What is the female equivalent of "tall, dark, and handsome" in your country?

what is the female equivalent of "tall, dark, and handsome" in your country?
>basically tall, dark, and beautiful
literally just med women like pic related

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take out the tall part

tall women are seen as unattarctive as are short men

The optimal height is between 5'2 and 5'6 for a women

>The optimal height is between 5'2 and 5'6 for a women
that's not true. it's between 5'6 and 5'9, manlet

manlet cope

taste is subjective

>big, healthy, and big

short, brown hair, light tan


you guys are delusional I'm 6'4 I've nevr heard anyone say they want a tall women before it's a huge turnoff

Palpable pulse, orifice, docile

when people say "tall woman" they mean 5'7 to 5'10 not some 6'2 freak you retard

5'7 or 5'8 is ok

but I would not date a 5'10 girl


5'10 = 1.75

the canadian started the convo with feet, i'm not going to change to metre in the middle of the thing

basically charlotte pironi

Attached: charlotte-pirroni-miss-cote-d-azur-2014.jpg (1268x879, 115K)

manlet lmao

I'm barely 6'1 and even I think 5'10 is a great height for a girl.

bunch of manlets on this site

Cope I’m 1.93

Men who are before average height have an advantage but not overly tall men

Just as women below average height have an advantage just not super short women

* above

nigga who the fuck do you think keeps churning out manlets? WOMANLETS. if womanlets stopped breeding, we could have a world free of manlets.

As a 6'2" man, how do I find tall waifus?

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My mom is 5’6 and my dad is 6’5 and I’m 6’4

I have cousins who are the same as me

>americans flood the thread
>they start obsessing over height

can cook
big bobs
wants to have secks

Literally anywhere. Tall women are so desperate for dateable men that they don't mind tall randos approaching them out of the blue.

Very based sudanon

yes, because height is important you turkroach bulgarian manlet

Thin, big titties, nice ass.

>Just as women below average height have an advantage
no they don't. men literally don't give a fuck about a woman's height, as long as she isn't a midget or a giant, anything goes

I like long legs. I didn't realize Jow Forums was full of so many angry manlets. No wonder this board has so many incels.

May Allah bless you with a fuckvessel

it's because there are a lot of hispanic posters under USA flags and they tend to be some of the shortest men there are

This. I want a petite wife
How is this manlet cope? you don't like petites?

Sex can get quite boring if you're not heightmatched. Alas, a virgin freak like you wouldn't understand.

the guys saying manlet are all 1.7-1.75 meter men..

This is so much more asethtic than some Taylor Swift lanklet looking girl

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