Why does getting a girlfriend seems like the most difficult thing one can do

Why does getting a girlfriend seems like the most difficult thing one can do.

I'm depressed and lonely and nobody cares about me. I curse God for making me this way and I wish to beat up a normalfag couple to death

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gf just happens, just keep talking to girls and she will eventually come to your life.

it's pretty easy, I even see hobos sharing benches with their loved ones S2

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I know that feel far too well

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Having a girlfriend is overrated. I detest mine but I can't be arsed to break up and go on the prowl again. Finding someone who you can tolerate somewhat, that is difficult.

Do I need to talk to every girl I come across with?

Why is that even a question?
Do you need a reason to talk to people?

hopefully it all works out for you

I struggle to connect with others, let alone talking with them with enthusiasm

How many girls have you asked one date this year?

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Soyjak, behave. Do you know killing people won't give you any girlfriend, right?

calm down eliott

>Do you need a reason to talk to people?
Yes, you don't want to be known as the weirdo who chats up everyone.

Ffs this is something I will never understand. I am certainly not the most handsome guy, hell I started balding at 22,yet somehow I manage to have a semi-steady stream of pussy and am currently in my fourth relationship with a woman my age. What the fuck are you doing, user?

that looks like a girl i went to school with. she was really nice

i dont care about op tho

You feel that way probally because you do not have enough social interaction in your life.

Men who are busy and active all the time do not have this issue

I have never asked a girl out ever. Nor was I ever asked out. There is that cute french girl at my job that I want to ask out but she has a bf. I'm too shy to ask her anyway, and I'm too ugly.

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it's also why it's hard for him to find a girl that wants to date him. it's a vicious cycle to get out of

There's this girl from Tinder who ghosted me, and this other girl I planned to talk to but found out she has a bf. So I guess 1 (?)

But it ease up would the pain...

Wasting my life away and experiencing existential dread