I dislike northern italians

i dislike northern italians
i dislike white people
turks and arabs are my brothers
fuck white twinks europe was made for us anatolian farmers.

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Italian unification was a mistake, these dubs confirm it

what dubs?
Fuck Northern italians wh*toids btw

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I meant your dubs, I predicted them

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romans were brown olive skinned MED BVLLS, not wh*toids

northern italians are just steppe germanic invaders intruders

ok, sorry brown friend (brother), let's celebrate the end of northern italian whitoid supremacy on this thread btw.

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north italy needs to be reconquered from the germanic rapebabies

roman empire need to be rebuilt and kick the celts/germanics

Med master race

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Then go to turkey

kill sandniggers

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south italy is greek
Una raza whatever

you can't even kill a fly you fucking twink

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No, all my grandparents are italian, i am a TERRONE BVLL

Greeks, Northern Africans, Andalusians, Turks, Southern Italians, Portuguese

Lift some weights, goddam wristcel

based and skellypilled

I fucked women from all these places lol

Well thats clearly because MED STACIES WITH BIG TITTIES AND ASS attract way more males than wh*toid trannies

Fr*nks destroyed the BLACK heritage left by the romans with Occitania being its last fortress

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