I unironically like Finland people because they are nice to me and have snow

I unironically like Finland people because they are nice to me and have snow

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I like them too

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Finland is pretty great, I'm glad that I get to spend every winter there.

I like you too

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Thank you for mentioning Finland

I'm Finland

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You are welcome Finland (Suomi)


I don't like shitskins, though

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You are hatful and don't represent majority , and I don't have brown skin unfortunately

I could still spot those cross eyes from a mile away, inbred

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>cross eyes
Wdym ? Hatful fin

stfu faggot, lebanon is the only reasonable country in middle-east

Thank you good fin

Finland is gay

If you like Finland, then do them the favor of never moving there.

Stop being disgusting you fucking idiot , I will never move out of here , and it's not your business to tell me what to do , I swear to god , if you open your mouth with one word again I'm moving to your shithole of a country and cucking it to death

>dont genocide them!

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when are you going back, raghead?

shut up arab

Kek i hope you learn the lesson and stop licking their asses op

fuck f*nland and fuck snow


Technically we don't have snow, we receive it every winter in an act of nature but we don't actively make or possess any.

I'm not licking anyone's ass Egypt , I just wanted to thank them for being nice , only one of them is hateful and he is actually not a fin but arefugee

Well , if it is in your land then it's yours

>I will never move out of here
Then you are a good guy.

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I like that we are on agreement , but stop assuming everyone wants to move out or is a ad person , if Jews attack my country I will fight them even if I had to throw rocks at them

there are more lebanese subhumans outside lebanon so clearly it holds true for a relevant majority

I like Finland but they do not like me sadly

Lebanese diaspora is the most succeful diaspora and In most cases not war refugees , but rather creating business and becoming rich
I don't expect a neet leech like you to understand tho

Based Lebanese poster

What do Finns think of New Zealand?

only if accidentally trip to your bumhole

gib christmas trees


>Lebanese diaspora is the most succeful diaspora

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Gib reindear
You can read some articles on that

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top comfy, only tier 1 country on southern hemisphere

howd you manage to end up with that conclusion

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based, but bluepilled

>howd you manage to end up with that conclusion
I deal with your countrymen on a regular basis and they display nothing but disdain for me

just bants

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So all of this hate is just bants as well :D

yeah, unless you're retarded that is

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>Lebanese diaspora is the most succeful diaspora

>and In most cases not war refugees
so they don't even have a legitimate reason to be infesting other hosts

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T-thanks you too

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fucking retard

seriously sorry about Finnish racists, they are underaged and will grow out of it. They are not regular users of this board, they main Ylilauta and Jow Forums. In a year or two these kids will no longer be racist.

I understand that , thank you good Finn

Most Nordic people seem pretty chill overall, no pun intended

>he thinks there arent a lot of racist finns

based retard

I know there are racist people , but when I first came to this board Finns were the nicest to me while everyone else was attacking me , this is why I like fins , if you don't like me you can hit your head with a wall

Finish frens. Why none of you come to my country as tourists? It's always Germans, French, Italian or Chinese

they are how you say in finnish, Bretty nice :DDDDDDDD

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because Finland has no colonial interest duh

Visiting Samarkand is on my bucket-list. Your country is cool but the location is inconvenient.

should i come?

If you like eating healthy - no.
If you like eating a lot of tasty food - yes.
If you like historical places and eastern culture (not far east) - yes.
If you want to affirm how lucky you are to live in developed country - yes.

we like to stay in our own country and when we travel we go somewhere warm like the mediterranean

I promise you we are warm. Is 60°C in July warm enough for you?

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nice trips

I can be nice too, come back baby

Only ones not liking Finns are j*ws or g*rmanic peoples.

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Finns are total bros

bööööög :DD huhaaa hurri homo neekeri

they look like appalachian rednecks who eat potatoes and drink and live by tall trees, makes me feel comfy

Kek, I always remember the smurfs whenever I see finnland flag


is this a social justice map or migrant rapes map? why not both lol

>sub-saharan hellholes are so based and redpilled

>Only ones not liking Finns are j*ws or g*rmanic peoples.
I don't like either
t. Balto-Finno-Slavic

Basically subhuman

Me too, Finland is always nice and bumps my threads a lot. Thank you Finland

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the amerigoblo is right you know

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well you are a mutt

ok retard

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Who? I can't find you on a map.

>mfw people typing on Apple devices don't know Steve Jobs was the son of a Lebanese immigrant

That being said, Islam is a shit-tier religion that caused him and his family to leave. So it would be best if Lebanon got rid of it.

>USA legalized gay marriage federally before Germany
>Germany is tier 1 while USA is tier 2

Fuck that metric, it's bullshit.


Woah hold on pardner, you're misusing those words. Rednecks are for farmers, i.e. white people who stay outside farming land in the summer that causes their necks to get red.

Appalachia has very few farms. They are called hillbillies, because they live in the hills and mine rocks.

Thank you for attending this brief informational of American culture. Please do not make this mistake again.

cringe, go back to ylis little kid

enjoy your multiculturalism and human rights

i will, enjoy being a teenager faggot

subhuman, basically.


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posts some chart with no explanation, pretends like the nordic countries aren't cucked beyond repair. enjoy the shawarmas lol

perkele saatana

Good music
Reminds me of death note music

I like you but i'm going to call you cowards for not siding with us during the Cold War.

"Finlandization" is a term in English, look it up en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlandization

That being said, I admire the tenacity of Finnish people, and I think your culture is way closer to ours than many countries' culture. It's just a matter of circumstance.

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Fuck off imperialist.

Fuck usa, you know?

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Fuck off imperialist. You broke the one single rule we agreed upon during Yalta, to not annex other countries.

The USA upheld that side of the bargain. We caused France and Britain to give up countless colonies.

Meanwhile Russia annexed countries. You live in a bullshit country full of bullshit people you lie and lie and lie. Kill yourself.


This is real, you know?

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No shit the USA was Russia's ally before 1917. That is well recorded in history. I'm glad you were our ally then.

But you haven't been since 1946.

forgot my picture

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>takes Jow Forums memes seriously
gee i wonder whos really the one beyond repair