Jow Forums
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International #1114
Is muslim SEA doomed?
What does it feel like when you realise that you'll never become a part a part of God-chosen nation, goy?
You guys are losers, just be normal
Do you hate saudi arabia?
Why do wh*Te roasties on this board seethe so hard whenever you mention Asian goddesses?
Go against america = poverty, misery, no future
They are superior. That's why we all speak their language
Jow Forums Do you sometimes wish you could suck your own dick? (no gay btw)
No future
Sw*doid meets a superior Finn for the first time
Sverigetråden - Dirlewangerupplagan
What's going on in Canada?
Do americans really?
This is Varquez Vikernais, famous Basque separatist residing currently in France
Your cunt
Post your favorite hentai picture
Do they really eat with their hands?
Koreans are getting famous European paintings tattooed on them
Princess Kako meets Brigitte Bierlein, Chancellor of Austria
Cockroaches will exterminate the filthy germs
My dream is to insert my dick into the big ass of a white woman. My height is 173. my dick is 16.5cm...
So this is the power of free market neoliberalism and a US friendly government ..woah
Wait a second... are we (british people) the bad guys?
Alright Spen, how do you plan on dealing with these "people"?
I will finally kill myself next week
/ita/ - il filo ciceroniano
Why is Eastern Europe so poor still after 40 years of communism?
Idk how someone can be gay in latin america
How is life in the flyover states?
A map from a 1997 French textbook represents 'gradients of Europeanness
The only dictator in US history is of French descent
Post guns from your country
Why do Poles have this hairline? it's so ugly
Arrived home
Why is it so poor?
Are they frens?
What would you do if you found yourself stuck in this situation in your country?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on life in eastern europe?
No but really, without a hint of irony, if china does not become superpower in the 20s I am gonna lose all hope
Which English accent to ESL’s find easiest to understand? most difficult?
What's the tallest church in your country?
Esc ninguna novia
Are they the ugliest group of people? They have the worst features of Indians and Chinese (who look horrible too)
Dear mexican friends, where is the easiest place to pass the border? Im talking no checks whatsoever
Any boaters here? Do you have a boat?
Russian girls are STRONG!
Paint the countries you like and dislike
Does Jow Forums invest...
Where did all the Christians go? How is this not talked about more often?
What goes on here?
Be France
Body stats
How Many of you are NEETS ?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are east european women so perfect?
Bow down, you non-germanic cucks!
Why we are so superior than other asian
Jow Forums speaks english
Arabs are white, Finns are Asians
Do Americans really?
No one likes us
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2256
Why is Estonia so popular? What does Estonia have that I don't, huh...
Finland builds military ships in the small city of Rauma
Wtf I love France now?!?
They need to stop posting here and have sex
Sverigetråden - Knegarlunchupplagan
Would you rather be rich in a 3rd world country(brazil,mexico,india))
When a wh*Toid starts lecturing anyone on family values
Future is looking good
People always say Serbs are the Russians of the Balkan but in reality it's Bulgarians imo...
Colonial """"powers""""
Behold the parliament of every european country
Your cunt
Which cunt has the best cheese?
Every single female is a fucking whore
Would a Japanese girl date a white guy?
/ita/ - il filo renziano
How did the Japanese manage to build a technology advaned, first world society without a shred of feminist cancer?
Makes Spain apologize
How to look attractive as Jewish girl in Asia
So cute, i love them
A message from a black woman to white and Asian girls
Just give us few years
Please don't illegally download Japanese video games and anime
/flag/ + /extraflags/
I was reading some youtube comments and a black woman said that they're the most desired and fetishized foreign women...
Based and non-biased
This picture was taken at a gay party in Bahia, the blackest state in Brazil (81.4% black)
Why does every white girl in relationship with an Asian look like this?
Average Swede
Official language: Arabic
This is Thailand's King. Do you live in a country where Monarchy still exist?
At which age did you start jacking off Jow Forums? Have you tried breaking the habit? What did you use as a substitute?
