Can't wait to see based Trump, Israel, and Saudi Arabia reduce this country to rubble desu
Can't wait to see based Trump, Israel, and Saudi Arabia reduce this country to rubble desu
Iran is based. Can't wait for them to Anschluss Afghanistan and Azerbaijan
Afghanistan belongs to Pakistan
Fuck Ir*noids
Is that the country where unfaithful women are stoned to death?
>unfaithful women are stoned to death
Fuck thots
Yeah nah.
Nah, can't wait for this though
Will never happen. Irans economy is shrinking so fast, soon even their ayatollah will be working part time as a gay hooker
t. Chr*stian Arab
May Ahura Mazda strike you down
Time for Greeks and Iranians to put aside their ancient rivalry and BTFO the semites once and for all.
Pakistan will never be part of your empire ever again we are a free nation.
Now it’s OUR turn to do the colonising
I'd be seething too if my entire country was starving and all it's women forced to whore themselves
Lmao can't wait till drumpf bombs your shithole
And Zoroastrianism is dead and never ever coming back. Your country's own government hates you lmao
t. seething Arab diasporafag
Cry more iranshit. Drumpf will bomb your parents shithole village
don't you have a cousin to make inbred children with paki?
No only have a white girl from Cambridge that I’m shagging to make babies with
Iranic women are built for Pakistani cock
Consider suicide, you will keep fighting become weakned then isreal invade you if you dont change this mentality
Iran is worse than israel
معك حق يا حبيبي
ok so your bleaching your shitskin out of existence, at least you're self aware
I imagine myself in Mesopotamia, leading my Cataphract Platoon. Our mission is to stop Ar*b dogs from advancing. We mow down Ar*b dogs but they keep coming. I shoot Ar*ab dogs but I run out of arrows so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering them, since Ar*bs are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get stabbed, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then stabbed again and again by spears. Ar*bs were stabbing me from a distance like a cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Ahura Mazda) smiles at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in Persepolis, my homeland. My ARYAN brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Punjabis are descended from Brahmin and white
theyre inbred mutts
This, Greeks are our ARYAN brothers against the Ar*b whit*oid menace
Based and Aryanpilled
As Ethiopean i support Iran because I support anyone who supports my people
Also according to Iran's civil code, the legal age of marriage is 13 for girls and 15 for boys, and girls below 13 and boys below 15 can be married with the consent of their father
Almost 30% of marriages are with girls under the age of 13, so if i was born there and not in israel maybe i wasn't still a virgin anymore
This is why Iran is so based, they don't give a damn about fake western morality, and i could have been married to a qt 13 yo girl and not be a virgin anymore
t. Ar*bized cat-worshipper
Based Egyptianon, god why are Egyptians the best posters
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