i dislike northern italians
i dislike white people
turks and arabs are my brothers
fuck white twinks europe was made for us anatolian farmers.
I dislike northern italians
Italian unification was a mistake, these dubs confirm it
what dubs?
Fuck Northern italians wh*toids btw
I meant your dubs, I predicted them
romans were brown olive skinned MED BVLLS, not wh*toids
northern italians are just steppe germanic invaders intruders
ok, sorry brown friend (brother), let's celebrate the end of northern italian whitoid supremacy on this thread btw.
north italy needs to be reconquered from the germanic rapebabies
roman empire need to be rebuilt and kick the celts/germanics
Med master race
Then go to turkey
kill sandniggers
south italy is greek
Una raza whatever
you can't even kill a fly you fucking twink
No, all my grandparents are italian, i am a TERRONE BVLL
Greeks, Northern Africans, Andalusians, Turks, Southern Italians, Portuguese
Lift some weights, goddam wristcel
based and skellypilled
I fucked women from all these places lol
Well thats clearly because MED STACIES WITH BIG TITTIES AND ASS attract way more males than wh*toid trannies
Fr*nks destroyed the BLACK heritage left by the romans with Occitania being its last fortress