Ohh yessu~ raw fish on rice, very dericious
What does pussy taste like in your country?
Why are muslims here so eager to defend their shitty religion if they fled theirs muslim country?
/v4/ + friends
Your cunt
Exchange the froges
Every poster with an Aussie flag is non-white
Kurva anyátok
Is 27yo old in your country
I hate having an interracial sex fetish, how to get rid of it
What was your last dream, Jow Forums? Was it related to your country?
They had over 200k visitors
*studies you*
Finns on Jow Forums tell me that only 5% of finns speak swedish and that swedish is irrelevant in Finland
I’m the guy who posted American White horse yesterday
Why do most white people who post here hate me?
Do European men dress better than Americans?
Canadian nostalgia thread
How old are Jow Forums users?
Which countries love butts more than boobs?
I hope you're keeping up your Duoling language streaks
Tell me that somebody believes she is real... why don't you people believe me! I'm not crazy. She is literally real!!!
The black american is truly something else. He defines masculinity more than any other humans ever could
What are burgers not telling us?
Why is Jow Forums 90% ethnic copecels now?
British people really look like this?
Please stop consuming so much
How do you cope with being born in a shithole?
Too sad and exhauted to go to work
What's your opinion on her?
Attended her funeral this week and took a photo of the face of the body while at the funeral home. Anybody want to see?
Does Jow Forums like guns?
What type of emotions does this man evoke in you?
There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people...
White incel shooter
What gay shit do you wear in your cunt Jow Forums?
Imagine not having Winter. I'd move
How come theres hundreds of videos americans doing that on marts?
Woah wha
I want to have sex so bad bros
Post the most American thing about you
I just want to move to Finland
How easy is it to fuck a Latina?
White americans are moving to europe
Do people go on dates with their moms/older female relatives in you country?
/deutsch/ verrecke
Who would win in PUBG solo
Shenandoah valley, home
There is no " good country "
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Shhhhh Jow Forums, my dog is sleeping!
Ted Kaczynski was right. leftist will literally invent new problems
Why do Asians have African noses?
Be a blonde hair blue eyed canadian
I have only 5000 American dollars but I want to run away to Argentina. How long can I survive there with this money...
To people who live in Americans, can you tell me how Native American men are like now days?
Do people in your country sleep naked?
Tfw went to Japan and could only get old leftover xmas cake gross women attracted to me
You MUST pick one state to live in
How old is your country?
You can only post in this thread if your country's leader has dressed in blackface
Kill all UnitedStatians
Germany × Japan
1. Your Cunt
Good morning Jow Forums
Do you agree with CNN's "50 BEST FOODS IN THE WORLD" list?
Why is the Japanese here obsessed with jomon?
Left: ugliest thing in the world. Truly abominable
When some non-american doesn't address me by state
Your country
This is unironically the pinnacle of N*rdic "architecture"
Why are brazilians like this?
Tfw no tomboy gf
I have a passive income of 500-600€ each month
I personally know the illegal mexican in toronto AMA
Do your cunt have Memri TV?
What school subject did you struggle with?
Why is France so bloody BASED?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why are Europoors so redpilled on Islam but so bluepilled on niggers?
60000 years
Can I pass for a Slav?
/ita/ - il filo
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Latinos are so lucky
Woah... Abos look like THAT?
Admit to dad I'm an Ameriboo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
>you’re cunt >do women go crazy for doctors on your cunt
/lat/ Hilo latino
1. Your cunt
He took the JOMONPILL
Does your country contribute to the UN peacekeepers?
I was watching some amateur Brazilian porn and I notice that Brazilians refer to black people as Angolans a lot...
1. Cunt
Sverigetråden - Landsbygdsupplagan
Imperial japan was just as ruthless (if not more) than nazi germany
I want to know your opinions on each US state that you know anything about
Is corporal punishment socially acceptable in you're cunt?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Do ameircans really like this movie? fuckin kek
The doggo is dead. ;(
Why are women of all colors so attracted to south european men? What is it about us that drives them crazy?
