adults no longer fall in love. Only teenagers do.

Bahas apa? Ku baru pulang rapat perjuangan lgbt, Terus lgs sakit kepala saking pressurenya, indonesia saat ini sedang krisis toleransi. I just never think it was that bad. This is just random curhatan malem gw. Ignore me. Saya sebagai minoritas udah biasa dapet perlakuan ga adil dari bocah. Jadi kayaknya dari dulu sampai sekarang sama aja. Memang indonesia very amat krisis tolerance sih. Indonesia needs perubahan ASAP. Exactly kayak apa yang kamu bilang. Kita emang harus lebih more sounding about hal hal like dis biar indonesia semakin tolerance dan kita bisa hidup in peace. Iya memang. Indonesian people harus more aware sama problem like this. Kaum LGBT juga also human like us. We should sosialisasikan tolerance kepada kaum LGBT too. sebel deh yesterday aku ketemu ama my friend who was wearing pin rainbow. trus dia di bully gitu sama peers nya padahal he is actually a good guy. entahlah sampai kapan this insanity will end. exactly my point.

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Seorang laki-laki melintas, menyimpan malu
Menyusur langkah-langkah sang gadis yang kecil
Tapak kakinya yang lelah menyisakan perih
Tetes keringat mengalir mencoba melawan ragu
Berharap sang gadis mengerti hatinya

Namun nanti malam akan ia jerat rembulan
Ia simpan dalam sunyi hingga esok hari
Lelah berpura-pura, lelah bersandiwara
Karena esok pagi akan tetap seperti hari ini
Menyisakan duri, menyisakan perih, menyisakan sunyi

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>Shilling hard for UMNO and PAS

Stop it you autist. PAS is dead after the Death of Tuan Guru. Now they were controlled by the ultra conservatist man who betray everything that Tuan Guru stands for.

Many parties but 2 sides

>Pakatan Harapan coalition (PH) - current government
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) - Anwar Ibrahim's party. Split from UMNO after Anwar was sacked by Mahathir. Technically multiracial but controlled by Malays.
Democratic Action Part (DAP). Technically multiracial but essentially a Chinese party
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM/Bersatu) - Mahathir's party. Split from UMNO after Mahathir's disgreement with Najib. Malay based party.
Parti Amanah Negara (PAN/Amanah) - PAS splinter party after PAS decided to sever its tie to DAP.
Warisan - Sabah's party. UMNO Sabah's splinter party.

>Barisan Nasional (previous ruling coalition)
UMNO - Malay party. Essentially the leader of BN and calling all the shot.
MCA - Chinese party but enjoy essentially almost no Chinese support on the ground
MIC - Indian party
Various Sabah & Sarawak parties but they now have their own coalition and basically will put their priorities first and will support anyone that benefits them

>PAS - Islamist

Top kek. My prediction is coming true and that Canadian user did deliver his words, Hooking her up with BBC truly she loves her studies on Phallocentrism.
Saved cute girl UwU

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N..not true at all

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Merenungi luar jendela,mengagumi kebesaran yang Maha Esa
Ku menilai kehidupan dari sudut berbeza
Tak memadai hanya kecapi rasa selesa
Maukan harta yang mampu beli 1 semesta
Berpesta ke pagi botol bergelimpangan
Kekasih muda bukan takat berpegang tangan
Harta dan jamuan nafsu tidak berkekalan
Bila menjelang tua bukan itu jadi bekalan
Dan jangan puisi ini disalah tafsir pula
Bukan berkhutbah cuma betuli diri jua
Ingin hidup sempurna aset nilai berjuta
Saling tukar wanita,senyum dan mati tua
Bakat dikurnia jangan disalah guna
Jangan kufur nikmat yang diberi percuma
Guna kelebihan untuk hikmah bersama
Jagalah nama hidup penuh pementasan dan drama
Ada berisi ada yang kurus,ada melencong ada yang lurus bukan semuanya tulus
Ada sempuna ada kurang upaya ada yang jadi buta hanya bila sudah kaya
Sebesar rumah bermula dengan sekecil bata,boleh hilang dalam sekelip mata
Ucaplah alhamdulillah bukannya sukar, kerna semua nak kaya atau besar
Tetap Allahuakbar!!!

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Tuan Guru stands for Hudud and Qisas. The RUU355 that pushed for Hudud and Qisas in Kelantan was tabled by Nik Aziz in Kelantan DUN in 1994.

>PAS is dead after the death of tuan guru
Dead to DAP supporter and the west coast Malays? Sure. In their heartlands and as far as their core supporters are concerned, PAS has never been this strong.

Bullet points below indicate the election years and the percentage of popular vote received by PAS:

2008 (member of Pakatan Rakyat) — 14.36%
2013 (member of Pakatan Rakyat) — 14.78%
2018 (member of Gagasan Sejahtera) — 16.99%

In Kelantan and Terengganu they wiped of PH - zero seats.

