Another group assignment

>another group assignment

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>"what's up user, you can't find your group members?" "guys, you really need to let him join one of your teams!"

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>HR has the bright idea of inventing team building exercises
>ok lets reintroduce ourselves to our coworkers! we are a team! we can count on each other!
>all of my coworkers are surly old men, several of which have drinking problems
>HR wants us to draw our feelings about our view on the company
this isnt the type of trucking I signed up for

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>Stacey, Chad, your partner is user
>Who is user?
>He's right behind you
>Entire class laughs

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this wasnt my fucking image god damn it hiromoot I thought you fixed this already. theres a very lost pepe somewhere.

get a ged and drop out already, you're not fit

>covers the entire contents alone nonetheless while chads and stacey's fuck behind you

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>have a group meeting in class
>"user, you're out of the group"
>go to the teacher and tell him they kicked me out
>"uh ok user, I guess we can put you in a different group"
>join different group and do the project with them
>tfw they were just kidding but you were too autistic to realize it

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I hate group assignments

Goddamn I hope you're joking. What grade?

>Last year of college
>Taking 6 classes this semester
>Have group assignments in 5 of my classes
I hate this

In my last year of university I did all the group projects myself for a class because the others were retarded. Then I submitted an email to my prof telling him that I did everything with proof showing the different document updates. I was just about to graduate and I was not about to get a shitty grade because other fags didn't care.


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imagine still being in school in the current year

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you're just like me except for the part you fucked up your freeloaders
i usually don't say anything about my teammates because i'm such a sweetheart

>"everyone, pick your partners!"
>tell teacher i dont have a partner
>"who else doesnt have a partner?"
>"come on guys, only two to a group!"
>"one of you girls from the group of three come be partners with user"
>they look at each other trying to figure out who is going to be my partner

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Unis have group assignments too

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>>tfw they were just kidding but you were too autistic to realize it
How did you figure that out?


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>almost ending second year
>still no friends
it will get better right bros?

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t. 4th year no friends ugly virgin freak

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My only friends are other Jow Forums posters

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Unfortunately not.
I'm a senior in university and still friendless. At this point I've given up on making friends and now I just go to class, lift weights, watch anime, and browse Jow Forums.

coomer quote


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aaw you alright buddy? you wanna shoot up your school? you gonna shoot up your highschool? fucking loser lmao

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