That title
Non kosher non halal /brit/
Amerimutts are subhuman
I'm French/portuguese, what about you ?
Germany appreciation thread
It is confirmed, the Norwegian failed mosque shooter killed his own sister because she was Asian
Post that insults my country
Post interesting YouTube videos
How common is this phenotype in your country?
What do you think girls from your cunt talk about when men aren't around?
Mexico's new culture
Find on Instagram THE cutest guy I've ever seen
Is that gay to find korean sissies attractive ?
Is Switzerland the America of Europe?
Why can't all you motherfuckers look like this?
Why yes, bringing back Al-Andalus is a great idea. How could you tell?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Why are Americans here so opposed to public transit?
Are brazilian girls easy to get for european guys?
How does your country deal with d*nes?
Dude evroba
Mom finds your programming socks
Whiter than you mehmet
Sverigetråden - Vår grabb lyckades! Upplagan
I am 20 years old and I am still a virgin
You wake up in moscow
We are being replaced
More of this INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL meme please
Post your gfs Jow Forums
Can any boomers tell me what this was like...
Do third-worlders have access to high quality meat? Or is that something exclusive to the first world?
Why is the beauty of Japanese girls so unparalleled?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Damn Indians are based and redpilled
Which country is more dangerous?
Yes. It's true. We're France but less good in every single aspect. Except cuisine, we're the best at that
How do we solve the Finnish Question?
The 5 best places on earth
Princess Kako meets Austrian President Van der Bellen in Vienna
Here’s your korean gf bro
/deutsch/ um viertel vor sieben
I finally met a Brazillian-American
Kurva anyátok
Another group assignment
Nobody care who I was until I went to blackedraw
Are Finnish people Asians?
Today is Chile's "independence day"
You wake up in Spain in the late 30's
Sverigetråden - konspirationsupplagan
Does this happen in your cunt too? It happens in America and I'm so jealous
/dinner/-/lunch/ thread
Risk Thread: Another BLOOMIN Eurasia map Edition
Well yes, i'm well aware of the horse pill how could you tell ?
Why are you guys so obsessed with Asian girls?
Choo choo
France is Poland's best friend
Do Russian cats really?
Why do the Dutch love Tesla?
Propaganda posters from your cunt
Coldest temperature you've experienced? -21c here
/ita/ - il filo
Is Venice the most historically significant city in history?
Imagine for a second hating on Paris
Why do lefties usually look better than rightists?
I only fap Asian schoolgirl
Stockholmers off to work. Most people take the commuter train
Whats a normie these days
Non je ne pense pas
Thigthest pussy among the other races
This image has been haunting me
Last wednesday I fucked an 18 year old horny Swedish freshman girl at my university
So, a while ago...
Pantsu misete
Am I white enough for your country?
/deutsch/ am Nachmittag
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - Le francofil
Genetic Dead End
I'm A60. Tag yourself
Did any of you ever go to prom?
A girl told me I look eastern european when I'm a MED portuguese
Do Japanese people think it is very natural to sleep on trains ?
President Rodrigo Duterte will not support the celebration of the quincentennial of Christianity in the Philippines...
Why do Asians dress more Western than Whites lol
How tall are you? Has it affected your life?
Why are Italians so autistic
Do Chinese not understand the concept of privacy?
Gods plan looks like this
My wife chino cooks the pigs I hunt
Imagine going your whole life without meeting someone from a neighboring country
Tfw no Asian gf
Proom proom
Why was king Leopold so mean to the Africans?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Arabs hate Africans
Arab countries should form a single union
El americanos thread
Sverigetråden - Greta upplagan
What is wrong with yanks?
French ghetto memes
Beautiful language
Eastern Europeans are poor. I wish that I could help them
Who do you support in this conflict?
Russia's GDP is lower than South Korea
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why is Isreal so evil?
