In a job interview do you say you browse Jow Forums?

In a job interview do you say you browse Jow Forums?

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Why would I?

no and stop larping as japanese

why wouldn't you

0k starting job

Unless you were a janny I don't see why you would.

It cost me nothing not to think about it nor mention it in job interview. To willingly say it, I need to consider this as valuable information my job giver need to know. So I ask again, why would I?

Well you wouldn’t.
OP is just clueless, even as a janny you cannot say that in an interview

So you guys pretend to be a redditor instead???

I just won't mention any site I browsing on net, unless it's something job related.

Do jannies put it on their resume? "Moderated online forum for free"

Baiting? I hope so

What if your interviewer asks what forums you browse usually??

I doubt he would ask it. They didn't ask it even ten years ago, when forums was popular. Now, when they're all dead and useless, he won't ask for sure. Some people don't even remember there's such thing as forums nowadays.

But if he would ask, I just say I browse none.


What makes you think an interviewer cares even in the least about what forums you browse?
Seriously, are you baiting or you genuinely have no idea?

I show them my rare flags collection

Giving an interviewer unnecessary information is bad.
He doesn't care how you clean your ass or what kind of juice you drink for breakfast and as long as your browsing habits won't make you sperg at people they shouldn't know

so what kind of alphabet agencies are you looking to join here?

Yes and you show them your belly button fluff collection.

Name some local forum site.
News sites.

>why yes, I spend a considerable amount of my free time on a website dedicated to Chinese cartoons and girls with dicks. What gave it away ?

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I’m glad to hear that.

You’re highly likely to get hired

I tell them I am an expert in memes and that I can't reveal my sources

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No, I only visit 4channel

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I still can’t comprehend the difference between Jow Forums and 4channel.

Blue boards (no porn allowed, harsher almost reddit tier rules) vs red boards (porn allowed except on Jow Forums, somewhat less rules enforcing)

I didn’t know that. Thank you so much :)