I want SEX with BOYS
I want SEX with BOYS
you're not cute
What's up
You're not cute
I too want that
Sorry, I'm only interested in girls
how many of you are actually gay and who just ironic
You're not cute
for me it's both girls and girly males(trap)
You too
you are cute lole
100% homo from Cologne
There's nothing wrong with wanting an european boy
>but not white ones YUCK!
You're not funny.
Only cute Asian boys.
wearing a skirt doesn't change your sex
Don't really know because I have a bit of erectile dysfunction. Totally uninterested in a relationship with anyone regardless of genitals though.
He barely qualifies as male if he's basically a woman with a penis
I think transgender folks will appreciate how you regard this, however it is simply wrong. That's just a extra cute boy.
>extra cute
You mean extra feminine?
cringe transbians
so your gay but pretend to be celibate because you have a small pee pee. you hate to see it
My penis isn't small, it just doesn't want to get up.
100% homo from milan
Based, but I thought Florence was the gay capital
any boys who want to exchange nudes gib discord pls
76% gay
I just want a hug
I wanna be subject to... "Stuff"
based and boypilled
I'm sure you do
99% homo
Eyyy there you are.