Image not being a white nothern Syrian.. would rope or go ER desu
Motherhood, beautiful
Be uni
Absolutely based
Post america
In a job interview do you say you browse Jow Forums?
Go to the hairdresser
Who is the top military general in your country?
Let's nuke it again
What to do against house dust mites allergy? Help! Ehemals deutsch
Is there a high chance that Russias relate more towards monkeys than humans?
Do you like Baden Wurttemberg?
World Power rank 2019(by USA NEWS)
Post average males from your country
Were they gay?
Romance languages
Russia is not Europe
Is your country's military powerful or weak?
/ro/ Firul Nostru
The modern man is literally born to suffer under the boot of the elite
Do you respect the European Union?
Post average girls from your country
Pakistani Pajeetoid with russian prostitute
”””great””” Britain
There is no crime more vile and deranged than racemixing!
You will NEVER speak english unaccented. Your accent will always make you seem like a joke
He pronounces "butter" like "bu-uh"
/balk/ - irredentism edition
My political stance?
Soviet Union casually brings dozens of best German generals to their knees
Rate my American white horse
Wtf he literally looks like an Indian. Are Italians even white?
I'm smarter, have a bigger dick and I'm more confident and beautiful than majority of Jow Forums users...
How does Jow Forums deal with the sheer meaninglessness of life and existence?
Asian girls are the prettiest girls in the world
/teutsch/ altdeutsche Ausgabe
The Perfect World™
Korean girls are so beautiful, I will definitely marry a Korean girl...
I've been peeing in the same bottle for the past 4 months
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Who /balding/ here?
Unironically how do we save Europe? is there any hope?
Ever notice how countries with stars on their flags are giant cunts?
What's Americans favorite department store?
Why are Asians so high IQ?
Post modernist houses you like
Time 4 cofe
/v4/ + friends
Why yes, my country is undefeated in warfare. How did you know?
How do you cope being a wageslave? Me? I cry in my car while heading home from a 12 hour shift
I suffer in America as a SEAsian
Are penis warmers popular in your cunt?
Russians now drink less than Germans or Brits
Oh my God... W-what happened here, Gigachad? What did you do?
Finnish girls
Cute French trans girl with Berber BVLL
Do Germans really do this?
He has coke
Kurva anyátok
Move to California, it's better here
Indian Culture
"Don't call us rednecks, we're proud Oxycontin-Americans."
As a european can someone explain to me the difference between Arkansas and Florida and what makes them different from...
What is the difference between a dialect and a language?
So, for reason I will not disclose, I have 3 kilos of dog meat. Dunno if I should eat it...
Why are Canadians huge pussies?
This strikes fear and rage into the heart of the Anglo
/brit/ + /Aus/nz/
Can't wait to see based Trump, Israel, and Saudi Arabia reduce this country to rubble desu
Ur cunt
What's your greatest fear?
Wh*te people are neanderthal mutts
I lerne Deutsch
Why do Americans love iPhones so much?
Imagine being an user in Latin America and seeing this every fucking day. It's like Hell on Earth for incels
American girls yuck
Jow Forums btfo!!!
Are white people in Europe as fucked up as white people in America?
Asian girls are the most beautiful in the world, prove me wrong
Which country has the biggest incel problem?
Why doesn't European ice cream end structural racism?
Why should I be proud or patriotic about Canada?
ITT: Faces of Jow Forums
Europe: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox
Do you like Denmark?
LA was a mistake
This is the average available woman for a 4channer in Brazil
Israeli "democracy" everyone
How come every girl in Asia is rocking the latest smartphone and louis vuitton hand bag??
British vegan activist shot at by farmers in Spain after "rescuing" 16 rabbits from a farm
How do non-whites cope?
Fellow Americans, how will you celebrate Latinx history month?
Americans think they live in a developed country when two-thirds of the surface area in their cities consist of parking...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fun fact: In the 1950s and 60s, North Korea was more developed than the south (the south was basically Africa-tier)...
