>another group assignment
Another group assignment
>"what's up user, you can't find your group members?" "guys, you really need to let him join one of your teams!"
>HR has the bright idea of inventing team building exercises
>ok lets reintroduce ourselves to our coworkers! we are a team! we can count on each other!
>all of my coworkers are surly old men, several of which have drinking problems
>HR wants us to draw our feelings about our view on the company
this isnt the type of trucking I signed up for
>Stacey, Chad, your partner is user
>Who is user?
>He's right behind you
>Entire class laughs
this wasnt my fucking image god damn it hiromoot I thought you fixed this already. theres a very lost pepe somewhere.
get a ged and drop out already, you're not fit
>covers the entire contents alone nonetheless while chads and stacey's fuck behind you
>have a group meeting in class
>"user, you're out of the group"
>go to the teacher and tell him they kicked me out
>"uh ok user, I guess we can put you in a different group"
>join different group and do the project with them
>tfw they were just kidding but you were too autistic to realize it
I hate group assignments
Goddamn I hope you're joking. What grade?
>Last year of college
>Taking 6 classes this semester
>Have group assignments in 5 of my classes
I hate this
In my last year of university I did all the group projects myself for a class because the others were retarded. Then I submitted an email to my prof telling him that I did everything with proof showing the different document updates. I was just about to graduate and I was not about to get a shitty grade because other fags didn't care.
imagine still being in school in the current year
you're just like me except for the part you fucked up your freeloaders
i usually don't say anything about my teammates because i'm such a sweetheart
>"everyone, pick your partners!"
>tell teacher i dont have a partner
>"who else doesnt have a partner?"
>"come on guys, only two to a group!"
>"one of you girls from the group of three come be partners with user"
>they look at each other trying to figure out who is going to be my partner
Unis have group assignments too
>>tfw they were just kidding but you were too autistic to realize it
How did you figure that out?
>almost ending second year
>still no friends
it will get better right bros?
t. 4th year no friends ugly virgin freak
My only friends are other Jow Forums posters
Unfortunately not.
I'm a senior in university and still friendless. At this point I've given up on making friends and now I just go to class, lift weights, watch anime, and browse Jow Forums.
coomer quote
aaw you alright buddy? you wanna shoot up your school? you gonna shoot up your highschool? fucking loser lmao