When will whitey recognize Islam’s role in defeating Nazism!
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
Yes Hitler praised Islam and hated Jews, connect the dots
Damn this makes me mad enough to vote far right. Anyone else feel this way? If you don't you are a weak non-masculine cuck who will never get a girl to go with him to prom.
>According to Speer, Hitler usually concluded his historical speculation by remarking, "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
Nazi=germans nazis, not just Hitler, most Germans didnt praised islam or even knew about it.
Cucks, Hitler also praised how ethnocentric the Jews are and encouraged Jewish emigration to Palestine, is he now a Zionist?
This. Only AVSTRIAN BVLLS were masculine enough to understand the teachings of Mohammed (PBUH) G*Rmans re subhuman sissies and could never comprehend it which is why they failed Hitler and lost the war
Shut up faggot I stand with anyone who is against the joos
Heil hitter
Nazis hater the Jews because of their race, Jews and Arabs are the same Race (Semites), connect the dots Mohammad
german nazis were protestants, and protestants love islam as we can see today
yes, hitler was a radical centrist
For the millionth time now: National Socialism was an inherently anti-Christian and social darwinistic movement with Pagan roots which literally killed Catholic Priests in concentration camps, wanted to abolish the entire church after total victory, outlawed the "Teutonic Order" and beheaded Sophie Scholl. Nazis as Christcucks is quite literally Jewish paranoid delusion that only grew since the holocaust industry took off in the 70s and you needed to milk absolutely everyone through collective guilt by association. And stupid fucking goyim, retarded as they are, bought it.
They were mostly Catholic actually, including Hitler. Anyways I severely doubt Islam would have continued existing after a Nazi victory
do *clap* not *clap* educate *clap* me *clap* on *clap* my *clap* own *clap*history *clap* hunny *clap* *clap* *clap*
They killed lots of right wing clergy in eastern europe though.
forgot *clap* pic *clap*
christianity isn't weak. It became weak when the western world started to industralize and give more human rights. If you honestly think that you know nothing of medieval or modern european history and warfare.
You are stupid , mutt , nazis hate the Jews because they betrayed Germany during the war , learn a little bit before you talk you shitstain of humanity
Yes Christianity was indeed "strong" when it was a political force for fuedalism. However it only had as much power as eurofag elites gave it, so it really wasn't all that strong either.
this alliance was natural because they both had a common enemy. The British empire. Britain was a backstabbing filthy empire that surpassed the local population to rule with an iron fist. If allying with the Nazis was going to change that. Then it is what it is. There is no shame in it.
the catholics at the time had their own parties
but regardless after Hitler consolidated his power they sucked him off just their fellow germans did
This is the March 1933 election. They got the lowest votes in the Protestant cities, and the highest votes in areas most effected by the treaty of Versailles, the two greatest happening to be Protestant. That’s aside from my point tho.
Every single time this idiotic out of context quote is posted ALWAYS by an amerimutt
>voters are the party, the leadership, the programme, the political actions, the metaphysical and theoretical foundaitons
You're so fucking retarded, it hurts.
Here’s Adolf himself praising the English and saying the Egyptians are destined to be dominated the superior Aryan English. Ridiculous
nigga I don't give a shit about race talk. Nazis are evil because of propaganda. They were no more evil than the British, French or the Soviet Union. But they lost the war and therefore their propaganda stopped and diminished.
Russia, the UK and France wanted to take over the world and they killed millions of innocent civilians even during the war. And today Russia didn't give up most of the land it subjugated. There is still no right to self-determination in Russia (modern day imperialism). The UK and France didn't want to give up their colonies after the war but they had to because they couldn't afford to maintain them under their control after the war. They were practically forced to give up so much due to their capability being stretched thin, which they did under "international pressure". they still refused to give up everything and kept few colonies. For example, France tried to keep Vietnam and Algeria. But the locals resisted french imperialism, and France surpassed their liberties and committed war crimes, especially in Algeria. But as it turns out the french couldn't even maintain only 2 colonies and got BTFO'd. Algeria and Vietnam became independent. A similar story happened in Egypt, like when the UK tried to keep the suez canal but Egypt BTFO'd them despite France and Israel being on the side of the British. Not to mention the countless war crimes the allies committed before and during ww2. Like the millions of civilians that died in Africa and India because of the British. The only reason the Nazis are portrayed as the ultimate axis of evil is because of propaganda that makes the current western population have strong feelings about this topic. The Nazis were no different from the allies. Both achieved good and did evil. There is nothing wrong with preferring axis victory over alli*d victory. Because it would have been better for my region and my people.
Does the phrase "Gott mit uns" ring any bells?
The Nazi regime was basically a European version of the US (a genocial settler-colonial state that operated entirely on racial animus and greed.) It was uniquely evil.
what is this fucking bullshit?
I didn't say it wasn't. Of course it was evil. But so where the British and French. I have no reason to prefer an allied victory. But I do have a reason to prefer an axis victory. That's basically what I was saying.
lmaonig at you calling it bullshit. Proving me right
Zero reason to prove something to a random retard
I said that you already proved me right
Germans have always had a massive hardon for Muzzies for some reason. It boggles my mind that Wehraboos think they were the Guardians of Europe.
No just no, Hitler thought Arabs were scum and said he admired the British for enslaving them and the Indians. He was a notorious Anglophile