I predicted it
Why do americans do this?
Imagine being a knockoff Romanian
He doesn't believe in forming valuable relationships and views people as nothing more than a means to an end
Why are Americans like this?
American healthcare is way too expensive
Do you love Japan?
I am NOT schizophrenic, you would act like me too if you ever met my French Celestial girlfriend
Do you want to find love in italy?
Just remember that no matter what my French Celestial girlfriend will always be real
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
It's been over a decade since he left office. How has his legacy changed...
Why aren't Koreans this cool anymore?
/fr/ - le francofil
Ahoy Soyjak! It appears that we've stumbled upon some treasure!
Why does getting a girlfriend seems like the most difficult thing one can do
From todays march on Blumenau, Brazil
Does your country have highways like this?
Why the fuck is Norway so cruel...
Black women produce more estrogen that wh*te Women
If your country isn't here you're not white
The Dustbowl. Home
Yeah but what if birds had arms?
What are some coomcore countries?
Why are white americans with glasses so dangerous?
1. Your cunt
How do you cope with not being American?
Is this meme accurate?
Tfw no qt trad Asian princess gf
Good morning Jow Forums
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why is afro hair so based?
Watch anime, i love it - but there's always at least one trap
Racism good
Do verticalized favelas exist in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
*blocks your path*
Be Burger
ITT: we pretend to be r/europe
Which country has the most pale people?
Why do euros prefer having immigrants to having children? Why is that?
Why are americans so evil?
Which is the blondest country in the world?
Why are south mex so ugly?
User, is that true what they sayin? you don't wanna take the niggress pill?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post your cunts climate
Culture Pals - /cp/
I’m looking for a Japanese user who is into politics and can translate a website among other things for me...
Why is it that there are blonde people in north africa but not in south Iberia/ south Italy?
African Americans are on average 20% european...
I dislike northern italians
Im going to cheat on my gf again tomorrow
Alsace-Lorraine should be its own country
You need 231 hours, and 1109km to reach the two extreme French points
The Black/Nafri lifestyle in France looks comfy desu
Are there lesbians in your cunt?
What do you believe is the greatest threat to your country?
What is the equivalent of weeaboos for your country?
Maybe it is time for the JANNIES to acknowledge the issue and do something about it instead of letting it ruin Jow...
/korpo/, ehemals /deutsch/
YYYY/MM/DD is the only sane date format. DD/MM/YYYY is completely backwards...
Hilo /lat/ANO
How do I, a 6'2" Black Man, obtain a Scandinavian or Finnish woman?
Post The Best Piece Of Architecture Of Your Country
Thoughts on fags?
I cried to this minecraft music! So glad I grew up with Minecraft and not Fortnite
Sverigetråden - Kommunistiska upplagan
I want SEX with BOYS
Why are Finnish women so strong? They can break a Swedish boy with their bare hands
What is the female equivalent of "tall, dark, and handsome" in your country?
/ITA/ il filo
/ita/ il filo renziano
CIA niggers are working atm and are reading and analyzing threads as we speak
One chance at life
Tfw brown Muslim with massive Yellow Fever
I'm Asian! Asian pride! We are the masculinity! Feel free to identify yourself as Asian if you look like me!
British people are white
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
What do you think about marriage in your country? Do half of them end up in divorces like in Finland?
Why do Asian women hate Asian men so much?
Jow Forums in 2003
Which country produces the strongest blacks?
Norwegian Girls
Both sexes can vote but only mans fight in wars, why so?
I am on vacation in Poland. Guess my true nationality
Russian niggas really be having names like "putin", "fedor" and "ser gay"
1. your cunt
Post chinese kino
When will whitey recognize Islam’s role in defeating Nazism!
Why is this place so terrible?
Is this what Chicanos look like?
Asian Americans
What is wrong with the r/asianmasculinity followers...