>Kelantan 2013, PAS with Pakatan agaisnt UMNO - won 32/45 seats
>Kelantan 2018, PAS on its own against both PH and UMNO - won 37/45 seats

>Terengganu 2013, PAS with Pakatan against UMNO - won 14/32 seats
>Terengganu 2018, PAS on its own against PH and UMNO - won 22/32 seats

Hembus angin yang terasa panas
Keringat menetes di dada
Tiada henti kau bekerja keras
Berjuang demi cinta

Untuk Indonesia
Teruslah bertahan
Walau dihancurkan disakiti
Kau tetap berdiri di sini
Untuk Indonesia
Jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Darah Indonesia
Akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia
Menggelegar 'tuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia
Walau badai menghadang
Kau takkan pernah hilang
Walau badai menghadang

Lihat laut dan indahnya ombak
Gemulainya pohon kelapa
Para gadis yang mulai menari
Kibarkan merah-putih

Untuk Indonesia
Kita punya semua
Seribu budaya dan kekayaan alam
Yang takkan terkalahkan
Untuk Indonesia
Jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Darah Indonesia
Akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia
Menggelegar 'tuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia
Walau badai menghadang
Kau takkan pernah hilang
Walau badai menghadang

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this is what she wrote after we had sex

Masih lebih baik luarnya yg jelek tapi baik hatinya
Penampilan nggak menjamin buat orang lain suka sama lo,
Lo menarik, tapi masih suka julid sama yg lain buat apa?
Gue tau kalo lo tau, cuma lo pura* bego, pura* nggak tau..
Menarik si
Cantik si
Cuma bego, mental lo ceper

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PAS has always been consistent with its push for sharia law. It was DAP that sometimes can accept PAS and sometimes cannot. DAP was already in alliance with PAS in Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah but then left, citing that it cannot accept PAS principle on sharia law. Then DAP once again in alliance with PAS in Pakatan Rakyat but then left, citing that it cannot accept PAS principle on sharia law. Nik Aziz already said that PAS is always consistent and would not push aside its Islamic agenda just to please DAP.


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Sometimes I feel my heart so lonely but that's ok
No matter how my girl just left me I just don't care

Whenever the rain comes down
And it's seems there's no one to hold me
She's there for me, she's my mom

Just for my mom I write this song
Just for my mom I sing this song
It's just my mom can wipe my tears
And just for my mom can only hear

Trap in a subway, can't remember the day but I feel ok
Damped in damn situation, in every condition with no conclusion

Whenever the rain comes down
And it's seems there's no one to hold me
She's there for me, she's my mom

Just for my mom I write this song
Just for my mom I sing this song
It's just my mom can wipe my tears
And just my mom can only hear

Just for my mom I write this song
Just for my mom I sing this song
It's just my mom can wipe my tears
And just my mom can only hear

You may say I have no one
To cover me under the sun
You'll only get it from your mom
Mom ...

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why do you expect from politicians to fix your life?
whats your MBTI personality type?

When Nik Aziz was still alive, Nga Kor Ming recite Quran in his ceramah, Lim Guan Eng called himself Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz, the chinese are campaigning "Sokong Hudud, Bantah GST", Lim Guan Eng and Tuan Guru Hj Hadi signed an agreement to agree to disagree (one of its main point is for PAS to pursue its Islamic agenda). The change is with DAP's stand with PAS principle. PAS is consistent with its Islamic agenda.

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Greentext one portion on my post where I expect politicians to fix my life. Do you not know how to read?

Why is the rice blue??

kuingin marah, melampiaskan
tapi ku hanyalah sendiri disini
ingin ku tunjukkan
pada siapa saja yang ada
bahwa hatiku kecewa

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Sudah terlalu lama sendiri
Sudah terlalu lama aku asyik sendiri
Lama tak ada yang menemani

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haha you won this time.
but why do you like to write about politics so much?

Maybe i just quit chasing compsci on this shithole

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ngegojek aja bang

I support BN.

Indons, do you guys remember this band?

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>PAS Consistent
burh the whole PAS political view when late Tuan Guru Fadzil Noor and Tuan Guru Nik Aziz was Moderation. That was the key of unity. Moderation like the prophet once said. Tuan Guru never advocate for Extremism, be it with politic or religion. He was always push for moderation idea. When he died his whole agenda of moderation were pushed away with niche extremist idea like malay ultra nationalist which were then hijack with UMNO oppurtunist and later divide PAS into two camps.

You should know all of this if you follow all Malaysia political scene. This is not the first time PAS and DAP break up, back during the Reformation era they were together in the Alternative Front but during that time DAP was being unreasonable granted because they view PAS as another pro islamic aka conservatist group just like UMNO who only adapt liberal economic idea after Malaysia economic failed to rebound back due to some "le merchant" businessman .

And pas never ever learned their lesson. Last time they united with UMNO they were backstab hard and it took nearly 40 years for them to become a major political power in Malaysia

Nah dont give up m8 ... Go find community and ask help on them

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Yes of course
How young are you?



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PAS is the strongest today and it has to kowtow to no one like before and does not have to amend its position to please others. This is the best timeline for PAS.

Vierra was 10 years ago, so you're most likely an underage, now get out of my board and go to sleep!

I am not underage. If I were underage I wouldn't know about Vierra. However my true intention of posting Vierra is to ask about their sextape.

1997-2007 is best years for bands in Indo

Why though?

There's one?
All I can remember is that thot singer once kidnapped by a car and then released in the street. Never remember the sex tape.

I remember vaguely there was a sextape. I could be wrong though.

pengen bobo ama gadis

Because Jow Forums is Jow Forums lite.

pengen ngentot gan

I don't know about that. But the latest fappening is Nicole Scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton if you're interested.

No, but I remember Vienetta.

Kalo pacaran tuh sebenernya ngapain sih?

what is the blue stuff called?


why is it blue?

Special movie for our national day


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Haha very funny dad

why is it in chinese

Colored with some blue flower

2 objectives in life
-start a family in SEA
-move my family and descendants from middle upper class to upper class.

wait, is that Orey ? can someone please give me a rundown ?

it's like a spice?

Even our news are in Chinese and Tamil



It's only for coloring, but usually cooks with coconut milk for the taste
We really like rice we even give it color
This one is colored using turmeric

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