Mfw a Japanese girl tells me she doesn't like Japanese men

>mfw a Japanese girl tells me she doesn't like Japanese men

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I've never heard anything like that. Japanese girls only love Japanese men.

yes thats the truth

shut up weebcel

tired of your shit

why are you so mad???

You're mad, not me

Every Japanese girl I meet here says that
Although I guess that's why they come here
>Japanese men are so bad the women will take Taiwanese """men""" over them


I don't care what they think I'm not desperate enough to touch those insectoids and anyone who is like that Austrian user is a vermin and disgusts me

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臺灣的男性宜寝取 子種苗床化全日本人女性。香風智乃当然賛成此性策。

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mega cope

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she legitimately looks alien, damn

>thread about taiwanese bvlls fucking jap women
>wmaf posters think its about them
wow i dont know who to hate more white men or asian women

i wonder how that thick tool even fits into the ass

OP is White incel always bashing Taiwan

Hate yourself and your turdskin

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Have sex

ikr. I can't even fit a small sized dildo in my asshole

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Ya its virtue signallin ur an incel

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from my experience on Jow Forums anime threads Japanese men prefer white boys to their own women

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