ITT: post memes only your countrymen would understand
Sweden has higher unemployment rate than northern Italy
China wants to kill this
How is tinder in your cunt?
Why are they so lazy, uncreative and unambitious?
Does this happen in you're country?
How is your country represented in anime?
/dixie/ - The South & Friends
You mad wh*Te incel?
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Rumpupplagan
Who do you unironically worship user?
From today's march in Italy
Post yfw you realize that Spanish is just improperly spoken Portuguese
You're not really racist, are you? you just do it ironically for bants in the internet...
Have a gf
What's the deal with French engineering and why does everyone tell me to stay away?
/Isr/ thread
I tried drawing my ideal male beauty
Why do asians doesnt have eyebrows ?
This Polish girl killed herself on Sunday after she broke up with her boyfriend. Her body was found today
Be american
What do you think girls from your country talk about when men aren't around?
Ðis makes me sad, no joke
ITT: we thank other countries for their musicians
/ita/ il filo di umaru
This is one of the best european inventions, thank you Europe
Indian posters, is the Saffron Terror real? Every English language website says Hindutva is about to turn into fascism
What is the most reliable news source in your kunt??
Kurva anyátok
Lmao how do they cope
Why are you all so goddamn racist?
How can the white woman even compete?
Faces of int
Dump any Syria related memes you have in this thread
What is the worst animal in your country?
What phenotype is this?
Will you join the (democratic) Russian union or will you die where you stand?
How can this large region of the world be so irrelevant?
A european laughed at me today for living in a two-party state...
Risk Thread: We Wuz Romans Edition
What happens in latin america?
What do you like and hate about your culture?
Italy/USA war soon
What do people think about homosexuality in your cunt?
The coomer has been hospitalized after a suicide attempt from the Jow Forumsincels harassing him...
Grew up Irish
Sverigetråden - Keltupplagan
White ""people""
Least aesthetically pleasing flags thread
Feminine women
/fr/ - Le francofil
From the march on Paris last weekend
Push ups
Here are your Canadian candidates
First time in my life, a woman actually called me a "friend"
These are the king of Spain and the king of Morocco
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you wear at home if you plan to stay inside all day?
>Blacks have never contributed to the human race and never invented anyth-
Why are 'manly' machismo cultures that suppress female rights invariably complete shitholes? Really makes me think
Thoughts on AmeriKKKa
How many languages do you speak?
People have started harassing him on Twitter
Was there a chance that Brazil or any of the countries here could have had any semblance of stability
Which pizza do you prefer?
White and Blue thread
Literal low-functioning or schizophrenic posters. Stop encouraging them and report/ban, for their own benefit
I unironically like Finland people because they are nice to me and have snow
Why are arabs so racist?
Everbody is jealous of these 2 states. Don't believe anything Germans tell you about Berlin or North Rhine-Westphalia...
How would you name your son/daughter?
Why does Japanese have so much culture?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2255
Be Japanese idol
What race is this??
Which language is the most Germanic?
While we were out here posting gigachad vs soyjack threads, Jow Forums slowly colonizes all boards. At first...
What do Finns think of weekend shopping tourists from Saint Petersburg ?
USA is a tv series, movie, music, and video game superpower
Why are they still allowed to exist?
Mfw a Japanese girl tells me she doesn't like Japanese men
Sverigetråden - Antisemitiska upplagan
Uyghur women are meant for Han Chinese men
When will fr*Nks, p*Les and d*Nes give it back?
Why go to a "free" university when it isn't in the top 500 world wide?
They're always mean to me
Another Lie made by Kims
This is Brazil's ancestry map, say something about it
Seriously dumb posters
Thank God we have USA to protect us from the warmongering Persians
Let's remember that coomers have feelings too
3.7 million people
/rus/ + Jow Forums thread
Colonial """""powers"""""
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
DNA test came out with 5% Sephardic ancestry
Why does Switzerland look like a shit hole compared Poland?
The same people
I support feminism to some extent...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship