This is one of the best european inventions, thank you Europe

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Soon cocoa will run out

It doesn't taste good.

I bet OP is a faggot SJW underage, listen K-pop and have blue hair

I went to the conveignant store and it was 4 euro or something so I took the copycat brand that was the same amount for 2 euro. I took it thinking the copycat must taste like shit since there was such a huge price difference but it was actually the same or even better than the Nutella brand one. Really made me think about the level of retardation of the French proletariat, made me proud of being a macronist.


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Only manchildren like it. Real men don't like sweets

It's basically poison though
Real niggas eat pic related

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Real men eat black caviar not this shit

I'm not any of these. I bet you are a liberteen who watches Ideias Radicais, play League of Legends/CSGO and embarass your parents everyday with your daily yellings that deafen even the neighbors.

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it doesn't take much to make a chocolate spread better than Nutella

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Novi and Nocilla are both superior to Nutella.

I think it is all made by the same factory

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*complex thinking intensifies*

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these things cause cancer/autism

No it's a whole different company
Nutella is made by Ferrero while Crema Novi is made by Novi

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>blocks your path

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Mhm that's good too

Reminder that every macronist is a legit fag.


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Thank you France

nooooooo you can't tell me to work it's because of the jews if my life is shit

>nutella bad

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There is no nutritional value in this whatsoever

more like nutella bland

And they stole it from us, dumb snow muslims can't even create their own food.

>he doesn't always have nutella at home

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For the first time I see myself in a jakerina post

Quick rundown?

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Have you ever seen a cacao tree in your life? Even by videos? It is impossible for the supply to end, they grow like nothing, they only need a tropical climate and they give their fruit even in the roots, the tree gets filled with cacao fruit.


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Basically half of it is sugar and vegetable oil

Italian not European
As other Euroshits claim their own stuff so do we

Nutella is a German brand

That shit's overrated and overpriced.

wtf I love sugar and vegetable oil now

Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, all italian cars

Fuck off germ

I bet you like Eurocream instead

>skim milk
dropped. where my whole milk niggas at?


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C'était quoi l'autre marque ?

Undebatable that this Nocciolata the best chocolate/hazelnut spread. I'm glad at least one other person in this thread has a sound mind